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[Revised] What is your favorite body type?

What is your favorite body type? (538 total votes)

Jacked (balanced upper & lower body) (110, 20.4%)
Curvy and jacked (92, 17.1%)
Moderately muscular (balanced upper & lower body) (65, 12.1%)
Curvy and moderately muscular (56, 10.4%)
Jacked w/ emphasis on upper body (55, 10.2%)
Moderately muscular w/ emphasis on upper body (41, 7.6%)
Moderately muscular w/ emphasis on lower body (40, 7.4%)
Slender yet toned (32, 5.9%)
Jacked w/ emphasis on lower body (28, 5.2%)
Curvy yet toned (19, 3.5%)
Nov 01, 2022 - permalink

I decided to remake the poll with less emphasis on bodyfat level and more emphasis on overall shape. I also managed to fill in all 10 slots with options, which is one more than last time. I gave "slender" only 1 option because to me someone can't really be slender AND jacked, for instance... you would just be "jacked."

I'm defining "jacked" here as being larger than "moderately muscular," or simply the largest of the 3 options.

Upper and lower body should be obvious, but for lower body it's everything from the waist down, and upper body is everything from the waist up.

Nov 02, 2022 - permalink

Moderately muscular w/ emphasis on lower body

Nov 03, 2022 - permalink

My favorite is absolutely jacked, with a balance between upper and lower body. I think I technically prefer the upper body in a vacuum but unbalanced physiques in general (be it upper-focused or lower-focused) look "incomplete" and a bit wonky to me.

Nov 05, 2022 - permalink

Looks like "Curvy/jacked" and "Jacked/balanced" are neck and neck!

Nov 06, 2022 - permalink

For me it's gals who could be huge MBB from the neck down.

Nov 09, 2022 - permalink

Extremely jacked, ideally upper and lower. Anne Freitas was a good example of this at her peak.

Nov 09, 2022 - edited Nov 09, 2022 - permalink

Jacked upper & lower body definitely, as long as they are still feminine. Wide shoulders & narrow waist, with definition everywhere.

Nov 10, 2022 - permalink

I prefer the bulky type than shredded

Nov 10, 2022 - permalink

Nikki Fuller from 20 years ago

Nov 10, 2022 - permalink

For those wondering, "Curvy and jacked" would be similar to and/or include someone like Kiki Vhyce. This means they are exceptionally muscular, but also maintain curves in all of the typically "feminine" places (hips, thighs, and chest).

I didn't really include an option for obese people (excessive amounts of bodyfat, but still muscular) (Jackie Koorn, for example). If there was an 11th slot available, I might have included this as an option.

Nov 10, 2022 - permalink

Insanely jacked and shredded with a good balance between upper and lower body. Bev Francis in her prime is a perfect example.

Nov 13, 2022 - permalink

I like them girls huge, shredded and vascular

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