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"Toxic Fitness Standards"

Dec 05, 2021 - edited Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

Seeing this video:

Ayesha is promoting thickness over ripped physique. I feel the same way.

Remember the early days of fbb where women had a certain amount of fat that made them look very feminine? Even Bev Francis didn't look super ripped, which made her mass all the more appealing.

I would love the industry return to those standards - it's healthier. If you work out years and years withour dieting a lot, you will end up massive and still the muscle will eat up most of the fat - in a healthy way, not too ripped.

I know, many people are hooked on those roided zero fat tanks, and there is certainly something to them. But would a healthier, more massive and feminine look ultimately not appeal to more women working out? I think it's a win win.

I would love to see people start a new competition where mass and symmetry are more valued than dryness, and where there would be no need for implants because the breasts would still stand firm. For example, I found Caitlin Hill extremly appealing, but losing all the natural curves of her body type just doesn't look right.

(Also, there is a ton of women enjoying themselves on cam with no clothes, so why not just lose the top for the sake of a full view of their chest development on stage. It's also kind of unfair that mbb are allowed to expose their pecs, but women are not. For censorship or other reasons on youtube, the contest footage can still be altered in post production.)

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

anyone can get on camera now and spout bullshit. but anyone can get a camera now, it's easy to make things look good and palatable and get a message out which means there's a lot of people calling bullshit on some of the actual unrealistic standards promoted by steroid users claiming to be natty.

larger shoulders, smaller breasts and bigger arms are still undesirable for most women but obviously a lot has changed in recent years

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

I think it should be up to the women to decide how they want to look and how they want to train.

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

I think it should be up to the women to decide how they want to look and how they want to train.

Yet, in contests it is up to the judges who wins and who doesn't. Many competitors try to win and may actually be forced into a standard that they themselves don't like. There are no contests that prefer curvy muscles over dry muscles, as far as I know. Even natural/tested competitions. But then the women look almost thin because of the muscle loss due to diet, just to look ripped...

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