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Fit/ muscular girls on tinder

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Nov 09, 2023 - permalink

Sorry didnt got you

Nov 09, 2023 - permalink

I would bet money that these are all dudes.

Nov 10, 2023 - permalink

Dudes not dudes , i found girls there over this thread and no one replied me. I found only brazilian one , we had been in touch at whatsapp then we decide to end the connection which turned out to be a tatal mistake

Nov 10, 2023 - edited Nov 10, 2023 - permalink

To those who say you can't find muscular girls on Tinder or other similar apps, you're wrong. I live in a relatively small western city (1.5m) and I've previously gotten involved with a figure model, extreme figure (virtually physique), a wellness competitor, an extremely muscular crossfitter (probably the buffest one because she was on gear for sure) and a number of other very fit women that did things like ballet, pole dancing, jiu-jitsuz rock climbing and police/military. At least three of them appear on this website (no, I won't be naming names).

This was over a period of about 6 years so it's not like it happens fast. I put a lot of work into my training and apparently I'm not hideous so I'm not pretending it's easy.

Nov 10, 2023 - permalink

For me at least is impossible to get a woman in real life , i had only 5 encounters randomly in my all life.

At tinder the main issue is that the algorithem prevent you to match with a any woman at general. Without it i would say it less difficult. If someone who understand about how to break the algorithem give us tips - would be great👍

Nov 10, 2023 - permalink

Nov 12, 2023 - permalink

Everyone blames the algorithm but the reality is that 90% of men get extremely low matches. Dating sites are male dominated and women are fussier. Unless you are good looking, have a good profile and have a good job; you're going to struggle.

Nov 12, 2023 - permalink

Everyone blames the algorithm but the reality is that 90% of men get extremely low matches. Dating sites are male dominated and women are fussier. Unless you are good looking, have a good profile and have a good job; you're going to struggle.

100%. And for some of them it becomes an ego trip as well. Countless compliments from lots of dudes on a male-dominated app...

Nov 13, 2023 - permalink

Everyone blames the algorithm but the reality is that 90% of men get extremely low matches. Dating sites are male dominated and women are fussier. Unless you are good looking, have a good profile and have a good job; you're going to struggle.

Disagree with you man , the algorithem ruined it but its true it dominated by men

Dec 03, 2023 - permalink

Look at her legs

Dec 10, 2023 - permalink
Dec 10, 2023 - permalink

Dec 10, 2023 - permalink

Dove l'hai beccata questa? 😜

Dec 13, 2023 - permalink

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

❗️It’s not Tinder, but you should have a look at this app, the app called Fitafy, there are just muscle girls searching for men.

Most of the girls are from UK because it’s more popular there. But oh my god it’s just a dream for everyone who searches for a dating app with muscular girls.❗️

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

❗️It’s not Tinder, but you should have a look at this app, the app called Fitafy, there are just muscle girls searching for men.

Most of the girls are from UK because it’s more popular there. But oh my god it’s just a dream for everyone who searches for a dating app with muscular girls.❗️

I've had fitafy for a while, and yeah most of the women I'd want to match are not even in my country. I'm in Ohio and there's only like 14 users in my state 😅

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink
Dec 15, 2023 - permalink
Dec 15, 2023 - permalink
Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

Is there a filter, tag or how do you “selectctively” search for them?

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

Had a quick look at my old fitafy account and came across this girl

Dec 15, 2023 - permalink

Is there a filter, tag or how do you “selectctively” search for them?

There are a lot filters

Dec 27, 2023 - permalink

Calves calving and triceps tricing

Dec 27, 2023 - permalink

There are a lot filters


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