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Sapphic Love: the Lesbian, Bi & Pansexual Musclegirl Appreciation Thread

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Jul 31, 2022 - edited Jul 31, 2022 - permalink

More and more fbbs are becoming bi/lesbian. Jamie Pinder mentioned in one of her podcasts how roids affected her sex life and how she become more attracted to women.

they aren't becoming gay, they're simply coming out. the idea that steroids can alter someone's sexual orientation is a complete myth (or at the very least, it has zero basis in scientific evidence), but unfortunately that seems to be a widespread belief in some circles.

honestly, its level of credibility isn't dissimilar to the idea that fluoride in tap water alters the sexual orientation of frogs.. and i can't even type that sentence out with a straight face.

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

Pans will include people who are non-binary, genderfluid and/or intersex-born, all of which fall outside the binary spectrum. Pans are also far less likely to be particular about whether or not someone is a different gender from the one they were born with in cases where some Bis may take exception.

Bis otoh aren't always 'straight down the middle', with many bearing a distinct homo/heterocentric leaning in their preferential biases. for that reason, gender distinctions play a more prominent role in defining bisexuality than they do with pansexuality.

They should probably remove the "sexual" part from pansexual then, regardless of how many genders someone might believe there are, we all know there are only 2 "sexes" and as sexual orientation refers to sex I think the Bi's got it right.

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

they aren't becoming gay, they're simply coming out. the idea that steroids can alter someone's sexual orientation is a complete myth (or at the very least, it has zero basis in scientific evidence), but unfortunately that seems to be a widespread belief in some circles.

I've seen a few women mention in interviews that PEDs made them attracted to women for the first time. I don't see any reason to think they were lying when the said that before they were straight and then became super interested in women. These gals put a lot of male hormones in their bodies.

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

you do realise that most Bis pretty much overlap with Pans, don't you? the most succinct summary between the two distinctions is that all Pansexuals are at least Bi, but not all Bisexuals qualify as Pan. literally speaking, many people who qualify for either reference will use both terms interchangeably. in other words, Bisexuality isn't determined by the denial of those who aren't cis-gendered, or anyone else besides; it's simply a variation in the [number of] ways someone may specify their personal preferences within a bracket that includes more than a single gender.

secondly, the concept of sexuality has never been exclusive to sex and/or gender alone, and what it defines is the reason of attraction - for instance, 'do the reasons i am sexually attracted to someone involve what gender or sex they are?' for some people their answer to this question will be 'no', because their basis of attraction does not factor in those attributes as a requirement, which is what Pansexuality covers. however, if someone doesn't experience sexual attraction for any reason, then what we'd be describing is called 'Asexuality'.

there are also a myriad number of reasons why some people fall outside the gender binary spectrum, and at least one of the athletes i've included in this gallery is intersex-born. should we deny what she is by birth because there's an anonymous Joe who doesn't know or care to find out what an intersex person is? a small but growing portion of this site's community consists of people who are transgendered and/or fall outside the binary spectrum, so it's not as if there aren't any members here we can communicate with to develop our understanding of what constitutes that fraction of the human population.

conversely, i've encountered people here and elsewhere who stipulate from the same argumentum-ad-ignorantiam mindset as yours that there is no such thing as a bisexual and in their case as much as yours, i don't think it's mine or anyone else's responsibility to challenge your scepticism. so if you're going to dictate that someone doesn't exist because you don't wanna believe in who or what defines them, my reaction to that belief is to shrug my shoulders and say 'hey, cool story bro', because in the end that really isn't my problem.


with all that being said, i created this thread because i want to promote muscular sportswoman and FBBs whose orientation is aligned with the descriptors in the title, and while i'm happy to entertain questions and discussion relating to the subject on a secondary basis, i don't want that kind of deviation to gradually hijack the thread since i still expect adding pictures of any examples conforming to the thread's topic as its central focus. i also draw the line on turning this thread into a breeding platform for the kind of discriminatory bias i'm actually trying to counter. if you want to tell yourself that this whole thing (or any facet of it) is a hoax to you, then find some other place to do that in the forum - trust me, there are plenty who'll gladly validate your stance - but let's allow this thread to be one of the few pockets of space on this site where people like these women can be acknowledged without taking shit for it, yeah?

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

I've seen a few women mention in interviews that PEDs made them attracted to women for the first time. I don't see any reason to think they were lying when the said that before they were straight and then became super interested in women. These gals put a lot of male hormones in their bodies.

what i said was that it's a claim that hasn't any merit in scientific evidence, since testosterone-based hormones have never been proved to alter someone's sexuality. some people come out well into their middle age, and the vast majority that do have never dabbled in performance drugs of any kind. it's a theory that fails to rationalise how some men are gay despite having naturally high testosterone levels by default, which alone places the credibility of that speculation under a serious amount of doubt.

while i'm personally not in any position to dismiss what speculations people wanna support on why some eventually sway in a direction they never indicated any interest for previously, i'm also aware of how the power of external suggestion often contributes towards the relationship people have with their perception of the subject. a lot of people want to believe that sexuality is a choice, and they want to believe that it's reversible, or alterable.. particularly when it regards a non-heteronormative bias. tell me: how many people have you met in life who've ever been worried that they were turning straight?

i'll reiterate what i said in the last paragraph of my last message, because i understand how much of a timebomb this topic could become knowing just how many wild tales there exist surrounding alternative sexualities - and knowing how many of them i personally had to fight through in eventually coming to terms with where i fall into position.

Aug 01, 2022 - permalink

And that will be the last comment of this discussion. If you'd like a discussion thread, then anyone is welcome to create one. This is an "Image Theme" thread so the focus should be on sharing images.

Comments attempting to continue the discussion below this line will be deleted.

Aug 02, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by cgsweat
Oct 26, 2022 - permalink

Kris Lee

Brittney Griner

Maria Vilchez

Candace Parker

Tiffany McKinney


Emma Isaacson

Dreya Weber, who is self-described as 'omnisexual'. i'd muse that this must've been after she watched one too many episodes of SpongeBob, but then i dread to think some here may already take that joke at face value.

Dec 04, 2022 - permalink

Love the girls on here

Dec 13, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 13, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 14, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 14, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 14, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 14, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink

Nice posts Gorgui!

Dec 15, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink
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Dec 15, 2022 - permalink

Mmf. I love bald women, and queer women, and bald queer women :)

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