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Got dumped then shredded. Ex then wants her back. Wonder how often this happens?

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink
Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

All the time

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

All the time

No. This is a clear case of survivorship bias. If everyone who got rejected for being overweight got in shape, we would be seeing a lot more fit people out there.

And it goes without saying, but Rachael, not withstanding all the hard work she put into building her physique, didn't do this naturally (read, PED-free).

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

And it goes without saying, but Rachael, not withstanding all the hard work she put into building her physique, didn't do this naturally (read, PED-free).

Has she said as much?

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

Has she said as much?

I skimmed through the vid, and she does have a hint of PED-voice.

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

And it goes without saying, but Rachael, not withstanding all the hard work she put into building her physique, didn't do this naturally (read, PED-free).

Relevance, Your Honor?

PEDs don't actually drive anyone to the gym consistently each week or do the cardio for them. I mean, fuck, this girl quite likely saved her life by dropping so much excess weight and the response is "yeah, but". Is she running around playing "fitness influence" while trying to sell a product dedicated to a supposed PED-free lifestyle?

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

Not often, almost never I would say

Being rejected can lead a girl to improve body and/or mind, but contrary to our taste, most men don't like buff girls and most girls don't want to be buff, they will seek to lose weight if they believe the problem was being fat (if they aren't on board with "body positivity" stuff) but almost never to get muscular and shredded, or anything like that

This post-dump grindset is far more common in men

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

People are attracted to confidence, I don't believe this happens often since most men like small/slinder women but when it does occur it's awesome to see. 😄

Relevance, Your Honor?

PEDs don't actually drive anyone to the gym consistently each week or do the cardio for them. I mean, fuck, this girl quite likely saved her life by dropping so much excess weight and the response is "yeah, but". Is she running around playing "fitness influence" while trying to sell a product dedicated to a supposed PED-free lifestyle?

Yeah what she's done is pretty impressive the west has a obesity problem and doctors have recently began to diagnose it as a addiction since people litterly cannot stop eating, PEDs can't help you beat a problem like that only will power can.

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

I don't know the stats but I'm going to guess for every guy who has a muscle fetish there are at least 2 guys who are into chubby women.

It's easy to get a distorted perspective on here but we have to remember muscles is a rare fetish.

Most guys look at a bicep and will feel no more attracted to it than they are to someone's ear.

Feb 10, 2023 - permalink

ok, so the tag is that her crush rejected her, the title of this thread doesn't really reflect this, but I'm leaving it as is because I would hope people at least click on the link.

getting rejected and getting dumped are two different things. if she was a normal girl, had a bf, put on some pounds and then the boyfriend rejected her that's one feeling, but that's not all on the guy.

getting rejected by her crush, meaning there's no relationship, is just life. he didn't like heavier girls, she was heavier. did she start lifting to get revenge or gain some confidence?

one thing i love about weight lost stories is round people discovering their facial features, isntead of being in the kind of generic "round" look. but her crush has no way of knowing what she looks like in that way if she's always been overweight, so it doesn't surprise me that once she shed some pounds and had some features, her physique aside, he might reconsider. i've done this all the time looking back on girls i never thought twice about growing up who suddenly had a glow up, and part of that was exercising and revealing that. especially if he saw her at some point during prep when faces start to pop but before they get a litlte gaunt.

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