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Introduction of @thekyledeauna, GWM member with #Autism

Mar 30, 2022 - edited Apr 01, 2022 by fp909 - permalink

Hi, Good Afternoon to all from Boston, Massachusetts.

I would like to introduce myself to those of you here on GWM who don't know me yet.

My name is Kyle. I'm a 33 years old male with #Autism. My status is single. Never had a chance to date any girl/woman of my own preference. I use GWM as my way of finding a single girl/single woman only if they are available for a relationship.

Most of the time, I like to draw both on paper and the computer. I am a stay-at-home artist. My favorite subjects to draw are the IFBB 👙 girls/women whom I see here and last but not least, Judge Judy Sheindelin.

Before I end here, I added my real life portrait for you all to see that this is the real me in real life.

Mar 30, 2022 - permalink

OK, heads up. This is not a dating site. Most of us are dudes who appreciate female muscle. Only rarely does a woman from the photos post here; kristifigure being the most prolific, I think. So you probably won't find your lady love here. I recommend you hit the gym and not worry too much about women; if you have a decent income and are marginally non-wimpy, the women will come.

Secondly, don't dox yourself. You don't want the internet to know everything about you including your name, face, and location. Especially when you consider that people get real judgy when it comes to guys who like muscular women.

For a variety of reasons I'm sympathetic to those on the spectrum, so I'm flat out giving you some tips that other people might not. Best of luck to you.

Mar 30, 2022 - permalink

I appreciate your concern, bonaciti, and thank you for the heads up in advance.

I have my own gym at home. I do my own yoga training there.

Just so you guys out there now, I have my own legal rights to put my picture and my info on the internet as I wish. Unlike Will Smith and Chris Rock, I'm a complete unknown all over the world. I'm trying hard to be known worldwide.

Just to make myself crystal clear, I'm not here for dating. I'm here to make sure that the women on social media and all over the internet will treat others well with disabilities with greater respect. I even came here on this site to represent those on the Spectrum.

Since September, I've been frequently active on the chats. Nevertheless, I am unknown to most of the users here. I don't want anyone here thinking that I'm a basically an internet troll wasting time. When I'm on the chats, the active users are sharing their feelings about the models they see on this site. I take the time to be respectful of their own opinions about the models of their choice. In response, I share my own feelings about my own models of choice.

Mar 30, 2022 - permalink

I must've misunderstood what you meant when you said "I use GWM as my way of finding a single girl/single woman only if they are available for a relationship."

Mar 30, 2022 - permalink

Maybe I took things too far.

Mar 30, 2022 - edited Mar 30, 2022 - permalink

I have autism too some people say autistic people are more prone to having fetishes.

Apr 01, 2022 - permalink

As is mentioned above, GWM is NOT the place to find muscular women to chat and meet up with. Also being sympathetic to those on the spectrum myself, let me give some advice to you, and I hope it helps.

First of all, GWM isn't a networking or dating site. It's a place where people who are attracted to muscular women can post and look at pictures and videos of them. The majority of the people here are male, and it is very rare to find women on the site, and even more rare that they are female bodybuilders or female strength athletes. And on the rare occasion that there is a buff woman here, chances are they are not going to be interested in meeting up with a random guy here.

Your best best at finding muscular women is off the Internet. Get involved in the strength sports community in your city. Fortunately, you live in a major metropolitan area, so chances are you'll be able to find boutique gyms that cater to crossfitters, powerlifters, strongmen and/or olympic weightlifters. Network with EVERYONE there, male and female, and be friendly with everybody. Don't go to a crossfit gym and immediately hit on the first buff woman you see: that's a good way to get yourself ostracized. It will take some time, but if you ask anybody who has ever gotten with a muscular woman, usually it's from being around places where you can find them. Train hard, and maybe even compete. Or if you don't want to compete, go to shows and expos.

Muscular women are relatively rare, but it's not impossible to find them. Being in a major city helps, but you need to put in the work to do it. And while yes, I am aware that being on a spectrum makes interacting with people more challenging, as long as you remember to treat the muscular women you encounter as human beings and not fetish objects, you'll do fine.

Good luck. I really hope you find what you are looking for.

Apr 01, 2022 - permalink

To those of you who responded, thanks a million. I am fully aware that this site is not a dating site.

Apr 01, 2022 - permalink

I edited your comment as i wanted to be sure that there aren't users that might take advantage of you. unfortunately your username is also your full name, but i think most on this site would rather stay anonymous for various reasons

Apr 01, 2022 - permalink

I would also add that trawling the site looking for possibly single women to message on IG is not a good move

Apr 01, 2022 - permalink

So this is a genuine question I have about autism. Since it is a "spectrum" as I've heard from many people, wouldn't everyone fall somewhere on that spectrum? Maybe I don't understand how the spectrum is defined.

Apr 01, 2022 - permalink

Technically yes, everybody exhibits some autistic traits to some greater or lesser extent. What it means to "have autism", or to "be on the spectrum" in the colloquial sense, is to have a constellation of traits within a particular pattern, to such an extent that it begins to hamper or affect your daily life -- how you relate to others, deal with things in the world, and so on. That's the time when society steps in and says okay, this person needs treatment or therapy or special intervention or whatever.

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