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Side effects of steroids or any kind substance on the body.

Apr 25, 2022 - edited Apr 27, 2022 by cgsweat - permalink

First of all, hello to this community. The other day I was looking at the topic "body hair" in the forum, and I was wondering: are these side effects of the use of substances that improve physical performance? My intention here is that we can see those side effects in people, like acne, body hair growth, clitoral enlargement and those kinds of consequences. I don't know if this topic is appropriate in this forum or in NSFW Pics / Discussion, in that case, the moderators can move it where appropriate, or just delete it. Obviously, let's keep the blacklisted people out of here. Thank you.

fixed spelling error in the title
Apr 25, 2022 - permalink

Any drug can have side effects. If you're wondering specifically about drugs that masculinize physical features in women as side effects, then you would be looking at steroids. I'm not an expert on PED's in general, or all of what they encompass, but I can tell you that if the drug is made from testosterone than it's going to have those side effects.

Apr 25, 2022 - permalink

Yes, body hair growth, acne and clitoral enlargement in women are all side effects of anabolic steroid use. I'm male and testosterone use has resulted in growth of back hair and hair on my upper arms and shoulders as well. (I shave it off.) Test is really androgenic and most women don't use it for that reason, but all anabolic steroids can cause virilization of some degree. Deepening of the voice is a common side effect in women and heavy use often results in masculinization of facial features. The occurrence and severity of side effects varies quite a bit from person to person though. Some women take heavy doses and experience dramatic gains in muscle mass yet hardly show any side effects at all. Luck of the draw, I guess.

Apr 26, 2022 - permalink

^ Karla Nelson use didn't seem to effect her voice. Like you said luck of the draw.

Apr 26, 2022 - permalink

I've heard of -- and seen -- women who have very distinctive jaw lines, which may be a very common side effect of steroid usage. But those are noticeable side effects and may disappear when discontinued, but I'm not a doctor. What is not noticeable is the steriod/PED usage on internal organs and how they destroy kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, etc. And the premature deaths that follow.

Apr 26, 2022 - permalink

Why do the drugs cause all that internal damage? Is it the testosterone itself that does it, or something else?

Apr 27, 2022 - permalink

I think most of the steroid related harm (as opposed to diuretic harm) is caused by elevated blood pressure. Testosterone (and most injectables) aren't that bad in this regard, but if you stay on them for really long periods of time, your blood pressure can keep creeping up. Really high doses can cause blood pressure to rise to unsafe levels, too. You have to keep in mind that pro bodybuilders ABUSE the SHIT out of steroids. Taking roids won't kill you, but taking a shitload of them and never going off might. Still, it is the diuretics and also insulin use that are really dangerous.

Apr 27, 2022 - permalink

I think most of the steroid related harm (as opposed to diuretic harm) is caused by elevated blood pressure. Testosterone (and most injectables) aren't that bad in this regard, but if you stay on them for really long periods of time, your blood pressure can keep creeping up. Really high doses can cause blood pressure to rise to unsafe levels, too. You have to keep in mind that pro bodybuilders ABUSE the SHIT out of steroids. Taking roids won't kill you, but taking a shitload of them and never going off might. Still, it is the diuretics and also insulin use that are really dangerous.

They also increase your red blood cell count. That can run the risk of clots developing which lead to stokes and heart attacks. It’s why it’s recommended to donate blood if you’re on cycle.

Apr 27, 2022 - permalink

I think that is for EQ. EQ can have that effect and is usually run at really high doses. I guess all steroids can cause this, but EQ is the only one that I have heard that it might be a good idea to donate blood while on it.

Apr 27, 2022 - permalink

What are "steoids"?

Apr 27, 2022 - permalink

I think that is for EQ. EQ can have that effect and is usually run at really high doses. I guess all steroids can cause this, but EQ is the only one that I have heard that it might be a good idea to donate blood while on it.

See this is why doctors need to be more involved, so that there can be a unified understanding. As it is now I always see conflicting information from every direction. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, because I am certainly no doctor myself. But there definitely needs to be an agreement from everyone that either:

  • Steroids are entirely bad (which I know there's at least some benefit to using them, especially when used in treating certain medical conditions/recoveries)
  • OR they are not all that bad, as long as dosages over time is properly managed (again information that varies from person to person, and so a doctor should be privy to)
  • OR maybe they're not quite as bad as we might think, provided a proper study is done (not condoning excessive use, again I'm seeking qualified professional information on the matter)
Apr 27, 2022 - edited Apr 27, 2022 - permalink

According to anabolic doc, who has specialised on sports medicine (and andrology I guess) and had worked with many athletes, there is no way to use them safely: https://youtu.be/MTLuD9MlZkE

May 01, 2022 - permalink

And the problem is that you don’t really know what you are getting. You buy online now, not from someone in the gym, and you cannot be sure how pure the steroids are. Blood pressure can be an issue. You can tell that from the way that you feel, and the headaches sometimes. I think Sarms are easier on your body in that respect. Once you go beyond Anavar as a female, you worry about the sides, especially if you go beyond smaller doses.

Jul 22, 2022 - permalink

The problem is that it takes a long time for the damage to occur and in the meantime those on steroids feel relatively fine until one day things start to go haywire. It's kind of like the frog in a beaker with water that is being gradually heated to boiling. The frog is unaware and complacent until the water starts boiling.

I suppose the only thing a person can do, should they go down that path, is to tell their doctor what they're doing and have him/her run appropriate and regular blood tests in order to nip anything going awry in the bud.

Aug 04, 2022 - permalink

As I know, some fitness supplements can cause high hair growth. Men and women can define because of different hormonal cycles.

Aug 05, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by damagecontrol
Sep 06, 2022 - permalink

https://twitter.com/mikesterling/status/15669... Yuliya Yudina talks about taking anabolics

Feb 23, 2023 - permalink

It's natural for women to hold a higher percentage of their bodyfat in hips and thighs, as opposed to men (around their waists). What are women contestants taking in recent years that REVERSES that tendency? So many women on this site now have amazingly ripped lower bodies but bodyfat elsewhere. Maybe it's drugs in combination with specific contest prep techniques. Any Internet information on this?

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