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Let's try and solve this...

May 18, 2023 - permalink

I recently talked to someone who believed DLB was natural, and I'm realizing it's because she doesn't have the typical hallmarks of a woman who's using, mainly the deep voice.

watch that video--Amanda and Maddy both have very pretty, feminine voices, but Hunters is deeper. still on the feminine side, but deeper.

amanda talks more about what could cause masculinization, and i think she says "everything" basically, but it depends on how much they use, and the person, since everyone reacts differently. Bell also mentions that usage has changed voer the years and that var(?) used to come in 2.5mg vials but now its like 25mg. DLB competed like ten years ago and my bet is whatever she was on was pretty bare minimum stuff and she got great results along with her training when she opted to move to the new division.

May 18, 2023 - permalink

watch that video--Amanda and Maddy both have very pretty, feminine voices, but Hunters is deeper. still on the feminine side, but deeper.

amanda talks more about what could cause masculinization, and i think she says "everything" basically, but it depends on how much they use, and the person, since everyone reacts differently. Bell also mentions that usage has changed voer the years and that var(?) used to come in 2.5mg vials but now its like 25mg. DLB competed like ten years ago and my bet is whatever she was on was pretty bare minimum stuff and she got great results along with her training when she opted to move to the new division.

DLB was definitely on more than “the bare minimum” with the physique that she had. Even with great genetics, you’re not gonna get a body like that with only a “little var or a little test”

Genetics, in addition to determining how well you respond to PEDs, also determine how prominent negative side effects are. Women like DLB, Dani Reardon, Cindy Phillips and Britt Miller were on a lot of PEDs, but they had the genetics that minimized those negative sides.

May 18, 2023 - permalink

i mean bare minimum in the sense that they weren't showing 5 o'clock shadows all the time and their voices dipping into the baritone range, enough to do what they needed to do, but not enough to cause some of the undesirable changes for them

May 18, 2023 - permalink

Yeah I would assume DLB wasn't necessarily on a "bare minimum" cycle in general, but maybe if you compare her to today's top bodybuilders then one could make that argument.

Referring back to the video though, I did chuckle a little when they referred to anavar as a gateway drug (during Hunter Henderson's interview). 😅 I think it's a pretty apt assessment.

May 18, 2023 - permalink

thats the typical intro to gear for soooooo many lol

May 19, 2023 - permalink

I've been around the sport since near it's infancy and drugs have been there since the late 80's to early 90's when girls were just experimenting. There were some crazy gains. I saw some women get changed forever, while others were more subtle. It was the dark side of the sport when you would meet some at the WSE or Ny Muscle Club. Some were obvious, while others were not. It is part of the sport at this point. I'm sure there are some new drugs around, but the basics are still the same. The deep voice and acne are the 2 effects I found most unappealing. Some girls could get huge and still look feminine. Others....not so much.

That video shows how many women in the sport got into it. They often do their own research or go with a trainer or other user. It was not frowned upon in the 90's as many did not know how much the effects can change someone.

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