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List of trans women bodybuilders

Feb 08, 2023 - permalink

How about listing there trans women that actively and openly bodybuild for various purposes? I would begin with:

Janae Marie Kroc

Josey lynn davis

And of course Monica Arbrun

Let's add other fabolous athletes!

Feb 27, 2023 - permalink

Monica Arbrun

Considering how much she photoshops her pics, we have no idea what her actual physique looks like, but yeah she probably counts.

Apr 05, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 05, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Let's not with the derogatory terms. Blah blah, I'm not interested in a debate, it's not that hard to avoid.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Not sure why my post was deleted. I sometimes honestly can’t tell which bodybuilders are trans and which aren’t. Was that offensive?

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink


Again, not interested in a debate, just knock it off.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

Got it. Thanks

Apr 14, 2023 - edited Apr 14, 2023 - permalink

There is a discussion about Eva, 220lbs, 18inch biceps. I can't imagine she is trans (I would have no problem with that btw). What a beautiful woman, so or so. https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1979101/

Discussion under this vid: https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1978483/

Some users are sure she is transgender. Can anyone help?

Apr 14, 2023 - permalink

There is a discussion about Eva, 220lbs, 18inch biceps. I can't imagine she is trans (I would have no problem with that btw). What a beautiful woman, so or so. https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1979101/

Discussion under this vid: https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1978483/

Some users are sure she is transgender. Can anyone help?

It’s broken link or deleted

Apr 14, 2023 - edited Apr 18, 2023 - permalink

Yep, Eva Bella/evabella.la/eva.the.supergirl is trans to my understanding.

Apr 15, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 17, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by chipperpip
Apr 20, 2023 - permalink

Chris Tina Bruce was ripped back in the day, but has downgraded to fitness:

Apr 20, 2023 - permalink

Chris Tina Bruce was ripped back in the day, but has downgraded to fitness:

A couple videos of her in bodybuilding shape: one, two

Apr 20, 2023 - permalink

Sexy as hell

Apr 20, 2023 - permalink

A pity she downsized. Love her mass along with symmetry and lean frame

Apr 21, 2023 - permalink

Estrogen. It's why even Janae doesn't have the mass she used to.

Personally, I understand why other trans women want to be as close to bio female as possible, but I believe in being natural. No hormones, no surgeries, and use the testosterone nature gave you to make yourself a mountain of female :)

Apr 21, 2023 - permalink

Nina Lawless and her epic abs

Apr 21, 2023 - permalink

Estrogen. It's why even Janae doesn't have the mass she used to.

Personally, I understand why other trans women want to be as close to bio female as possible, but I believe in being natural. No hormones, no surgeries, and use the testosterone nature gave you to make yourself a mountain of female :)

Yes, to each her/his own. I am married to a trans woman who did both hrt and sex reassignement and she used to lift. Of course she is not huge at all as she was as a male, but she recovered a good amount of muscles in the years

Apr 22, 2023 - permalink

Nina Lawless and her epic abs

Lovely. Ever loved her cuteness along the impression of strength and explosive power she has. And also a real beauty.

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Lovely. Ever loved her cuteness along the impression of strength and explosive power she has. And also a real beauty.

she looks amazing...why do trans look more like women than women do?

Apr 28, 2023 - permalink

Trans women are women. The difference you're thinking of is trans women and cis women.

And it's because we tend to try a lot harder when it comes to makeup and hairstyles and all that stuff, cuz it doesn't come natural and needs to be practiced. For most trans girls anyway, I prefer being a big butch momma :)

Apr 29, 2023 - permalink

Trans women are women. The difference you're thinking of is trans women and cis women.

And it's because we tend to try a lot harder when it comes to makeup and hairstyles and all that stuff, cuz it doesn't come natural and needs to be practiced. For most trans girls anyway, I prefer being a big butch momma :)

There is no a "right" way to be a trans woman. I would not speak about "natural" about makeup and hairstyles for females, it is just because young girls are taught to and young boys are not. So the need for practice. But it is good being a butch momma as it is to care for makeups and heels and nails and hairstyles. Different ways different results same proudness ❤

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