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Real-Life Encounters

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Jul 10, 2023 - permalink

i saw Livi Sheldon today, she is a friend but havent seen her for a while, holy shit she has got thicker! I have always said photos do not portray how big she is buy even i was surprised today.Her legs are so thick, i reckon she is 190-195lb minimum.

Jul 11, 2023 - permalink

holy shit she has got thicker! I have always said photos do not portray how big she is buy even i was surprised today.


Jul 14, 2023 - permalink

Just saw some of the reaction from my previous post. Just to clarify, I was trying to quote the friend. When I saw the initial post that one or two of you were offended of me not using the actual gym term, I edited it. My bad if that offended anyone.

It was a really rare instance and for how Chick-fil-A has everyone wait, it was easier to comment on the woman’s obvious bulk. It was turning heads, that is how obviously built she was. I was completely aware it was a thrust move she was describing. Didn’t think it was that important to describe it that way.

It was also a rare comparison where the friend was not in very healthy. Close friend or sister type maybe? I think they told me, but I can’t remember. As soon as she flexed and before I could test her strength, they got their food and left. She was one of those military chicks that works out all the time.

I apologize if my post seemed exaggerated. Only person I have muscle encounters like that in public is my wife or when she has decided to show off.

Jul 14, 2023 - permalink


I apologize if my post seemed exaggerated. Only person I have muscle encounters like that in public is my wife or when she has decided to show off.

If you are having muscle encounters with your wife, then you are more fortunate than 99% of us in here. 👍💪😁

Jul 15, 2023 - permalink

(Part 1 of 3) Got up bright and early this morning, activating my regular Saturday laundry, grocery shopping, and gym routine, — and I was extra motivated, you should know, because I was hoping I’d run into the new girl at our gym, the Incredibly Ripped High School Science Teacher Who Wants to Turn Pro and who flexed for me without my even asking last week. So here’s how it played out.

First stop = Martin’s grocery store. Two for one sale on high-end mozzarella cheese, good! — but holy fucking shit! — look at the muscles popping out of that super skimpy sundress! This little muscle princess was shopping with a little blond boy, her son, I assume, — but my god — look at this maybe 5’3” (in heels) and 110 lbs. of petite shredded perfection.

And words just came straight out of my mouth: “Excuse me, do you happen to know the Incredibly Ripped High School Science Teacher Who Wants to Turn Pro (I used her actual name).”

Muscle sundress princess: “Umm, no, I don’t.”

Me: “She is the new trainer at my gym. She is even more ripped than you.”

She, flexing her shredded right arm: “It’s so nice of you to say that.”

Me, laughing: “I bet it’s not often that people say you’re not the most muscular woman ever.”

She: “I don’t go to the gym. I don’t lift. Well, sometimes I do squats. I’m just naturally super lean. I’ve always been muscular. Plus I have background in ballet.”

She went on on to tell me she’d done ballet at the University of Tennessee — Martin. (Never heard of it.) I politely asked her — as my voice went all mellifluous (look this word up, schmoe!) — if I could take a photo of her, and she said that she was flattered, but, no, no photo, because she was a private person. But she was willing to flex for me again.

I told the guy — who obviously lifts — at check-out what an amazing super stunning muscle girl was inside the building, and I showed him how my hands were shaking. And shaking. He high-tailed it into the aisles as soon as he finished ringing up my mozzarella cheese. I look forward to hearing his report next Saturday.

Oh, but the morning was still young …

Jul 15, 2023 - permalink


I certainly hope this isn’t real with the IRL comparison you made to someone else that is in bad form

Jul 15, 2023 - permalink

This is my real life, dude. And just the tip of the iceberg, as a matter of fact. I’ll post more after dinner. All I can say is that it’s raining musclegirls here on the Virginia/West Virginia border. I don’t know why I’m getting so lucky, but it’s really happening.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

The first thing I said to her was that I know another woman more jacked than her.

Then she started clapping.

Then everyone in the store started clapping.

Her name? Albert Einstein.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Are you making fun of me?? Yes you are. Chainer, this is really happening. Come here in person and I will show you.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Sometimes i see joggers and cyclists rush by and i am not sure if they are muscular or not since they move too fast and i am afraid to stare too long. like yesterday i saw someone who looked tall and had long hair in the distance i wasn't even sure if it was really a woman at that distance so i focused on my phone. then a few seconds later i looked up and it was indeed a woman her legs where big but she was already past me i was not sure if it was muscle or fat she ran really fast. so i doubt it was fat. another time i was walking. there was a cyclist going past me at high speeds i noticed her calf was huge. but literarily a second later she was already far. another second and she was just a faint blob in the distance it was in the forest and the sun was starting to go down.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

(Part 2 of 3) Ok, so after leaving the Martin’s grocery store where I had openly worshipped the ballet sundress muscle princess (who had happily flexed for me twice but said no pics), I drove my 1999 Volvo over to the farm market, hoping to see the petite ripped girl who volunteers in the information booth. But she was not there (ca. 10 a.m.). So I drove down to the gym, hoping, praying, dreaming of running into the Incredibly Ripped High School Science Teacher Who Wants to Turn Pro. Who, like, flexed for me beyond your wildest schmoe dreams even before I asked her.

But she was not there.

Instead, after I had started my workout, and went to do my dips, I found this little gymnast chick with a stunning v-taper using the dip-pullup-whatever apparatus repping out super muscle moves. For a long time. I tried — politely — to ask her when she might be through, but she ignored me so ostentatiously that the guys watching started cracking up. “She’s gonna kick your ass if you keep trying to talk to her.”

But she finally moved on, and I got a good view of her back. “Jesus Christ, dude,” I said to the guy who had been teasing me, “check out her lats.”

Which, coated with her sweat, were about to rip through her little muscle girl shirt.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

The first thing I said to her was that I know another woman more jacked than her.

Then she started clapping.

Then everyone in the store started clapping.

Her name? Albert Einstein.

i got a good laugh at this

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Yeah, keep making fun of me, but in actual real life I am experiencing a pretty much non-stop musclegirl bonanza. Also I have noticed over the past few weeks that deer and rabbits no longer fear me, but nonchalantly come into my space and tease me. Perhaps these are related phenomena? I am thinking of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

(Part 3 of 3) I drank a whole bottle of wine while making chimichurri chicken burgers (check out the recipe https://youtu.be/fyyi7SZKUGk) to have on hand to offer to the the Incredibly Ripped High School Science Teacher Who Wants to Turn Pro the next time I see her at the gym, hopefully today, hopefully Monday too, hopefully forever, — anyway I put the burgers in the fridge and fell asleep happy and just now woke up. So OK. The little gymnast with the breathtaking lats did not, as my new gym buddy had warned, kick my ass yesterday morning, and, to my further delight, I saw, after I had come out of the shower, that it was only 11:30 a.m. = the farm market was still open!! So I drove on back there, confident that I would see the petite ripped girl who volunteers in the information booth.

But as I walked onto the closed-off street where they do the Saturday a.m. farm market, I heard someone calling my name: Oh no, a fat flirtsy woman whose super hot daughter I had once been in love with. I chatted politely, but quickly moved on to the information booth, where, sure enough, the little muscle princess was back on duty, in her wonted (look it up, schmoe!) tank top.

Me, admiring her incredible vascularity and bulging delts and bis: “What kind of training do you do to get so incredibly lean?”

She: “Training?”

Me: “Your muscularity is like exquisite. How do you do that?”

She: “Oh, I mow the lawn and stuff. I do chores.”

Me: “Do you not got to a gym?”

She: “No.”

Me: “People spend years at the gym trying to get to your level of muscularity.”

She: “Oh, really? I’ll make it a point not to go then.”

Me: “Look how beautiful your delts and biceps are!!”

I was still kinda pumped from my workout (which I had finished by repping the stack on tricep pulldowns), and so I compared forearms with her to show her how much more vascular hers were than mine.

She took this as a compliment, which, you know, it was.

So I introduced myself: “I am John.”

She shook my hand: “My name is Ver-gin-ee.”

Me: “As in ‘Carry me Back to Old Virginny’”??

She: “No, it is French.”

Me: “Oh. So Virginie as in the wonderful novel Paul et Virginie?

She: “Yes. Je suis née à Toulouse.”

Me: “You know it was Schliemann’s favorite novel. He loved it so much that he memorized it, or said he did, so when he wanted to learn Greek, he learned it from a Greek translation of Paul et Virginie. Then he excavated Troy and found the Mask of Agamemnon.”

She: “Yes. I am named for that Virginie.”

So it was kinda obviously time to ask her for a date/see if she was married, and she said that her husband had brought her to the USA. So I didn’t push it. Maybe they’ve broken up? I’ll be back next week. And, more importantly, there’s the the Incredibly Ripped High School Science Teacher Who Wants to Turn Pro to whom I want to offer chimichurri chicken burgers today and tomorrow…

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Also, Chainer, check this out: Einstein appeared to me in a dream last week! Seriously! He complimented me for doing my best to understand theoretical physics, even though I am not a maths genius. He was very nice, but I did not ask him if he was into musclegirls.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Also, Chainer, check this out: Einstein appeared to me in a dream last week! Seriously! He complimented me for doing my best to understand theoretical physics, even though I am not a maths genius. He was very nice, but I did not ask him if he was into musclegirls.

You shouldn’t have posted this. I’m absolutely sure there are some teenage schmoes pm’ing you asking for more details on your encounters or driving directions. Lol!

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Just a few hours ago I bought a copy of Bernadin de Saint-Pierre’s Paul et Virginie on eBay for $4.58 so I will have a little cadeau in hand for the little ripped muscle princess the next time I go the the farm market. I am hoping that, once we have established a rapport, she will let me photograph her. In the name of art and in the name of beauty.

Jul 16, 2023 - edited Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Last month I worked as a vendor at Bonnaroo and I met Charlotte Schaech. She looked so huge and was so nice and approachable! She was more than happy to meet a fan and was cool with giving me a quick bicep flex it was awesome!

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Last month I worked as a vendor at Bonnaroo and I met Charlotte Schaech. She looked so huge and was so nice and approachable! She was more than happy to meet a fan and was cool with giving me a quick bicep flex it was awesome!


Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Last month I worked as a vendor at Bonnaroo and I met Charlotte Schaech. She looked so huge and was so nice and approachable! She was more than happy to meet a fan and was cool with giving me a quick bicep flex it was awesome!

cool stuff.

Jul 16, 2023 - permalink

Yesterday I was at the Rammstein concert in Berlin and saw a few fit women, but one really stood out because of her outfit. She only wore a black bikini or maybe even underwear, which revealed her ripped body. I only took a quick glance while she walked past me. I noticed nice arms with veins and a visible sixpack. She wasn‘t huge like a bodybuilder, but still pretty muscular and shredded. You could tell she goes to the gym a lot.

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

This is my real life, dude. And just the tip of the iceberg, as a matter of fact. I’ll post more after dinner. All I can say is that it’s raining musclegirls here on the Virginia/West Virginia border. I don’t know why I’m getting so lucky, but it’s really happening.

It was less about your story being fake and more about how rude you were to the girl. You never say “I know someone better than you” as a conversation starter

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

Yesterday I was at the Rammstein concert in Berlin and saw a few fit women, but one really stood out because of her outfit. She only wore a black bikini or maybe even underwear, which revealed her ripped body. I only took a quick glance while she walked past me. I noticed nice arms with veins and a visible sixpack. She wasn‘t huge like a bodybuilder, but still pretty muscular and shredded. You could tell she goes to the gym a lot.

I actually found a picture of her from the concert. Here is the link to the post on Instagram:


Jul 17, 2023 - edited Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

Today, I went to the local bike store, and before me in the queue was a girl (about 25 years I guess). She was wearing a white, knee-length dress, so I couldn't see her quads, but I was able to see her calves. And man, the calves she had! Without any doubt the biggest I've seen on a girl! I estimate them (honestly, not exaggerated) to be about 18 or even 19 inches (slightly fat, so no pure muscle, but nevertheless extremely impressive!) The way these muscles moved when she just walked around... it really turned me on, but sadly I didn't dare to talk to her.

Edit: Of course, I didn't take a picture, but the best description on this site, in both size and shape, would be this one:

Jul 17, 2023 - permalink

The magic continues: another morning, another muscle girl trifecta. After teaching my Monday a.m. Latin class on Zoom (Livy on Hannibal’s departure from Italy and defeat at Zama), I headed off to the gym and one two three boom boom boom just like that. First girl = early 20s, about 5’3” and 130, young mom or nanny with two little kids in tow: the group was heading into the women’s dressing room as I walked past and got a good look at her 6-? 8-? pack (did not have time to count) — she was wearing a skimpy red, white & blue sports bra with matching skimpy shorts. Thick, bulging quads too. America, fuck yeah! Second girl = college age, 5’6”ish, slim but muscular and super lean, so perfectly tanned that I assumed she is prepping for a show. Third girl = about 18, I remember her from the winter — insane leg workouts — walked into the gym in little shorts as I walked out — her quads are so insanely massive and huge and beautiful now that I felt the need to say a prayer of gratitude to the deities who bless us with such apparitions of female perfection. Then I headed over to the Food Lion, and, after I had bought some garlic and walked out, I found two brand new $20 bills under a bench on the sidewalk. You could smell their money mint freshness. A very good omen indeed!

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