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HerBicepsCam- Bikininita thoughts?

Feb 29, 2024 - permalink

Idk, she's bigger I guess but I didn't care because of how much of a turn off she was.

Throw him a bone.

Mar 01, 2024 - edited Mar 01, 2024 - permalink

Throw him a bone.

He's asking who to best compare her to but everyone's got different shapes, sizes, and conditioning so I don't even know how to accurately answer that. She's definitely bigger than before. Find me some 5'6" FBBs and I'll say whether she's close to their size or not.

Mar 01, 2024 - permalink

Find me some 5'6" FBBs and I'll say whether she's close to their size or not.

Tina Lockwood

Mar 01, 2024 - permalink

Tina Lockwood

Nowhere near that big lmao

Mar 06, 2024 - permalink

I think in the back of my head I've always known she's kinda a time waster. I first started.tslking to her during the pandemic. Haven't seen her since until just about a week or 2 ago. I do enjoy talking to her, but I also wanna see her flex. I made a couple comments just now about flexing and she kinda just ignores them. I got about a flex and a half out of her. Good to see her again, but still, not super happy

Mar 24, 2024 - permalink

She’s 70kg now. Thick muscled upper body. I could watch her flex and move those muscles all day. She loves the way she looks and wants to keep growing.

She’s my favorite model on the site, and I love to see her changes from session to session

Mar 25, 2024 - edited Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

She’s 70kg now. Thick muscled upper body. I could watch her flex and move those muscles all day. She loves the way she looks and wants to keep growing.

She’s my favorite model on the site, and I love to see her changes from session to session

Agreed 100%. She always gets better and has put on serious size. Her biceps are literally 17 inches now!

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Agreed 100%. She always gets better and has put on serious size. Her biceps are literally 17 inches now!

Seriously?! How do you know they are 17 inches?

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Seriously?! How do you know they are 17 inches?

sorry my bad with the metric conversion. I live in the US, so I use inches. I saw her measure recently in cm. It was 42 cm, which is 16.5 rather than the 17 I stated earlier. But still really impressive!

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

sorry my bad with the metric conversion. I live in the US, so I use inches. I saw her measure recently in cm. It was 42 cm, which is 16.5 rather than the 17 I stated earlier. But still really impressive!

Wow! I can only imagine how big her shoulders must be then. How much does she overhead press/shoulder press now?

Mar 25, 2024 - permalink

Wow! I can only imagine how big her shoulders must be then. How much does she overhead press/shoulder press now?

I do not know how much she shoulder presses. But I confirm that her delts are absolute cannon balls and she is in excellent condition.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

sorry my bad with the metric conversion. I live in the US, so I use inches. I saw her measure recently in cm. It was 42 cm, which is 16.5 rather than the 17 I stated earlier. But still really impressive!

Gonna call BS on that lol. There's no way her biceps grew an inch in the span of just a few months.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

Gonna call BS on that lol. There's no way her biceps grew an inch in the span of just a few months.

Agreed. Gonna need to see some evidence of that. The amount of women making fraudulent claims of 17in guns has skyrocketed. These days it's used more as a marketing tool now as a way to attract more attention and with that more dollars.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

Agreed. Gonna need to see some evidence of that. The amount of women making fraudulent claims of 17in guns has skyrocketed. These days it's used more as a marketing tool now as a way to attract more attention and with that more dollars.

Yup. Another reason I know it's bs... he claims she's "70kg now" but she was 70kg like 5 months ago. So she's still 70kg but her biceps magically grew an inch and her shoulders are bigger? So she's bigger and not bigger at the same time? No one adds an extra inch in 3-4 months anyway.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

I had session with Bikininita a couple of weeks back and, unless she is using a doctored tape measure, her biceps are 41cm cold. They were 40cm back in October last year so 4.5 months to gain that 1cm. She has huge triceps (way bigger than any of the profile pics) and they will certainly be adding a lot of bulk to her measurement.

Also, don't confuse over excited reviews with her actual size and weight, she is now at 69kg.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

Does anyone know how to get her to stop talking? She wastes so much time I don't even bother anymore.

Mar 30, 2024 - permalink

Does anyone know how to get her to stop talking? She wastes so much time I don't even bother anymore.

If you find out how let us know. She's incredibly overrated and overly talkative.

Mar 31, 2024 - edited Mar 31, 2024 - permalink

Does anyone know how to get her to stop talking? She wastes so much time I don't even bother anymore.

There is no way to stop it because she does it on purpose to eat your credits. That's just an undeniable fact. She tries to hide behind a sweet and friendly personality and also the fact that she doesn't engage at all in free chat where we could get all that small talk bullshit out of the way. Some people here are easily impressed at the simple fact that she remembers them. One thought process is if you remember me and what I like to see what's the hold up with all the questions after we're in 1on1?

Apr 02, 2024 - permalink

I have seen bikininita and there was a time where she would sit in front of the cam and talk in free very openly and as of present time she is hidden away and only talking in privates , I know a few women who do this and alot will openly talk in free. I have to agree she talks and talks now some people may like talking to a muscle girl but I would say a majority are just here to see muscle flexing , fantasy stuff. The free chat can be done with all the small talk and once paying get into whatever you are interested in. I have seen the growth in her for sure , I am not a fan of the hiding until in one on one and I have heard many stories of her about wanting to get out of this webcamming site , and owing money etc etc. I dont know what to believe.

If you want to see a girl do lot more flexing and is in great condition that is vanessaflex she is unbelievable.

Apr 16, 2024 - permalink

People need to wake up about bikinita , wasting credits , sitting away from webcam constantly , doesn't flex that much , talks and talks most guys are not wanting to talk when they webcam lets be honest . I would advice guys to just stay clear of her , she isn't honest about lots of information that she is mentioning. If you want to waste your money go ahead and see her but as I said Vanessaflex is one I highly vouch for and a few others.

Apr 16, 2024 - permalink

What has been said is mostly accurate, but she does have a quality that draws you in and she does make your time with her unique. The majority here are positive about her.

As far as here size goes YES she is much bigger and she loves it!! If you go for a private with her she will measure them for you and trust me she is 16.5" 42cm

Apr 16, 2024 - permalink

As far as here size goes YES she is much bigger and she loves it!! If you go for a private with her she will measure them for you and trust me she is 16.5" 42cm

It is is absolutely awesome the way Bikininita has packed on the size in recent months. She is all of 16.5 inches w biceps and she will prove it with the tape in private. That said, her shoulders are even more impressive. Her deltoids are huge. They look like cannon balls and she is always ripped so the striations and separations really became pronounced when she flexes.

Apr 16, 2024 - permalink

It is is absolutely awesome the way Bikininita has packed on the size in recent months. She is all of 16.5 inches w biceps and she will prove it with the tape in private. That said, her shoulders are even more impressive. Her deltoids are huge. They look like cannon balls and she is always ripped so the striations and separations really became pronounced when she flexes.

Agreed, I would use her and her only if she didn’t talk so much and suck credits.

Apr 18, 2024 - permalink

You can find plenty of videos on youtube of women flexing biceps etc which can satisfy

The quality of bikininita to draw you in yes but after awhile it gets old , She just goes to gym and sits in unit most of day and night doing private shows ,not much of a life for a few years now

May 04, 2024 - permalink

I don't get why people keep continuing to line up to see Bikininita to get there fix of muscles Hbc just sucks your money away and the shows go by so quick , plenty of other free places to get your fix of muscle girls that last much longer

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