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Female Powerlifting Deadlifts

Mar 14, 2023 - permalink

Women powerlifting deadlifts conventional are exploding.. no one seems to touch ped topic on IG.. are some of the lifts natty?? Like 5 plates conventional and above.. 5 pltes conv is common for Powelifting girls now !!! Does peds have immense effect on strength? Or is it simply perfrct training?

Mar 14, 2023 - permalink

Women powerlifting deadlifts conventional are exploding.

No, they're not. What you're seeing is social media algorithms recognizing that you are interested in seeing extremely strong women, and as a result your feed is flooded with, you guessed it, extremely strong women. While there are more women who are participating in strength training and in strength sports, the extremely strong are a very small group, and with social media, it's very easy to have a warped view on just how many of them there are in the general populace. The nature of social media also has the unfortunate negative effect of only promoting those top-tier performers into the front line when it comes to viewership. There are so many other fit and capable men and women out there, but since they're not lifting those high numbers, or don't have clearly "enhanced" physiques, they often get buried in most people's feeds.

And what do you mean by five plates? Do you mean the red 25KG plates? If so, with each plate weighing 55 lbs, and assuming they are using a 45 lb bar, that's a weight of 595 lbs. Again, very, very, VERY few women are capable of pulling that much weight. It is not anywhere near as common as you think it is, and don't be blinded by social media as making it seem like there are more of them than there are.

And yes, PEDs have an immense impact on strength. But it's also not an either/or thing when it comes to PEDs and "perfect training." I know plenty of people on PEDs who look and lift like shit because their training and diet suck. To be at that level, you need great genetics (probably the most important thing,) proper training and nutrition along with recovery, mobility work and injury prevention, and of course PEDs. And no, those top women are not natty.

Mar 15, 2023 - permalink

Appreciate this comprehensive comment !!! Answers almost all my lingering doubts !!!

Mar 15, 2023 - permalink

Just pop 100mg anadrol for 2 weeks and you'll understand what PEDs can do for strength 😅

Mar 16, 2023 - permalink

Just pop 100mg anadrol for 2 weeks and you'll understand what PEDs can do for strength 😅

Damn !!! Respect increased to those who are open abt use

Jun 07, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Fbb_best
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