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What's the psychological reason why a man might be attracted to a woman with muscles?

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May 10, 2024 - permalink

No, sadly. Yourself and a few others are unfortunately having to learn the hard way what some other people have discussed occasionally in the past: Zarkle is, at best, a troll. The best response is to ignore them, because there will never be anything of any value gleaned from their inane, pretentious ranting. At worst, they are mentally ill. To me it reads like some degree of unmedicated bipolar or schizoaffective disorder. The grandiloquence, the nonsense monologues, the completely unwarranted aggression and besserwisserischness (good word choice settler šŸ˜‚) all point at some kind of severely disordered thinking. Or, maybe they're just a troll. Either way, the best response is none, because they delight in dancing these insane, bad faith nonsense-jigs around everything anyone says. Liking muscular women doesn't require a PhD in psychoanalysis to decipher (probably because psychoanalysis is pseudoscientific bullshit anyway). I'm sure this topic of conversation could be productive, but not by paying attention to the constant novel length, non-sequitur interjections.

Very little material for disagreement to be found in the above - sadly. I think my biggest disappointment was as a noob here, after decades of discussing this cosa nostra with almost nobody, I was looking forward to precisely the length and depth of discourse about it he seemed to offer, but which almost immediately turned argumentative.

I'll put on my Therapist hat for a second...I have to wonder if he himself was lied to overtly and covertly to the point where he wants his bs called out. A reassurance that humans fundamentally can still reject mistruth, however seductively packaged.

May 10, 2024 - permalink

Itā€™s always a bummer to go straight onto one of these pages and see the arguing. I get that people like to troll and just provoke, and yes itā€™s sometimes hard not to respond when someone talks sh%t to one of your legitimate comments. If possible try to ignore!!

May 10, 2024 - permalink

This is a very interesting topic that has been hijacked and dominated by one user. However, in between some long rambling passages, other users have left valuable insights and comments. Unfortunately one needs to wade through 20+ pages that includes lots of nonsense to access the more thoughtful information.

May 10, 2024 - edited May 10, 2024 - permalink

Hi there! It was about 13 years ago when I first wondered why I liked buff girls. To be specific I get excited by how small and weak they make me feel. Their size, strength, weight and confidence and especially how they grow from puny and weak to massive and strong. In my fantasies I feel weak, out of control and hopeless (I know... I need a shrink, right? XD) I am also a big fan of FMG. I remember searching for some answers on the Internet. I could find hardly any. The question has started bugging me again. I know there is nothing wrong with it so don't go on a tangent about how there is nothing wrong with it. I already know that. With that being said, I am going to say what I think about why I have this kink. I was raised by overbearing parents, in particular my mother. She was extremely violent and aggressive as she indulged in frequent physical, verbal and psychological abuse. Needless to say, it was no fun.i also have a sister, much older than me who would vent and and beat the crap out of me. I can't be sure but I have the suspicion that something must have sipped into my being, in particular in the sexual part of my psyche. What are your thoughts? I have never thought of asking anyone. Thanks.

May 10, 2024 - permalink

(merged above post into the existing thread about this)

May 10, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

It is about a woman seducing a man in a way which makes him uneasy and horny.

It would be so nice if she needed not make him uneasy.

May 11, 2024 - permalink

Please make it stop...

May 11, 2024 - edited May 11, 2024 - permalink

After 22 pages still going on? Different people different reasons.... I just do. Period. I accepted it and moved on.... no need for psychobabble or treatment. Just ACT :-)

May 11, 2024 - permalink

A life is a terrible thing to waste...

May 11, 2024 - permalink

Zarkle's texts are well written and shed some light on a subject that is generally treated in an irritatingly superficial way, by people focused only on giving vent to their own obsession. Continues!

May 12, 2024 - edited May 12, 2024 - permalink

Psychologists are still debating the scientific validity of Psychology. Yes at best it may help a person gain insight and at its worst it's represented by those who convolute, generalize and come to false conclusions. Zarkle uses more metaphors than William Faulkner, incidentally a writer credited as an actual early contributor to the field, to try and impose his ideas on people he has never met or analyzed. His ideas are mostly derivative and unoriginal. Then he tries to play the victim when he is confronted with his errors. Oh poor me I was attacked after I attacked! LOL!! You know what they say: ā€œA little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thingā€

And who exactly is Zarkle talking about when he claims the people here are afraid of psychoanalysis? Earth to Zarke, you havenā€™t seen anyone here as a patient so how could you make such an ignorant statement? Is that your defense mechanism? You tell people that theyā€™re afraid of psychoanalysis when they donā€™t agree with your bullshit? Having fun yet? Ever notice how many people who go into psychology fail to see themselves accurately even after all of their training and required therapy? LOL!! Given his musings I believe Zarkle is most likely a narcissist personality type who loves to argue with anyone about anything, armed with some quotes and scraps he picked out of a magazine or youtube video. Reminds me of the time I heard two guitarists argue over what constitutes a ā€œmasterā€ guitarist. One guy claimed that there could never be a ā€œmasterā€ because no one could ever play everything possible. Absolutely ridiculous and yet the other guy decides to argue against an obviously stupid point until heā€™s blue in the face. Real mature. Zarkle argues endlessly with a guy who claims a computer can predict human feelings and emotions. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture but itā€™s saner than listing to the drivel oozing out of Zarkles mouth.

The way I see it, many users here are definitely lacking in masculinity. In this context it means knowing who you are and what your values and goals are. And by values and goals I don't mean anything like "more liberty to consume porn". So naturally it's sour grapes.

Zarkle is completely unscientific. Generalizing that "most people on this site lack masculinityā€ is about as scientific or logical as saying that everyone on this site uses a computer, and computers are used by NORAD so therefore everyone on this site works for NOARD. We are not a monolithic/uniform communityā€¦ dumbass. Hey, now I'm being as inane as Zarkle. Obviously there is a wide dynamic range of personalities and reasons for being here. But Zarkle takes a one size fits all approach, sowing confusion and annoyance in many who have participated in this discussion, a discussion that for some reason he thinks he can audit by expelling users with which he disagrees. In reality Zarkle has absolutely no power in here and Iā€™m quite sure that is a huge thorn in his ass.

Normal human sexuality isn't that convoluted. Femdom mixed wrestling and beatdowns on the other hand are, and also do their best to maintain the tension. But that's far from normal. The point of looking at a woman toying with a man while the man gets more afraid by the minute is to tailspin your head further away from reality. So, in worst cases, the psychological reason for this fetish is a twisted self-love. It turns its own vices into virtues and other people's virtues into vices. Then it creates a fantasy where a woman is attracted (or at least should be attracted) to those fake virtues. The catch is that those are feminine vices, such as vanity, instead of masculine vices, such as cruelty. All that virtuous effeminacy. Lost forever. Like tears in the rain.

Arguments about the nature or reason for having sado masochistic fantasies is not even relevant to the original question of whatā€™s the psychological reason a man might be attracted to a woman with muscle as a woman need not be muscular in order to dominate. No that is rather an analysis of why someone would have a specific fetish. But Zarkle loves to chase rabbits down unscientific holes in order to make assumptions and predictions, which like a broken clock, could be true twice a day. ā€¦ā€¦All that time on his clock lost like tears in the rainā€¦..

A very long time ago I began wondering why my attraction to female muscle did not seem like the sexuality of an adult man. I did not want babies with them. I did not want penetrative sex with them. I did not fantasize of a long-term relationship with them, neither of being seen with them or befriending them. I did not want them to make or see me orgasm. I just wanted them to thrill me as much as they could.

I also thought that I was fooling myself and that I secretly wanted to bonk them anyway. Or that at least nobody would believe me because it might have sounded so pure, innocent and fake. Yes, I am a man, but believe me or not, I don't always think of sex. Just wanted them to hold me, thrill me, kiss me and kill me, in no particular order. Or do something between posing, cuddling and dominating, depending on which day it was.

I can honestly say Iā€™ve never even conceived of the idea of being held in muscular arms, so obviously we come at the topic from completely different points of view. Mine being heterosexual and I presume homosexual in Zarkleā€™s case. He probably came to all of his conclusions about such fetishes as a result of his own psychoanalysis. Just goes to show that there are numerous reasons why people are attracted to this site and its contents.

Zarkle continues to argue against nature by claiming he has debunked the idea of men being attracted to healthy women, which is ludicrous. The shape of a woman, only accentuated by those in fitness, is a totally natural thing to be attracted to, again if you are heterosexual. I can understand why he is so confused, coming from the opposite point of view IMO.

So donā€™t cry Zarkle when you get your bullshit thrown back in your face because yes, THIS IS THE INTERNET & YOU DO NOT HAVE A MONOPOLY HERE.

May 12, 2024 - permalink

Greetings to all, I have made myself a GWM account especially for this post, I found it interesting, with really good information.

From what I perceive in me as something that I consider attractive in powerful women, is that they can feel a kind of liberation, it's strange, it's as if more possibilities open up for them. I also find it attractive that a woman is happy because she lost weight when she was in an unhealthy situation in that respect.

I am ignorant, but I think I am a hyper-empathetic being.


May 12, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Economists are still debating the scientific validity of economics.

May 12, 2024 - permalink

Thus spake the insufferable, self-proclaimed smartest man in the room...

May 12, 2024 - permalink

Im feeling so dumb right now....

May 12, 2024 - permalink

I don't know about you, but I'm not offended by being called a traumatized narcissist, it's not the information that's the problem, it's how you use it.

May 12, 2024 - edited May 16, 2024 - permalink

But that is an interesting point. Or maybe even a bad answer number six. As if there was no difference between a curve and a curve. People sometimes say that men who like muscular women must be gay. Now you're saying men who are not attracted to muscular women must be gay? Because how else could you object to curves?

I'm not saying that at all....and you know it. YOU said you are not interested in sex or relationships but you espouse IMO homoerotic fantasy. So, it's no big surprise that you look at a woman's curves like they're some mathematical algorithm. If you were aroused you'd get it.

If you had the knowledge you proclaim to have then you wouldn't be siting by your computer waiting like a baited mouse to answer every post that comes your way. With all that "knowledge" you apparently have, you apparently have no life...SAD. ):

Let me give you your own advice and "take it elsewhere".

May 14, 2024 - permalink

@zark: It is quite funny now that you are accusing ME of being too much off topic and out of line in this thread. YouĀ“ve been wildly off topic a lot of times.

And perhaps I havenĀ“t answered the exact question "what is the psychologial reason" but of course there is no one reason for this. There could be a 1000 reasons and it is nice if everyone can give some input here and we can discuss things together to find out if there are any common ones and NOT do our very best to just shoot everyone else down on whatever we can possibly find.

I have tried to focus on how to have this inclination/fetish/whatever and still be a good loving person. I think that is also an interesting topic. But I havenĀ“t written much about it. (Since every thing gets scrutinized and criticized)

I mean, are you even into some sort of more or less muscular women yourself? You have no favorites or subscriptions of any.

I've kept saying there are two groups of men attracted to muscular females. One for psychological reasons, another for social reasons. Of course it's not strictly one or the other, but usually the difference or the operating dynamic is quite clear.

It can also be said that one group is attracted to muscular females out of confidence and security. They really have a social role in gym culture, for example. The other one is out of insecurity. It's these who consider bodybuilders somehow superhuman, call them goddesses and have fantasies of being abused and run over by them.

Ok, so thatĀ“s it? The psychological reason is all just about insecurity? Everyone has insecurites though?

I have thought of another thing recently: I think a reason could be something like laziness or egotism or unwillningness to give love instead of just receiving. Worshiping is a passive thing. You donĀ“t need to give anything to the women, you just take.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

I swear this topic was about us explaining why dudes like buff chicks.

May 15, 2024 - edited May 15, 2024 - permalink

I've blocked Zarkle about a year ago, not seeing any of his comments - but since you refer to him it seems that he's still very active. Only person I've ever blocked on GWM: he is just a troll, discussion with him leads nowhere.

May 17, 2024 - permalink

Does there have to be some profound reason? It's perfectly possible for a guy to get fascinated by FBBs at one time and, say, BBWs at another. They're at opposite ends of the physical sprectrum, but some get a kick out of variety.

May 17, 2024 - permalink

I've blocked Zarkle about a year ago, not seeing any of his comments - but since you refer to him it seems that he's still very active. Only person I've ever blocked on GWM: he is just a troll, discussion with him leads nowhere.

I've always been loathe to cave to groupthink, but even I have to concede the raw number of his detractors PLUS the utter lack of voices in his favour, following of course my own voluminous yet fruitless exchange with him, is starting to sway me towards blocking him. I suspect he may have already blocked me, which makes this post moot.

For now, I'll remain true to my free-thinking principles; a man is usually capable of seeing his flaws, repenting and repairing his bridges. I won't destroy his to me, for the moment.

May 17, 2024 - permalink

I've blocked Zarkle about a year ago, not seeing any of his comments - but since you refer to him it seems that he's still very active. Only person I've ever blocked on GWM: he is just a troll, discussion with him leads nowhere.

How do you block a person on this site? Please share instructions!

May 17, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

You go to a toy store and buy blocks. Then you quickly build something around the person.

May 17, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I swear this topic was about us explaining why dudes like buff chicks.

Me too, but it doesn't matter now.

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