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Should bodybuilders use steroids?

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Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

What does that even mean "develop muscles that size" "but not to be that muscular"? That doesn't make any sense.

Dec 09, 2021 - permalink

> Mucle toez.. no its not entirely possible for a woman her height etc to build muscles that size naturally Lmfao. Maybe they can get that size if theyre taller/have a lsrger frame to start..but it'd be with a shit ton of bodyfat comparatively..it sure wont be muscle like her. Just stop..it's embarassing.

The embarrassing thing here is you're unable to read more than a few words. Oh plus, please note that there are 2 "r's" in "embarrassing," and my username is "Muscles_Toez," not "Mucle toez". As I said....

"It's entirely possible for a woman to develop muscles that size naturally. But not to be that muscular, that dry, and that ripped. And not with the usual bulking/cutting and photoshoot schedule like the typical FBB."

So yes, that would most likely include - as you so articulately stated - a "shit ton of bodyfat."

Are you on the spectrum or something?

Hey man thanks for the insults.


  1. I don't give a fuck what your shit username is hahaha. Imagine correcting people about 1 letter or something in an online forum? what a muppet.
  2. You're still clueless.
  3. Your whole post was garbage and you've basically had to walk the whole thing back as you've been proved wrong.
Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

What does that even mean "develop muscles that size" "but not to be that muscular"? That doesn't make any sense.

How can I explain it? I'll use photos.

Here's a female powerlifter. She has a lot of fat on her. She might be natural, I honestly couldn't tell you. But I can assure you that underneath that fat are some very large and strong muscles. She's gonna need those to lift those big-ass weights.


When I say "develop muscles that size," I'm talking about building actual muscle nuclei through hypertrophy. So if Lee Lee Ji-Hye has 14" biceps, it's ENTIRELY possible that this powerlifter has 14" biceps too. And it's possible that she built them naturally through many years of training and good genetics. My apologies to the legions of bro-scientists like bob-whatever, but if you've ever (1) spent a lot of time in gyms and strength events and/or (2) actually used the PED's that we're talking about, you'd know that's true.

Now, we move to the bodybuilder in question:

I would say that she is more muscular than the powerlifter that I linked above. Because -- guess what -- you can see her muscles. Chances are she's still a lot smaller and lighter in real terms.

Human beings can get very big, strong, and brawny with the right diet, coaching, and modern training techniques. But it's very hard to be big, strong, brawny, AND insanely lean without the help of PED's. Especially for women.

Get it now?

Dec 10, 2021 - edited Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

Now he's using powerlifters as an example of someone NOT on PED's ...


And in answer to your question. yes i've used Ped's .. yes i go the the gym. and yes i've done plenty of research.,

muscle toe simp guy? clueless. Nothin else to see here - he's using powerlifters as an example of PED free girls. LOL

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

Now he's using powerlifters as an example of someone NOT on PED's ...


And in answer to your question. yes i've used Ped's .. yes i go the the gym. and yes i've done plenty of research.,

muscle toe simp guy? clueless. Nothin else to see here - he's using powerlifters as an example of PED free girls. LOL

LOL it's definitely funny to get a "sick burn" from someone who's dancing on the edge of literacy.

I'd love for the "everyone is on steroids camp" to join forces with the "no one is on steroids camp" and then magically cancel each other out.

The rest of us can then peacefully live in the real world where a good amount of muscle can be naturally built, but only a certain degree of conditioning can be achieved.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

I don't think everyone's on steroids. But i DO at least live in reality.

Look at ANY of these girls once they're off the juice - even if they CONTINUE lifting and dieting. They deflate like balloons back to the baselines genetic potential. And it's simply nothing like what you describe. And thats with the benefit they've got from originally using gear in the first place, which will always give someone a leg up over a lifetime natural.

TLDR - you're a clueless muppet.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

Now he's using powerlifters as an example of someone NOT on PED's ...


And in answer to your question. yes i've used Ped's .. yes i go the the gym. and yes i've done plenty of research.,

muscle toe simp guy? clueless. Nothin else to see here - he's using powerlifters as an example of PED free girls. LOL

Same here. I'm using PED's currently and I've used them for years. I have my own hardcore bodybuilding gym at home. And yes I did my research before I started using the gear. Research is always the best when starting a new path in life. So I'm your side.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

y'all let's not sling mud at people with unfounded and disparaging comments. parties have been warned.

Dec 10, 2021 - permalink

If bodybuilders want to take PED's than that's their choice and I love female bodybuilders that do. But at the same time I fully respect the ones that are natural. And honestly the ones that are natural are just as beautiful as the ones that take the gear. Two perfect examples of natural and gear driven female bodybuilders that are beautiful in my eyes...


Dec 23, 2021 - permalink

I'm curious if any of the gals take Rocky Mountain Oyster supplements. Could be a natural testosterone booster?

Dec 23, 2021 - permalink

I’ll give em a taste of my Rocky Mountain oysters

Dec 23, 2021 - permalink

I’ll give em a taste of my Rocky Mountain oysters

Good one 👍

Dec 23, 2021 - permalink

Good one 👍

Yeah cuz I make them every year around Christmas. What were you thinking of?

Dec 23, 2021 - permalink

Should any government own nukes🤔 Know risk & reward

Dec 27, 2021 - permalink

From a health point of view, taking anabolic steroids is a tricky business. Some can be pretty hard on the liver. They can also exacerbate latent psychiatric problems as well. Paige DuMars comes to mind. She has basically turned herself into a dickless male body builder. Denise Rutkowski also comes to mind. She was a beautiful woman who ended up looking like a old man from skid-row. Tina Plakinger suffered from aggression while on steroids and was addicted to them. The human body is not designed to have a "supercharged" testosterone analogue circulating with not control as to the amount administered.

OTOH, I think everyone (men and women) can benefit from a little test boost, especially us senior citizens. Its a vital hormone that contribute to health and strength. It helps to prevent osteoporosis when combined with heavy weight training and you look better too.

Dec 27, 2021 - permalink

From a health point of view, taking anabolic steroids is a tricky business. Some can be pretty hard on the liver. They can also exacerbate latent psychiatric problems as well. Paige DuMars comes to mind. She has basically turned herself into a dickless male body builder. Denise Rutkowski also comes to mind. She was a beautiful woman who ended up looking like a old man from skid-row. Tina Plakinger suffered from aggression while on steroids and was addicted to them. The human body is not designed to have a "supercharged" testosterone analogue circulating with not control as to the amount administered.

OTOH, I think everyone (men and women) can benefit from a little test boost, especially us senior citizens. Its a vital hormone that contribute to health and strength. It helps to prevent osteoporosis when combined with heavy weight training and you look better too.

1) Paige DuMars is a nice person who has a better physique than 99% of us could ever dream of having. She's very out about being LGBT. I think that she wants to look EXACTLY how she does, and appearing masculine is part of her vision. I don't know what she's on, but she's taking things to extremes on purpose, and isn't indicative of the typical AAS use at all.

2) Denise Rutkowski was on FAR more drugs than just steroids. You can bet that meth played a huge role in her transformation to those famous mug shots.

3) I'd love to know this chemical process that "addicts" you to steroids. They can be habit-forming, particularly for people with body dysmorphia. But I'm pretty sure that you cannot become addicted to them, like you can to legal substances like alcohol and tobacco.

4) Agreed 1000% on the last point. I think that HRT should be far more widespread than it currently is, and used in controlled way for both male and female seniors. We're wasting an unbelievable scientific achievement because people are concerned about fairness in sports, which are rife with steroid abuse anyway.

Jan 02, 2022 - permalink

Bodybuilders lie worse than baseball players when it comes to admitting that they use steroids.

Jan 02, 2022 - permalink

FWIW, this thread totally inspired me to get some Oxandrolone and get back to serious training. Starting my cycle tomorrow!

Jan 02, 2022 - permalink

Well firstly, everybody can take whatever they want, that's none of my business.

But I wish we didn't have so many enhanced people in the sports community. Yes, I admire physiques of some enhanced women here and I know that they couldn't have those bodies without drugs. But nevertheless, I'm against anabolic usage. Tampering with hormones is just not right to me.

Jan 18, 2022 - permalink

Stephanie Flesher open about her roid adiction.

"50 mg primo - bringing me back to life"

Jan 18, 2022 - permalink

Stephanie Flesher open about her roid adiction.

"50 mg primo - bringing me back to life"

Good for Stephanie Flesher in admitting to roid use.

Jan 18, 2022 - permalink

We need to stop acting like steroids are an automatic death sentence. They're not. Responsible usage is perfectly fine. It's up to the individual whether or not they take them, and it's up to us to stop moralizing and casting aspersions on those who do.

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

Good for Stephanie Flesher in admitting to roid use.

I apreciate. Very honest.

Jan 19, 2022 - permalink

We need to stop acting like steroids are an automatic death sentence. They're not. Responsible usage is perfectly fine. It's up to the individual whether or not they take them, and it's up to us to stop moralizing and casting aspersions on those who do.

The degree to which some of these woman are using..is a death sentence lol.. and they'll be lucky to see 50Yo.

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