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For armwrestling fans...

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Mar 15, 2024 - edited Mar 15, 2024 - permalink

Anyone have any insight into how much she lifts?

Idk but she is looking bigger now than in that armwrestling match...

Apr 21, 2024 - edited Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

the 2 on left

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

the 2 on left

You're going to need a new trophy room 🤣

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

You're going to need a new trophy room 🤣

we have 3 show cases

Apr 21, 2024 - permalink

the 2 on left

Fantastic achievements. Must make for some very impressive show cases. Each trophy or medal has a story behind it. Well done Liesbeth. You are without doubt a very capable competitor.

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink


My final Armwerstling Trophy arrived

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Very cool Liesbeth!!! May you thrive and prosper...and continue armwrestling of course!

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Congrats! Do you practice a lot? What armwrestling style do you prefer?

Apr 24, 2024 - edited Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Congrats! Do you practice a lot? What armwrestling style do you prefer?

I don't be a professional arm wrestler . But i like to arm wrestle and complete at challenges . I dont prefer a special style i use the techniques some pro arm wrestlers teached me at visit booths of exhibitors who show arm wrestlng equipment . This are most the places where i enter one of the offered competitions . This is most the arm wrestling exhibitor or it is a expo competition .

I noticed that i be pretty good at strap matches . First time it was very unusual for me but i liked it pretty quick . So if you ask what i prefer i think armwrestle with strap .

When i be training arm wrestling with my man at our home gym aw table we work most on my strength endurance at hold in 1/4 - 1/3 disadvantage position . Normally till muscle failure multiple time , He really knows how much strength he needs to squeeze the max out of my arms without put my arm down

This are competitions with a real armwrestling table real judges that put hands , arms in place and release the start . The rules are pretty same like at professional competiton but not same strict i guess . It is nice to win trophys something to be proud on and show For me it was first time win place one Ok just left but feels great .

Most of the competitions especialy arm wrestle i do are at EXPOS i work as booth girl .

One thing is for sure a judged contest match at the professional table is really different to the arm wrestling i do frequently with other people who challenges me

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

HAllo Lisbeth, warst du auch beim FIBO dieses Jahr als Standgirl dabei ?

Apr 24, 2024 - edited Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

HAllo Liesbeth, warst du auch beim FIBO dieses Jahr als Standgirl dabei ?

Yes showing training equipment and work on

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Wow, that's a very detailed answer, thank you :D How many years have you been armwrestling for? I remember seeing posts about armwrestling mentioning you years ago. Also, if there any footage of this event?

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Yes i arm wrestle for some years . Don't remember exactly about my first competitive armwrestling but i guess i was about 8 / 9 years ago at a expo booth .

Get asked for arm wrestle since was a young girl . Always when people ( especially young men ) notice that i have some bicep they ask for arm wrestle frequently . I always had a nice hard definied popping out bicep peak so the challenges always was there but did not like at young age . When armwrestled then i never realy tried to win exept the boys i did not like lol So 100 % diferent to nowdays

It all started over 15 years ago when begin compete at fitness and i realize what i be able to reach physically and people love my muscle and strength . The beauty contests i did at teen to 18 / 20 was the wrong body guide for me

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Yes i arm wrestle for some years . Don't remember exactly about my first competitive armwrestling but i guess i was about 8 / 9 years ago at a expo booth .

Get asked for arm wrestle since was a young girl . Always when people ( especially young men ) notice that i have some bicep they ask for arm wrestle frequently . I always had a nice hard definied popping out bicep peak so the challenges always was there but did not like at young age . When armwrestled then i never realy tried to win exept the boys i did not like lol So 100 % diferent to nowdays

It all started over 15 years ago when begin compete at fitness and i realize what i be able to reach physically and people love my muscle and strength . The beauty contests i did at teen to 18 / 20 was the wrong body guide for me

Have you ever trained with a professional armwrestler? I think you could go much further in the sport if you trained on your technique with a proper coach. I would love to see more girls in armwrestling, especially in Europe 😀

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Yes was coached by some pros at my first contests at expo . But just short time . It was to prepare the men and woman for the challenge and avoid injuries and essential stipulation for compete . This really helped me a lot and i leanred the basics Over the years i learned much more by frequently asked pros at the expo booths for a short training at the table

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Yes was coached by some pros at my first contests at expo . But just short time . It was to prepare the men and woman for the challenge and avoid injuries and essential stipulation for compete . This really helped me a lot and i leanred the basics Over the years i learned much more by frequently asked pros at the expo booths for a short training at the table

Nice. When are you planning to compete next?

Apr 24, 2024 - edited Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Dont know guess next bb/Fitness Expo i work at.

Did some armwresling at my Jobs as guest athelete at Gym events 10 / 15 year aniversary or opening but this was open challenges for the visitors / audience. Pretty much fun and some good challenges for me too. Always enjoy the reactions

Apr 24, 2024 - permalink

Dont know guess next bb/Fitness Expo i work at.

Did some armwresling at my Jobs as guest athelete at Gym events 10 / 15 year aniversary or opening but this was open challenges for the visitors / audience. Pretty much fun and some good challenges for me too. Always enjoy the reactions

Are there any videos from these challenges? I wanna see your technique.

Jun 09, 2024 - permalink

Earned a new title at a Heavy Metal convention where i worked with my dancer girls .

Competed at a arm wrestling contest against the Female Singers and Band girls

My new Tile Strongest Dark Diva

Jun 09, 2024 - permalink

For me more a Fun Title because it was not very professional and most of the girls did not realy know how to arm wrestle but get a nice winner shirt and had a lot of fun

Jun 09, 2024 - permalink

Can u show the shirt? Where did this happe? Did any of the girls had muscles?

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

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