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What is a schmoe?

Jan 22, 2023 - edited Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

You don't have to be a gym buff to have an FBB wife

Don't kid yourself. Yeah, you don't need to a bodybuilder yourself, but there's a reason why fit women usually get with fit men. It's about sharing a similar lifestyle. When you're that dedicated in the gym, in your diet, and in your recovery, having a partner who doesn't share in those things can lead to an enormous amount of strain (I've heard stories from fit and muscular women who have tried dating non-fit guys, but usually they complain about how much time they spend at the gym, or what they have in the house for meals, or that they can't always go out for drinks and crappy food, etc.) And yes, while there are couples out there where the guy is significantly less fit than his partner, they are the exception, not the norm. Want a fit woman? Get involved in your fitness community.>>

No kidding. My FBB friend is married to a professional guy who wears sports jackets, never works out (but is a work a holic) and eats McDonalds. Of course many / most marry into partners with a similar lifestyle, but for some, that is not the criteria they are looking for. Fact. However, most guys who don't work out would not cope with the totally selfish attitude of an FBB, or any sports person who has to think only of themselves in order to compete at a high level.

I also remember a TV show where Louis Theroux followed bodybuilders around and interviewed them and explored the whole muscle fetish world (Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends (1998) - Body-Building). One guy was interviewed and again, an average guy who didn't work out and his wife was a pro bodybuilder. Opposites do attract, even in the world of FBB. Some women want a guy who is not into their body as much as they are in to theirs. And long may that be!

Jan 22, 2023 - edited Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

You don't have to be a gym buff to have an FBB wife

No kidding. My FBB friend is married to a professional guy who wears sports jackets and eats McDonalds. Of course many marry into partners with a similar lifestyle, but for some, that is not the criteria they are looking for. Fact.

Everyone has different tastes, for sure, but I do think that having the same lifestyle greatly increases one's chances of landing a FBB.

That said, I've dated plenty of muscular women and I've only a slightly above average build. I was athletic in my youth, but I kinda let things go since then. But I've never dated a competitive FBB.

Here's what I've seen as the norm on this website when it comes to FBBs and their significant others ... the dude is clearly jacked:

Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

You don't have to be a gym buff to have an FBB wife

No kidding. My FBB friend is married to a professional guy who wears sports jackets, never works out (but is a work a holic) and eats McDonalds. Of course many / most marry into partners with a similar lifestyle, but for some, that is not the criteria they are looking for. Fact. However, most guys who don't work out would not cope with the totally selfish attitude of an FBB, or any sports person who has to think only of themselves in order to compete at a high level.

I also remember a TV show where Louis Theroux followed bodybuilders around and interviewed them and explored the whole muscle fetish world (Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends (1998) - Body-Building). One guy was interviewed and again, an average guy who didn't work out and his wife was a pro bodybuilder. Opposites do attract, even in the world of FBB. Some women want a guy who is not into their body as much as they are in to theirs. And long may that be!

And again, like I said in my original post, they are the exception, and not the norm. That also includes your fbb friend.

I also know a bodybuilder who just earned her pro card and is married to a non-athletic guy, but they were married before she started bodybuilding.

Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

Everyone has different tastes, for sure, but I do think that having the same lifestyle greatly increases one's chances of landing a FBB.

That said, I've dated plenty of muscular women and I've only a slightly above average build. I was athletic in my youth, but I kinda let things go since then. But I've never dated a competitive FBB.

Absolutely. Particularly now, as many men would find it hard to have an FBB partner, but also understand the session world that their partner will probably still use to fund their sport. Unless he is finantially able to fund her, of course.

Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

And again, like I said in my original post, they are the exception, and not the norm. That also includes your fbb friend.

I also know a bodybuilder who just earned her pro card and is married to a non-athletic guy, but they were married before she started bodybuilding.

Can male bodybuilders be schmoes or does their muscular lifestyle preclude them from this designation?

Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

Can male bodybuilders be schmoes or does their muscular lifestyle preclude them from this designation?

I would say yes to that. Again, definition of a schmoe. If you are a bodybuilder and date normally an FBB, I would not say he is a schmoe. As soon as he starts sessioning with other FBB's and is not in a relationship with them / pays for services and time, surely he is a schmoe?

Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

I would say yes to that. Again, definition of a schmoe. If you are a bodybuilder and date normally an FBB, I would not say he is a schmoe. As soon as he starts sessioning with other FBB's and is not in a relationship with them / pays for services and time, surely he is a schmoe?

How many male bodybuilders do you know that pay for sessions with FBB's? The male bodybuilders are likely getting together with their female counterparts sexually behind closed doors at competitions, you just never hear about it. MBB's are definitely not schmoes because if they desire it, they probably are hooking up with any single FBB's at the shows they both are a part of. This is a reasoned guess based on human nature, nothing more.

Jan 22, 2023 - edited Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

I prefer the dictionary definition, not the small world definition. If you wanted to use it to describe a man interacting with a woman it would be the guy who is persistently obtuse while hitting on them. Think Johnny Bravo

Jan 22, 2023 - permalink

Can male bodybuilders be schmoes or does their muscular lifestyle preclude them from this designation?

I think they can be. I consider a “schmoe” to be someone who has terrible social skills and can’t seem to separate their fetish from the person. Like a lot of the stuff that muscular women hear from “admirers” is just cringe. I remember a thread awhile back talking about people who have had bad experiences with FBBs, and in almost every case, it was because said person was expressing clearly fetishistic questions and comments towards them.

Male bodybuilders can be schmoes, but since they also train themselves, I think they’re less likely to ask those dumb fetish questions (like the “I bet you can beat guys up!” comments)

Jan 23, 2023 - edited Jan 23, 2023 - permalink

How many male bodybuilders do you know that pay for sessions with FBB's? The male bodybuilders are likely getting together with their female counterparts sexually behind closed doors at competitions, you just never hear about it. MBB's are definitely not schmoes because if they desire it, they probably are hooking up with any single FBB's at the shows they both are a part of. This is a reasoned guess based on human nature, nothing more.

The question was "Can male bodybuilders be schmoes or does their muscular lifestyle preclude them from this designation?" The answer is still yes. Just because it is not common knowledge that male BB's pay for sessions, does not mean it does not happen. Maybe ask a few sessionettes for their view. Possibly fewer than non bodybuilders but unlikely that it is non existant. You are not descriping Schmoe behavour when you talk about hook ups with single FBB's. There is a difference between hooking up with an FBB and paying for favours. So if a male BB pays for it, he is a schmoe. I see no reason why an FBB would not see a male BB as a client as well as a non male BB. Just because he trains in a gym does not exclude him from being a client and so a schmoe.

Jan 23, 2023 - permalink

Came across Marcie Simmons' channel few years back, and I remembered she adressed the issue in some videos. Here is a link to one of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1C6bdh8U2I

I am not up-to-date, but by the time the video wa posted she was an active competitor.

Jan 23, 2023 - permalink

Came across Marcie Simmons' channel few years back, and I remembered she adressed the issue in some videos. Here is a link to one of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1C6bdh8U2I

I am not up-to-date, but by the time the video wa posted she was an active competitor.

Excellent Video Yaya! Everyone should view this. Look on Instagram at FBB pages, you will see so many examples of what Marcie is saying. You could end this topic right here. Marcie, enough said.

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

It's why I don't give my money to FBBs in real life, because I don't want to be a schmoe just because I'm incredibly attracted to muscular women.

Agreed! Those schmoes/simps paying for the FBBs time, giving them donations and sending them cash apps; aren’t respected like they think they are. All the FBBers care about is making money. Sure a few may connect and become cool, but it’s all about making money to them. The sport isn’t lucrative and they gotta do whatever they can to maintain that lifestyle (supplements, food, travel, etc) As much as I’m attracted to them, I am not in the business of giving them my money; a simple like on IG will suffice

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

@luvem………Well said….As you know, I’ve had many sessions and have paid a fortune in the process….I might add worth every penny…Being able to afford my muscle lust has been a blessing….I would trade places with Mike Bogen of WPW in a heartbeat…. It is apparent to me that most guys that have a negative opinion on what a Schmoe is has never been with a muscular woman……Shut up Pay up have a session and experience real muscle lust…..

One doesn’t have to pay to have a experience with a FBBer. I for one have a few, even dated some in the process. It’s not hard to simple go to places where they may be and strike up a conversation. From the gym to social events, simple interaction with a woman can lead to positive results; the same goes for FBBers

Jan 25, 2023 - edited Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

After reading the requirements …I don’t check every box but many are checked … just being here imo for me qualifies 😂 I worship FBB’s thus

I’m a Schmoe!

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

Over the years I’ve connected with two or three women that were actively competing. I count this as: we can go several months without buying anything and we can still have conversations, we have conversations about stuff other than me talking about her body, including rather personal conversations about things. . It’s extremely rare and I appreciate it. But yeah, it’s extremely rare.

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

After reading the requirements …I don’t check every box but many are checked … just being here imo for me qualifies 😂 I worship FBB’s thus

I’m a Schmoe!

That's it! Say it with pride! I'll never apologize for finding muscular females the sexiest living beings on earth!

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

That's it! Say it with pride! I'll never apologize for finding muscular females the sexiest living beings on earth!

Proud of it ! Not only sexiest they are Goddess’ that are worshipped by Schmoe like myself ! Gorgeous females !

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

"Let my people schmoe!"

Jan 25, 2023 - permalink

Everyone on this site

Jan 26, 2023 - permalink

If you can put yourself in the muscular woman's shoes. You are a flawed, regular human being. Same struggles, fears, etc. as everybody else. Now here comes someone who wants to worship you like some god, motivated only by some sexual fetish. It's just an awkward dynamic to have with a stranger, in my opinion.

Nothing against the fetish itself. But there's a time and place for it.

Jan 26, 2023 - permalink

Nothing against the fetish itself. But there's a time and place for it.

When you think of how many guys have no idea how to talk to even a regular woman they like online,or in person. . . .

Jan 26, 2023 - permalink

> The big fat guy who licks his lips and fondles Michelle Maroldo's massive veiny bicep on the old WPW video is the prototype schmoe. He's physically repellant, super creepy, but rich enough to pay the woman to overcome her distaste.

@untergr8... That's unnecessarily cruel. Mike Bogen, the lucky guy in the Michele Maroldo video, was a very cool dude. Chatted with him multiple times in the old Diana the Valkyrie days. Was he the best actor, no. Was he in shape, no. Was the muscle worship plot goofy, absolutely. I'm sure myself and many others could have perhaps done a more realistic muscle worship video presentation. Still, if I was in his shoes, dealing with Michele and probably the best biceps ever developed by a female. I'm not sure how I could even breathe...much less act. By the way...Mike is no longer with us. He's worshipping biceps in heaven. 💪👍

God bless that man for bringing us the classics.

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