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Recovering from a beautiful encounter

Sep 24, 2017 - permalink
Working in a restaurant I see all kind of people, but very rarely I see muscular girls.
Last night it just took me a glance to notice some well defined arms of a beautiful girl. She had a sleeveless shirt, hot red hair (definitely dyed) shaved on one side, and a pair of tight jeans. The legs were definitely strong. The best thing were her arms, even if she was relaxed you could see how big she was, and how big her biceps, triceps and shoulders were. Beside her muscle she looked like a normal.al beautiful girl. She was with a guy, with a big beard and shaved head, but not an inch of muscle..she was shorter, but way bigger than him. Everytime she fixed her hair or used her arms, you could see the muscle bulging out, and it was mesmerizing.
The hardest part is to recover from that. I am happily married to a beautiful girl, she works out and maybe one day she'll be bigger in size (I'm already seeing improvements on her biceps and legs, plus all the veins in her forearm), but right now she is nothing compared to what I really like. I love her to pieces, but it will take time to forget about the beautiful vision of a girl with real muscle.
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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