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Has Tiktok overtaken IG as the dominant platform?

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I'll use Amazona as an example. Her IG currently has over 51K followers. However, her Tiktok has over 253K... which would indicate that her Tiktok page is roughly 5 times more popular.

Also, she started her IG first, with her first post being from Jan. 2020, while her first post from her Tiktok page is from over a year later, in Feb. 2021. So her Tiktok page blew up to be 5 times more popular than her IG page, and in a shorter span of time.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Also, I do realize that IG still has more female muscle content, but that's more likely a result of just having been around for much longer than Tiktok. The way things look, it seems like people are flocking to Tiktok. IG isn't dead yet, but who knows where it could be in just another 2-3 years?

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Not that I've been tracking and noting trends between the two, but even around my demographic (mid 30s) IG has become what facebook used to be for us: sharing stuff I saw a week ago on tiktok.

A lot of people are pretty upset that IG is starting to emulate tiktok in terms of interface or capabilities (reels, replying to comments with videos etc). but at the moment tiktok has a lot more traffic. something seems to be a lot more able to trend or blow up on tiktok than i've ever seen on instagram.

I wonder how much of this is due to some features:

  • caption length (although tiktok just added like unlimited characters basically no one uses them, so no dumb captions

  • closed captioning for the deaf or hard of hearing built in

  • company made and user made filters

  • stitching capability with other videos

  • mods for live broadcasts and gifting/likes in live

  • ability to see other videos using the same audio by having the display audio be a hyperlink

  • ability to link comments + video reply which is great for people who like to do that

  • maybe most importantly:

1) you can't dm someone who doesn't follow you back. you get three messages to get their attention but after that you're locked out

2) you can now restrict comments on posts if they have keywords in them, that you can set yourself, which is incredible.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Tiktok does not have images so it can't replace Instagram tiktok is only for videos while videos where a bonus feature on Instagram added later om

also one downside for most social media these days is strict moderation so many pages get banned randomly i have been banned from Instagram and they never told me what i did wrong so maybe people want to branch out more so they have a back up but

i hope all these platforms go out of business and get replaced with something with a decent ui and another thing i hate about Instagram is the limited image quality if you zoom in the pics from Instagram look terrible compared to a lot of stuff uploaded to other platforms like Twitter or imgur

but most people these days only want to use Instagram so i hope it goes away and gets replaced by something better but looking at the trends it will be replaced with something even worse.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Tiktok does not have images so it can't replace Instagram tiktok is only for videos while videos where a bonus feature on Instagram added later om

this isn't directed at you, just in general.

the hang up with it not being a photo-based app isn't really tracking. unlike instagram you can download video directly from the app to your phone without having to resort to a third-party application.

now you have access to every frame of the video and can screenshot as many moments as you want instead of getting just the one photo or a couple that get posted.

are there a lot of trash videos with basically almost no content in them, the barest flex? yes, tons. but there are also a lot of garbage photos that people forget about the next hour, especially if you consider many of the selfie flexes are ALREADY screenshots themselves from a video the poster took so they could have a moment, so it's already down in quality.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Yea but video screenshots look even worse than most Instagram pics some pics taken by professional photographers look much better than anything on video even with Instagrams terrible compression the compression for videos is made to look good in motion but when you pause it it looks blurry and has artifacts while pictures don't need to be very compressed.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I have a theory that each generation has it's own "next-gen" platform of choice, different from their parents. First there was Myspace (as far as popular social media goes), then Facebook, then Twitter/Instagram, and now it's Tiktok/Snapchat.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I don't use any but snapchat is still around? It's been around for a while though.

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

Yes it has

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

I don't use any but snapchat is still around? It's been around for a while though.

More popular with Gen Z. Not really conducive for us. I took a screenshot of someone’s fitness Snapchat and got removed lol

Aug 12, 2022 - permalink

The biggest difference why TikTok is more popular is China. Instagram is banned in China. So TikTok has potentially 1.4 billion more users. That's why TikTok numbers are more than Instagram

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

I think TikTok is too niche in its overall content theme to ever replace IG. If you want to share your contest photos, you're going to do it on IG. If you want to share a photo shoot, IG. TikTok is more meme content and dancing and is solely video driven. It's far too niche a platform to ever replace IG entirely. By niche, I mean what you can use it for, not its popularity.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

Anything that's banned in China is exactly what I'm gonna use.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

TikTok is just annoying......can't bother to waste time even watching some of them.....

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

Anything that's banned in China is exactly what I'm gonna use.

You speaketh the truth. Communist assholes.

Aug 13, 2022 - permalink

tiktok is big for under 25. its vine 2.0

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