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Onlyfans Reviews

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Jan 19, 2021 - edited Mar 15, 2022 by cgsweat - permalink


Do people have favorite muscle girl OnlyFans pages? Two of mine are Karyn Bayres and Angela Yeo (muscle geisha)

edited title
Jan 19, 2021 - edited Oct 31, 2022 - permalink

These are personal reviews, I can't speak for everyone's experience and I haven't subbed to every OF page out there...

Highly Recommended:

@proyeo, @kierajaston, @shannonseeley, @angelasalvagno, @sweetbeast20, @goddess-mandy, @amymuscle, @chelcbabyyy

Somewhat Recommended:

  • @sunnyandrews - her archives have some decent stuff but her DM vids tend to be overpriced
  • @kassgfit - she overcharges for DM content and started getting pretty stingy when I was subbed a few months ago
  • @virginiasanchezpro - only because her subscription fee is pretty high, you have to catch one of her 50% off sales
  • @aleeshayoung - DM vids are a little overpriced but pretty good quality, but she uses her feed to do nothing but advertise her DM content, so the subscription fee is essentially paying for the privilege to further pay for DM's
  • @fit_lolamontez - only uploads once or twice per week anymore. You're lucky to get 1 PPV in your DM's each month. And now OF has made it so you can only buy PPV's if you're subscribed, so any previously unbought PPV's are locked until you re-sub.

Not Recommended:

BJ Brunton, Jay Fuchs, Nahla Monroe. They charge steep prices and you don't get much in return.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

I don't recommend Nataliya Amazonka and Emily Brandt.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Here's my not recommend pile:

Natasha Aughey Korin Ekizian Alanna Fisk Laura Ehlen

HEre's my recommend linst:

Izzyfit Kenna Star (a lot more sex stuff than muscle at themoment)

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

does laura ehlen do nude?

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Hannah Hussein (onlyfans .com/hannah_h) is pretty good.

Jan 19, 2021 - edited Jan 19, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

does laura ehlen do nude?

She does, full. I DONT fully recommend because of the time it takes to do things. She doesn’t post or check very. Often. But I got a 2 min nude vid for 40$

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Besides those already mentioned, I really like these:

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Why not Emily Brand, Natasha Aughey, or Natalia Trukhina (Amazonka)?

They're three of my favs. They charge too much for too little?

Emily Brand - "My Muscley Bum" charges an arm and a leg for premade videos--usually $125+. If you feel $15 for a one time sign up is with it for the existing library there (where there is topless).

Natasha - She posts like once a month and its the same stuff she posts on Instagram. There's no flexing vids, no topless or nudity, nothing different than what you'd find on this site. Doesn't do requests and isn't very responsive, if she responds at all. Despite having an incredibly physique she doesn't want to flex at all, but is totally ok showing off her butt..in very vanilla photos

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

I'll be honest, sometimes I couldn't care less about topless or nudity (but if you're charging 25$ a month and ALSO nickel and diming with private posts it better be the best stuff I've ever seen).

I had very high hopes for Natasha Aughey. She rarely flexes and I hoped that she would really show off her physique in a different way using OF. I figured she'd never go topless or anything like that, that wasn't my expectation. Just was disappointed to find it was kind of just a money grab for people who think they might eventually see something special one day.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Emily Brand - "My Muscley Bum" charges an arm and a leg for premade videos--usually $125+. If you feel $15 for a one time sign up is with it for the existing library there (where there is topless).

Natasha - She posts like once a month and its the same stuff she posts on Instagram. There's no flexing vids, no topless or nudity, nothing different than what you'd find on this site. Doesn't do requests and isn't very responsive, if she responds at all. Despite having an incredibly physique she doesn't want to flex at all, but is totally ok showing off her butt..in very vanilla photos

Natalia never hardly posts.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

I've got a question people... Never paid a OnlyFans subscription or anything like that before, actually I'm just hearing about OnlyFans for some months, but before I start subscribing or not I've gotta know something: can you ask the model from the sub you're paying for to do special video requests?? I'm between Sunny Andrews or Lola Montez, but wanted to know this first, or ideally your experience on requesting things to any of those models :)

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by nda0046
Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

It's a fun way to support the athletes.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

there are some on OF that have pretty reasonable prices. for a cusom of someone i like or a trip to the movies, i can swing that.

i have paid big bux for customs before, but the women i got them from have literally never done it for anyone else and aren't on any of these platforms. for me the uniqueness of the video makes it worth the spend.

by contrast, Emily would have charged me 175$ for a video that would probably have been 98% similar to the ones she made on her own and sold to people willing to buy.

some of them vastly overestimate their appeal and just charge whatever they want. despite not recommending Natasha, for $10....how many of her 1.3 million followers would take a chance for one month? i saw someone had left a 500% tip on a boring photo, for what? if even .5% (generous) of her followers were simps that would wait around on a monthly basis thats 10k people signing up. It's probably more like 500 people but still even that much is 5k a month for basically doing nothing.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Oh another one I like a lot: Nemius Queen

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

Any opinion on onlyfans . com / murves ? She's tobesuperwoman on IG.

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

will second others posting angela yeo and also through hannah hussein and heather armbrust out there

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink

I'm having trouble finding laura ehlen's OF page. anyone with the link?

Jan 19, 2021 - permalink
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