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An Da-Jeong Heart Attack

Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

How you think they get that lean bro? Basically same thing as PEDs .. its diuretics annd things like Clen. Be serious.

Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

so assuming someone into bodybuilding had a heart attack because of bodybuilding is completely baseless.

Dude bodybuilders take lots of substances. I don't know what An Da Jeong was taking, but let's take clen, which another person mentioned as an example.

Increased heart rate and dilation from using the drug can lead to cardiac hypertrophy. This condition is when the heart grows to an atypical size, which in turn can lead to a heart attack and eventually death.


Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

Ms. Jeong is one of the higher profile athletes to succumb to these negative side effects, but it is unfortunately pretty common when you look at the broader picture.

Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

> > My gosh.... don't be silly. It's obvious, drug abuse. There are a lot of medics talking about steroid abuse thanks to social media.

It isn't obvious. I'd say it's a good bet that PED use was a contributing factor, but not obvious. It happened around contest time and pro FBBs put their bodies through hell to get that lean and conditioned for contest day. Her heart might not have been able to take it on that strain alone. Or it could've been that plus the strain PEDs put on her body. Or maybe she has a medical condition of some sort. We don't know yet.

OMG... She wouldn't have been on stage looking like she did, in this level of competition, if it weren't for PED's.... so yes, they contributed to her heart attack, like it or not!!!

Dec 30, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

Anyway, she's out of the hospital now :)

Hopefully she'll recover well

Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

It's the conditioning that's doing them in. 20-30 years ago there was plenty of big girls using steroids and HGH and they weren't having problems like this. It's the ridiculous pre contest regimens to strip out all the water. It seems like lately there have been alot of women getting ill or dying right around contest time. Does having ultra ripped fibery glutes look cool? Yes. It's awesome but unrealistic. Especially for women who are supposed to carry even more water and fat than men. They need to reevaluate the judging criteria.


Dec 30, 2022 - edited Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

Anyway, she's out of the hospital now :)

Hopefully she'll recover well

That's great! Maybe she'll release a statement so we school girls will quit our gossiping.

Dec 30, 2022 - permalink

It's the conditioning that's doing them in. 20-30 years ago there was plenty of big girls using steroids and HGH and they weren't having problems like this. It's the ridiculous pre contest regimens to strip out all the water. It seems like lately there have been alot of women getting ill or dying right around contest time. Does having ultra ripped fibery glutes look cool? Yes. It's awesome but unrealistic. Especially for women who are supposed to carry even more water and fat than men. They need to reevaluate the judging criteria.

To be fair, the harsh conditioning protocols already began earlier, in the 70s, I recall reading once that Lasix (Diuretics) was already in use pre-contest. No to mention the notable deaths of Momo Benaziza and Andreas Münzer in the late 80s and mid-90s respectively. The 90s were infamous for the crazy experimentations BBers would go through, with the self-styled 'guru' Dan Duchaine as its main proponent: https://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=as...

Conditioning drugs seem not to have changed that much for the past two decades from what I gather.

Jan 07, 2023 - edited Jan 07, 2023 - permalink

Unless these very harmful PEDs are banned and those using them are not encouraged, let alone disqualified from competing, we'll see a whole lot of incidents ensue like this.

Jan 07, 2023 - permalink

They are banned, but people still use.

Jan 09, 2023 - edited Jan 09, 2023 - permalink

It's the conditioning that's doing them in. 20-30 years ago there was plenty of big girls using steroids and HGH and they weren't having problems like this. It's the ridiculous pre contest regimens to strip out all the water. It seems like lately there have been alot of women getting ill or dying right around contest time. Does having ultra ripped fibery glutes look cool? Yes. It's awesome but unrealistic. Especially for women who are supposed to carry even more water and fat than men. They need to reevaluate the judging criteria.

Agreed. Extreme dehydration is the most important factor behind most of these events. From a medical point of view, steroid abuse will probably have a negative impact on one's cardiovascular health, specially when used in high doses and for a long time, but diuretics and water deprivation are the things that are bringing these girls to the edge or over it. Dehydration kills people all the time, and can kill an otherwise healthy person in a short time, if that person doesn't recognize or choses to ignore the warning signs. *Edit: typo

Jan 09, 2023 - edited Jan 11, 2023 - permalink

It's the conditioning that's doing them in. 20-30 years ago there was plenty of big girls using steroids and HGH and they weren't having problems like this. It's the ridiculous pre contest regimens to strip out all the water. It seems like lately there have been alot of women getting ill or dying right around contest time. Does having ultra ripped fibery glutes look cool? Yes. It's awesome but unrealistic. Especially for women who are supposed to carry even more water and fat than men. They need to reevaluate the judging criteria.

Yeah people are pretending as though this has been going on for ages when in reality it's a fairly recent phenomena. I think this new 5% sub culture is to blame we have never lost so many folks back to back until this type of cult like group think came into play, all the bad coaches pushing these bodybuilders up and over into their coffins subscribe to this BS and it's sickening... .

Jan 11, 2023 - permalink

So did she ever release a statement or anything?

Jan 12, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by Chainer
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