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Why is there no "Encanto" discussion thread?

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

Yes, "Encanto" is an animated film, but I think the non-fantasy implications are possibly worthy of serious dialogue. I saw a few posts in the cartoon thread, but there's more at work with this film, IMO. Am I the only one who thinks this way?

I'm old enough to remember the on-screen muscles Linda Hamilton and Angela Bassett inspiring countless conversations among (then) new-age women about their incredible physiques, which resulted in many thousands of American women gaining an interest in something they'd never thought of before: developing their own "show" muscles.

As much as "art is life", art also influences life. Now, I haven't heard any random conversations about "Encanto", but I did enjoy it and I was impressed that the director did not shy away from or try to downplay Luisa's super strength. That sort of took me to a place when decades ago, many girls I knew were ashamed of being "too strong" - as if such a thing exists - and would often try to avoid situations where their great strength might become apparent. I grew up in a farm town, for crying out loud. lol

A fellow female muscle fan suggested I check out this movie and I'm glad I did. I hope some of you will, too.

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

Yeah, I think that Luisa's character is really a sign that times are finally changing! Considering we're talking about Disney, a character like her would have been impossible to have up until some years ago; or even worst, she would have had a super small part, in which she's just a mindless muscle hunk with an exaggerated masculine face (let's not forget that's the way muscular women have been portrayed in cartoon for years). I think this symbolizes the fact that finally women being big, muscular or just really strong (yeah, more than men) is no more a stigma and something to be laughed upon or ridiculised/feared. We have seen that lately in anime and manga, but considering how widespread and mainstream is Disney's audience, this will surely be a landmark in the appreciation of muscular women in society. Now, for the next step, we need huge muscular women with even more cute feminine faces (like Encanto's flower girl Isabela), so the world finally understands that muscles and feminine are NOT separated concepts

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

Watched this a few nights ago. Apparently the animators had to really fight for Luisa's design. It was a pretty good movie, and what can I say once in a blue you grt a craving for a Disney movie.

She had a pretty good song I have to say. Poor Luisa. She just wanted a break! Maybe the way to a muscular woman's heart is helping her to take a load off now and then.

Jan 25, 2022 - edited Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

Luisa is amazing and I'm sure Encanto is being noticed by the members of our tribe out there in the world. I think it's a great sign that popular culture is becoming more and more accepting of women and girls displaying muscles and strength. Encanto will teach a whole new generation of girls that it's OK and even desirable to be muscular and strong and that can only be a good thing.

I'm 49 and even in my lifetime I've seen the level of acceptance of women with muscle improve dramatically. Now it's much more common to see girls and women flex in photos and video. 20-30 years ago even it was a lot different and being attracted to fit women was a lot more "taboo". We have a long way to go, but a lot of progress has been made. What I'm looking forward to is the Luisa cosplay. Let's hope we see lots of it.

Jan 25, 2022 - permalink

i haven't seen this yet (and will probably wait for the hubbub to die down, working in hollywood so long has made me really slow down on hype) but her character did catch my eye in trailers.

if they fought for the design I really wonder what was the process. not that I'm complaining or anything but i feel like part of the compromise was making her very large--she's a big woman! who probably would have strength without the magic.

hoping for some kind of middle ground between characters like that and Pippi Longstocking, where she can lift a horse but looks like a broomstick. but for now this is a really good addition to the very small library of cinematic strong-women.

Jan 28, 2022 - permalink

Almost 50 years later, I still love Pippi, but this Luisa thing is insane. The fact that she's showing off with bicep bounces is pretty trippy. I'm from the country, where lots of girls sometimes liked to show off their biceps or quads, but nothing like this. As you talk about the process fp909, I'd have to wonder who were the creative persons behind these scenes. Male? Female? Both? Members of GWM? Members of HerBiceps? A brother-sister set of twins whose parents belonged to Diana the Valkyrie? Who??

And how can we blow them up so they can get more influence on the big screen?

Jan 28, 2022 - permalink

honestly i wonder about it a lot.

Sophie Shaft is featured on ANW Jr and is extremely muscular for a teen. There are plenty of muscular women on ANW. They almost always get the really actually buff ones to do a lot of flexing, more than what we see. How much is left on the cutting room floor? Who asked for it on set?

Although the female muscle fandom isn't huge I'd be willing to bet it's been around long enough now to be sitting in creative director or writer positions all over Hollywood. I would also be willing to bet it was seen as more acceptable than if this was a live action--I doubt you could get any leading lady to put on ten pounds of muscle and at least a little bit of fat to look at least a little beefy.

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

Her whole song is feats of strength. Audibly straining clothes. That bicep bouncing at the end where she's also giant? Can't be accidental

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

I say she has the best song, too. I know everyone is obsessed with We Don't Talk About Bruno but Surface Pressure is better.

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

Hard agree

Jan 29, 2022 - edited Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

Reminds me of Shereen Fons ( without those tattoos)

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

The Luisa character almost seems to be modeled on Kaitlyn Vera

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

I have to say the Luisa character is really the only good thing about the movie, it's pretty awful.

Would be nice to a non-animated movie/series with a real female bodybuilder who can actually act, but that's probably asking too much.

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink


Here's the discussion thread bro

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

I'd say Encanto was way better than Frozen 2.

Jan 29, 2022 - permalink

I did post about Luisa in the Animated women chat, but yeah she’s phenomenal. I kinda hope Encanto gets like a Disney plus show. That way there can be so many more flexes and feats of strength.

Jan 31, 2022 - permalink

Because who cares about animated fairy-tale crap targeted at kids?

Jan 31, 2022 - permalink

Because who cares about animated fairy-tale crap targeted at kids?

Adventure Time is pretty damn good, and while it is a kids’ show is does appeal to a large adult audience as well.

Lots of good animated shows out there for kids and adults. Gravity Falls, Ducktales (classic and reboot,) Steven Universe, Infinity Train, etc

Jan 31, 2022 - permalink

Because who cares about animated fairy-tale crap targeted at kids?

The reason I care about it is it's a sign of the times. It means that it's becoming more and more socially acceptable and even desireable for females to have visible muscles and display strength. I'm 49 and I've seen things change pretty dramatically just in my lifetime. There NEVER would have been a Disney cartoon like this even 20 years ago. It's a good sign and it's going to teach a whole new generation of girls to not hide their strength and muscles if they have them or that developing muscle and strength is a POSITIVE.

Sure, maybe you don't want to rub one out to a cartoon, but if you think that's all this is about, you're missing the point. This is a big deal. It's significant and worth noting. Especially in our community. It means guys like us in the future won't have to be as secretive about what they like and there will be more openly strong women for them to choose from. That makes me very happy to think about.

Jan 31, 2022 - edited Jan 31, 2022 - permalink

it's crazy how many women i've seen on social media who were gymnasts or high school athletes make a post about how they used to hate being so muscular as a kid (so anywhere from 5-20 years ago) and now feel like they finally can look that way without getting significant flak.

definitely shifting times.

EDIT: imagine if some of these mediocre high school gymnasts that were straight up JACKED over the years continued on in bodybuilding or powerlifting instead of trying to lose as much muscle as possible as soon as they retired, so much potential

Feb 08, 2022 - permalink

Annnnnnd apparently they can't keep the Luisa merch on the shelves too

Feb 08, 2022 - permalink

If any of you guys are following kristinadm89 on Instagram, she offers a nice little tribute to Luisa. She does a lot of cosplay photo shoots each year and goes to Comicon events as well, I think.

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