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(Solved) Help needed finding this model. Her @ was deliberately blurred in the source video

Jan 25, 2022 - edited Jan 26, 2022 - permalink

The below video was posted on the site: https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/1719255/

As you can see, her abs are perfect but besides that... the video has been edited to block and later blur out the @ identity of the model (the blur is more apparent when the video zooms in).

Can someone PLEASE undo this injustice and either successfully deblur the @ or help ID the model if she is known by another user? Thanks a lot for the help.

Jan 26, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by Highprotein
Jan 26, 2022 - edited Jan 26, 2022 - permalink

How about we respect the poster and the model and let her remain anonymous?

Maybe she doesn’t want people identifying her and creeping their way into her life.

Yeah maybe. Or maybe if someone wants to ask about that, it's OK. No need to make the guy feel like a jerk for doing so, it's a legitimate question. People identify unnamed pics here by the hundreds every day, usually based on some feature. I'd say the tattoo is a good place to start, it won't identify the IG but that could be Googled after-the-fact and if the person truly has a desire to remain anon, she'll just make her profile private anyway.

You could put it through a reverse image Google search to see if it finds anything.

Jan 26, 2022 - permalink

How about we respect the poster and the model and let her remain anonymous?

Maybe she doesn’t want people identifying her and creeping their way into her life.

Or maybe the source of the image came from someone ELSE who doctored the video so he and only he would know where it comes from (i.e. selfishness). You made an assumption so it's only fair I can make an assumption as well. Till we can prove your assertation to be correct, how about I leave this thread open in case someone can actually help. K?

Jan 26, 2022 - permalink

Yeah maybe. Or maybe if someone wants to ask about that, it's OK. No need to make the guy feel like a jerk for doing so, it's a legitimate question.

Thanks very much, expedient923. Now... back to the task at hand...

Jan 26, 2022 - permalink

I found her! She is Tina Gordillo (@tinagordillo_ls) and sells swimwear under the blurred handle, @laiasw.

Wow! It truly would be a good idea to leave her business account... where she makes actual money... anonymous. Maybe... gasp... she wasn't the one to blur it out after all.

Anywho, I'll tag her name on the above video (cause I am assuming the girlswithmuscle uploader ISN'T the one who blurred the handle and he just found a random ab filled vid and uploaded it as is). If it stays there long enough and she doesn't pull a Landolt and asks for it to come off, I may put some more pics on the site.

Thread locked by cgsweat.
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