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Melissa Valliere arrested in steroid case

Sep 17, 2021 - permalink

His sister

Sep 26, 2021 - permalink

Bumstead...any relation to Chris Bumstead?

Yeah, he's her brother.

Sep 26, 2021 - permalink

Why are steroids illegal in the US again?

I think it was the mental and physical side effects experienced when people were using them without a doctor monitoring their use.

Sep 28, 2021 - permalink

Anybody else wish she'd hulked out when the cops came and threw em around like ragdolls?

Sep 28, 2021 - permalink

Anybody else wish she'd hulked out when the cops came and threw em around like ragdolls?

Not really because then she'd likely end up in prison

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

Anybody else wish she'd hulked out when the cops came and threw em around like ragdolls?

No because I know the difference between fantasy and reality.

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

If found guilty, what sentence could she receive?

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

I thought Canada was super lenient with steroid laws. I also thought Canadian lawmakers, politicians, etc. talk about how liberal they are. Not trying to take it into a political realm at all, but the article didn’t seem to mention such substantial amounts where they would be making massive sales or anything. I get stopping illegal sales of drugs, but honestly, who cares if someone wants to take steroids? You almost never hear about steroid busts. Must be something else to it.

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

I thought Canada was super lenient with steroid laws. I also thought Canadian lawmakers, politicians, etc. talk about how liberal they are. Not trying to take it into a political realm at all, but the article didn’t seem to mention such substantial amounts where they would be making massive sales or anything. I get stopping illegal sales of drugs, but honestly, who cares if someone wants to take steroids? You almost never hear about steroid busts. Must be something else to it.

Pretty sure this has nothing to do with Canadian law. She was arrested under US law for importing illegal drugs internationally which is such a bonehead thing to do, really what was she thinking?

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

I really don't like this.

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

Pretty sure this has nothing to do with Canadian law. She was arrested under US law for importing illegal drugs internationally which is such a bonehead thing to do, really what was she thinking?

Ahhh gotcha gotcha

Sep 29, 2021 - permalink

Oops, imagine being caught with suspicion of intent to sell.

I did a quick Google and a legal representative website says...

Up to 5 years in prison at the most if caught in possession or selling. If she's lucky it could be 5 years probation and a fine.

Depending on other aggravating factors then it can be up to 15 years in prison.

Silly girl. Her brother and husband obviously use as well.

Sep 30, 2021 - permalink

Steroids should be de-criminalized, decent people get caught for trying to built their physiques when cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol is sold freely. Same thing for many prescription medications that are abused. Hypocrisy.

Sep 30, 2021 - permalink

Steroids should be de-criminalized, decent people get caught for trying to built their physiques when cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol is sold freely. Same thing for many prescription medications that are abused. Hypocrisy.

I mostly agree. No reason for Cannabis to be illegal (it's legal here in Canada). Tobacco is stupid. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous and destructive drugs but the population won't accept any ban on it 🤔

Sep 30, 2021 - permalink

Steroids should be de-criminalized, decent people get caught for trying to built their physiques when cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol is sold freely. Same thing for many prescription medications that are abused. Hypocrisy.

Both steroids and cannabis should be legal

People are entitled to do what they want to their bodies.

Sep 30, 2021 - permalink

Both steroids and cannabis should be legal

People are entitled to do what they want to their bodies.

Agreed. Doesn't mean they are and doesn't mean people don't have to follow the law.

Sep 30, 2021 - permalink

Agreed. Doesn't mean they are and doesn't mean people don't have to follow the law.


I'm not gonna stop smoking weed just because a bunch of politicians, who constantly break the law themselves, declared they don't want me to smoke weed

The law can sometimes be unfair, as long as you're not hurting anybody and not posing a threat to society who cares?

Oct 04, 2021 - permalink

Again. I agree. As most do. But if you get caught, you can’t act like it’s unjust. It might be stupid but it is the law.

Oct 04, 2021 - permalink

> Why are steroids illegal in the US again?

Because they make you stronger. Only drugs that make you weaker are allowed, like oxycodone and estrogen.

This is both funny and sad at the same time.

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