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"lacking femininity"?

Mar 06, 2023 - permalink

these are both still on the site though, so really i'm not sure what's too masculine to mods...

One must draw the line somewhere. The most commonly suggested solution is to just post everything and then let the audience look at whatever they like and skip what they don't. This would be a low quality mess of morphs and photoshops and pictures that really belong to a niche of a niche of a niche of a niche.

Beauty of a thing actually means its desirability. Now one could repeat the adage that "desirability is in the eye of the one who desires", but at the same time what healthy and sane people desire isn't totally random or arbitrary. Downright ugliness does exist, but sometimes people can turn it upside down and feel desire for it. For example by associating it with strength or confidence. Health is quite objective and also desirable. I don't think there's any need to cater to anyone who desires sickness and decay.

I think the site is doing good if 100 % of the userbase finds 95 % of the material acceptable and 95 % finds 100 % of the material acceptable. So there is 5 % of users who will in some way dislike 5 % of the images, for example. This is at least a way this can be approached. Matter of taste does not mean that anything goes. It can also mean serving the greatest amount of tastes while offending the least amount.

Also, moderators are just human. Apologies to all alien and ethereal moderators, if any. So once some image gets posted, there is some tendency for things to go on as they are, unless there is a reason to change something. Of the two example pictures, the bulkier one actually looks more feminine. The roundness, the smile, the hair. Some pictures will get removed immediately, some eventually and some will remain, so it is simply not sane to expect to get an unequivocal rule that is enforced strictly and without delay.

None of you really get rewarded or punished for anything that happens here, so strictly speaking nobody has any "rights" here or is entitled to any justice or recompense. Rules are nice to have and get enforced on a best effort basis. Some people (not you) sometimes go all Matlock here. Which is diffrent from what I am doing, because I never insist that anyone must abide by anything. Anyone can offer good reasons and people are free to take them or leave them, if they're worth the trouble.

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