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What's the story with "muscle mommies"?

Dec 02, 2022 - permalink

Dear comrades,

over the the last two or three month I have observed an increasing frequency of muscular girls referring to themselves as a "muscle mommy". While being supremely muscular, most of them do not fulfill the latter part of their chsoen title. Being in my early twenties, I am no stranger to intenert culture and this kind of ironic use of terms. However, I am interested if any of you have a) too noticed this uptick in self-proclaimed "muscle mommies" b) any idea as to the immediate cause of it's (perceived) sudden rise in popularity

Any hints would be welcome. I should add that I observed this uptick in the kind of girls I follow, which is to say in their twenties and not complete muscle monsters.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

Ppl like us get those trends on tiktok and every "muscle mommy" uses the same sound effects which clearly do the job which is getting followers. One girl called Kris (cant remember the full tiktok name) got like 20k followers in lets say week and a half. But i really do like that our taste in muscular women is getting normalized. More muscle mommies means that we can be more open about our taste in women. Now you say "i like muscular girls" and ppl (some ppl, its getting a majority cuz now im easily telling ppl about that) whereas couple years ago you would be described as a freak, weirdo etc.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

I like it a lot it shows that they are more open to being dominant. instead of only wanting to be submissive. as if they where not actually strong. so let's enjoy it.

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

My theory would be the uptick in the "muscle mommy" thing stemmed from leanbeefpatty. I remember a more plates more dates vid where Derek was reading out comments from her tiktok that said "Step on me mommy" (cause patty was doing a lot of low angle shots). Then the low angle pov quad craze happened also. And now muscular women seem to be revelling in this muscle mommy trend (i see a lot of it in my insta reels). All positives definitely.

I do hope for the day GWM goes mainstream tho. That would be the golden era for us, no?

Dec 03, 2022 - permalink

The muscle mommy's you seen in most of these things would be laughed away by the majority here as they're not roided enough. lol

Dec 05, 2022 - permalink

The muscle mommy's you seen in most of these things would be laughed away by the majority here as they're not roided enough. lol

Still great for muscular women in general. Makes women say “yeah having muscles is cool.” Instead of gross. Even just slightly athletic was “gross” for a lot of women not that long ago. Too many people in here forget that a girl doesn’t have to be fully juiced up to be muscular compared to the average woman.

Dec 05, 2022 - permalink

My theory would be the uptick in the "muscle mommy" thing stemmed from leanbeefpatty. I remember a more plates more dates vid where Derek was reading out comments from her tiktok that said "Step on me mommy" (cause patty was doing a lot of low angle shots). Then the low angle pov quad craze happened also. And now muscular women seem to be revelling in this muscle mommy trend (i see a lot of it in my insta reels). All positives definitely.

I do hope for the day GWM goes mainstream tho. That would be the golden era for us, no?

I think this is accurate. They call it "viral" for a reason--memes and trends spread. I like that it's a thing now, hopefully it sticks around.

Dec 05, 2022 - permalink

Still great for muscular women in general. Makes women say “yeah having muscles is cool.” Instead of gross. Even just slightly athletic was “gross” for a lot of women not that long ago. Too many people in here forget that a girl doesn’t have to be fully juiced up to be muscular compared to the average woman.

Agreed! And some of those not massively muscled women are as strong or stronger than some of those huge women.

Dec 05, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by jimmy_7640
Dec 05, 2022 - edited Dec 05, 2022 - permalink

Coincidentally, just today an aquaintance of mine who is a mother of four kids and very attractive, appeared out of the blue on a Facebook fitness group I'm also a member of for older (over 50) competitors and fans. She was asking for local advice here in the UK for getting into competition. I knew she was into the gym but not at the bodybuilding level. I sent her over a WhatsApp and she responded that it is going to happen in the next year. She wants a big challenge - it's certainly that - because having divorced a few years ago and now having split up with a subsequent partner, she wants something to dedicate herself to for a while. I'm pretty excited about seeing what she does with her body aged almost 50. She has a good base as an amateur athlete in various activities such as Tough Mudder. I'm not an expert but if I were to offer her advice (which I won't because she's the feisty type and would rightly tell me like it is) I'd say she probably needs to carefully bulk for 8 to 9 months and then get cut for a bikini class comp.

Dec 06, 2022 - permalink

@brian9371 I don’t think this thread is about that kind of muscle “mommy” lol

Dec 06, 2022 - permalink

@brian9371 I don’t think this thread is about that kind of muscle “mommy” lol

You haven't seen her! 😉

Jan 09, 2023 - permalink

Def a tiktok meme, I think it came from weeb culture as well.

Jan 15, 2023 - permalink

Don't know where it came from and don't understand it, but that doesn't mean it can't be cool. I love seeing girls flex and if they wanna do that shit on terms that I don't understand or which don't make sense to me, fuck it, all the matters is the flex, so I'm in.

(though it is weird af when an 18yo refers to herself as "mommy" anything)

Jan 16, 2023 - permalink

Mommy here is the equalant of Daddy (As in sex). So basically someone who makes you feel safe. There are memes where boys become babies when they see a muscle mommy. Good for us that's it's trending and is being normalized

Jan 16, 2023 - permalink

I think this whole "muscle mommy" thing is great because it means more women will want to become muscular.

Jan 16, 2023 - permalink

Doesn’t really seem like it’s being “normalized,” it’s more of a joke. I’d say it’s an effect of more women lifting weights, not a cause. Social media has definitely made muscular women more visible, but in terms of the general population, over the last 10 years, there hasn’t been much of an increase in women trying to get buff.

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

honestly i think a lot of them love it, even if they're aware of the connotations. several of them use it as part of their handles or codes or whatever. a few that i talk with frequently definitely don't mind me using it when we're talking muscle. i think in general it has become a more generalized term for buff chicks. i mean, i know women don't like "chick" anymore so maybe it's better than that, rather than worse, but as long as you don't get weird or CALL THEM THAT IN PERSON i think everyone is cool with it.

also theres def an increase in girls working out. when im lookign around at posts and i'm seeing girls in high school and college going to the gym in twos or threes, that's one or two more than I saw going to the gym together over the last 10 years. also, again anecdotally, my current gym which skews a lot older has WAY more young women working out, lifting, doing compound lifts than when i was there 10 years ago. almost no cardio bunnies. it's wild. just today i saw no less than 4 NEW women at my gym that are new to me, anyway, with very nice quads and calves, who knows what was going on under the shirt.

far more women are not afraid of getting under a barbell these days

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Excellent point - may be something that's their term, but not our (fans) term.

Kinda like the word "refeed".

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Excellent point - may be something that's their term, but not our (fans) term.

Kinda like the word "refeed".

If someone calls themselves that, they’re an e-girl with something to sell, usually.

also theres def an increase in girls working out. when im lookign around at posts and i'm seeing girls in high school and college going to the gym in twos or threes, that's one or two more than I saw going to the gym together over the last 10 years. also, again anecdotally, my current gym which skews a lot older has WAY more young women working out, lifting, doing compound lifts than when i was there 10 years ago. almost no cardio bunnies. it's wild. just today i saw no less than 4 NEW women at my gym that are new to me, anyway, with very nice quads and calves, who knows what was going on under the shirt.

Right, well, even you admit your evidence is anecdotal. It’s easy for someone with a fetish for buff chicks to be hopeful that more women are trying to get muscular.

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Being hopeful isn’t moving women frol the elliotical to the squat rack, women moving themselves from the elliptical to the squat rack is doing that.

When I was in school they changed an entire basketball gym to a massive cardio room and doubled the machines they had. That was about 11 years ago. That room is gone—they’ve needed to turn around and buy more power racks, bumper plates, and barbells. Whole more people are training like this in general you were most likely to see girls loading up the cardio area. Even my current commercial gym ended up removing an entire room of spin bikes to add 4 squat racks so we could have 7 total. The room is solidly 50/50 whenever I’m there.

Sure there might only be 4-5 women at my gym I would describe as buff but none of them are bodybuilders and I do notice how many of them hahe nice squats and deadlifts rather than some of the mediocre stuff that used to be more common

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Being hopeful isn’t moving women frol the elliotical to the squat rack, women moving themselves from the elliptical to the squat rack is doing that.

Yea no shit. My point is that the term “muscle mommy” isn’t making them do that.

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Lmao where did I say the term was making girls go to the gym

Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Let's get this back on topic

Here's a funny vid for muscle mommy


Jan 17, 2023 - permalink

Lmao where did I say the term was making girls go to the gym

You’re not the only person in this thread…and if you’ve found a few more people to stare at at your gym, congratulations. That doesn’t mean there’s some revolution of women lifting weights going on.

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