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put things on perspective

Feb 24, 2022 - permalink

I recently became aware of a study about steroids.

basically it indicated that a person taking steroids and doing 0 exercise grew like twice the amount of muscle compared to a person doing exercise regularly but not taking steroids.

a person taking steroids and doing exercise gained like 3 or 4 times more muscle than a person just working out with no steroids.

that's crazy...

Feb 24, 2022 - permalink

Please link to the study you're referencing, otherwise this thread will just be another generic steroid discussion and we already have too many of those.

Feb 24, 2022 - edited Feb 24, 2022 by cgsweat - permalink
edited to provide full link

here's the video where they mention the study.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEAgoVrYV84 (sorry but GWM won't allow me to post full links for some reason)

I also remember hearing about it before but only now it started to sink in.

Feb 24, 2022 - permalink

Yup, saw this study, it’s completely true. Anyone doubting it has no idea how the human body works. Muscle growth is 100% hormone dependent, and anyone taking steroids is basically just adding muscle for free. Which is fine, no judgement, but it has nothing to do with work ethic or diet, though in addition to those things it works wonders.

Feb 24, 2022 - permalink

(sorry but GWM won't allow me to post full links for some reason)

The full link has been provided. You'll have the ability to post links after making a certain number of comments, which is something all new users have to go through.

Feb 24, 2022 - permalink

Not only that, but one of the biggest benefits of PED use is recovery.

Your true gym gains come not from the actual workouts by themselves, but rather your recovery after said workouts. If you train beyond your capacity to recover, you’ll actually regress and potentially risk injury.

Take for instance elite-level crossfitters. They train for HOURS and multiple times per day. Even if you are way above average in fitness and have been training for years, if you tried replicating their regimes while staying natural, you’re going to get wrecked. That is why they can train that frequently and with that amount of volume without losing strength or getting injured.

Feb 24, 2022 - permalink

here's another website talking about the same study

www aworkoutroutine com/steroids-vs-natural/

Mar 15, 2022 - permalink

Found this clip of Rachel McLish talking about steroid use in female bodybuilding. It appears to be a short preview of a longer interview (linked in the video). It's not terribly profound, but could provide some insight for those who might need it:


Mar 15, 2022 - permalink

Not only that, but one of the biggest benefits of PED use is recovery.

Your true gym gains come not from the actual workouts by themselves, but rather your recovery after said workouts. If you train beyond your capacity to recover, you’ll actually regress and potentially risk injury.

Take for instance elite-level crossfitters. They train for HOURS and multiple times per day. Even if you are way above average in fitness and have been training for years, if you tried replicating their regimes while staying natural, you’re going to get wrecked. That is why they can train that frequently and with that amount of volume without losing strength or getting injured.

During my “prime” of CrossFit I was doing 2 hours on weekdays and like 4-5 on Saturday’s. That was really pushing the limits. I got about 8-10 months of that output (which had taken me 2 years to build up to) before my age and body caught up with me (at the time late 20s, and I wasn’t really doing very much recovery, prehab, or mobility) and basically ended up injured for a year. For sure if I was using gear I could’ve sustained that for a while lol

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