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What causes this look? Tight, bulging shoulders.

Aug 04, 2022 - edited Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

Is it just low water, low bodyfat? Tight skin? Is there something else happening? A certain supplement? It's distinctive and I don't see it very often. It's very nice.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

I guess the big part is genetics and of course hard training.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink


Seriously. Capped delts on women are an indicator of steroid use.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

Exactly as Gatsby says. The high density of androgen receptors in the deltoids means that they respond disproportionately well to steroids.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

steroids and very low bodyfat

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

It's distinctive and I don't see it very often.

If you're asking why some women's delts appear more capped than others, then I would say it has to do with their genetics and workout routine.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

Their response to roids. Theyll always cause shoulders to blow up.. but some people obviously respond realllly well to gear.

Aug 05, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Aug 05, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Genetics and workout routine? I mean sure, cgsweat, they play a role, but come on now...

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Genetics and workout routine? I mean sure, cgsweat, they play a role, but come on now...

I'm not denying the use of PED's, since several others had already pointed that out. You do realize that if two women are on the same gear and if one of them presents with more capped delts than the other one, then what is the deciding factor?

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

Their response to roids. Theyll always cause shoulders to blow up.. but some people obviously respond realllly well to gear.

Sorry you dont know what your talking about. You can take all the steroids you can but if you dont put in hard work at the gym, you are still not going to have shoulders like that. It just helps.

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

You do realize that if two women are on the same gear and if one of them presents with more capped delts than the other one, then what is the deciding factor?

Genetics also play a role in how they respond to gear. It’s why you also see people who look natty but are blasting, unlucky genetics.

Aug 06, 2022 - permalink

There is a name for exactly these type of shoulders. "3D Delts".

100% percent product of steroids. All the training and diet and genetics in the world would never produce these Delts without gear.

Listen to the people above.

Aug 07, 2022 - permalink

Sorry you dont know what your talking about. You can take all the steroids you can but if you dont put in hard work at the gym, you are still not going to have shoulders like that. It just helps.

Na i actually do know. Obviously the training portion goes without saying. But the rest is completely 100% accurate - its the response to steroids

"It just helps" lmfao YOU don't know what you're talking about. Delts like the above are a dime a dozen in bodybuilding....because surprise surprise when you jump on gear your shoulders blow up if you actually yes...bother to train them.

Aug 07, 2022 - permalink

Two other things at play in those pics...

1) post-shoulder workout pump 2) favourable lighting and viewing angle

Aug 07, 2022 - permalink

That's kind of what I ment dude. They do help but if you dont worknout you will not build any muscle. Take a picture now and take steroids for a year and take a picture. You will look the same. I'm saying if you dont go to the gym and work hard. Steroids will not help you.

Aug 07, 2022 - permalink

That's kind of what I ment dude. They do help but if you dont worknout you will not build any muscle. Take a picture now and take steroids for a year and take a picture. You will look the same. I'm saying if you dont go to the gym and work hard. Steroids will not help you.

In fact there is already research on that scenario. Steroids for non training men produce an average gain of 7 pounds of muscle.

Many people after a year of training might not gain as much if they are not that disciplened with training.

Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

That's kind of what I ment dude. They do help but if you dont worknout you will not build any muscle. Take a picture now and take steroids for a year and take a picture. You will look the same. I'm saying if you dont go to the gym and work hard. Steroids will not help you.

Yeah that’s not true at all. Even if you don’t train and take steroids you’ll gain muscle. Obviously it won’t be as significant as if you trained and ate well, but steroids will make you gain muscle whether you train or not.

Aug 08, 2022 - edited Aug 08, 2022 - permalink

Yeah that’s not true at all. Even if you don’t train and take steroids you’ll gain muscle. Obviously it won’t be as significant as if you trained and ate well, but steroids will make you gain muscle whether you train or not.

Exactly. Lol how do people think you put muscle ( and everything else) on your body when you're a growing kid? Working out? Lol it's all hormones!

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