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Has anyone seen or communicated with Kelly Winterss I haven't talked to her or seen her online

Dec 12, 2022 - permalink

I commented something on her IG about some mental health stuff. She's absolutely gorgeous and stunning I'm sure she gets flooded with msgs and DMs. Well she DMd me some advice on what I was going through and she was so sincere. I didn't look to much into or bug her but I let her know that she really helped me that night and we just communicated casually. Well I found out what "sessions" were and she was close plus gorgeous and I was comfortable around her so I told her I felt good and was interested in one. We discussed it and basically I was going to send the deposit after Christmas. Her IG isn't active, hasn't been on the SG site since the end of October, and hasn't posted anything since then I assumed it was bc of the holidays. I'm just worried about her bc we talked about regular stuff nothing about sessions or her trying to get me to buy content from her. If she decided to quit it sucks but I hope she's ok.

Dec 12, 2022 - permalink

Never heard of her but I'm wishing the best life can be tough. 🙏

Jan 19, 2023 - permalink

Dont know if you have tried HerBicepsCam.com but I have seen her there recently> And she is extremely hot and beautiful

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