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Bodybuilder Meegan Hefford's use of protein shakes contributed to her death

Aug 15, 2017 - permalink
A bodybuilder just died from consuming too much protein... The mom of two Meegan Hefford was found unconscious in her apartment and passed away only two days later, after being declared brain-dead. The Aussie bodybuilder began training in 2014. Upon her death, doctors discovered she had the rare urea cycle disorder preventing her body from breaking down an overconsumption of protein.


I guess she hadn't trained very hard before, and only started using protein shake recently in order to enter competitions. Hopefully, this won't happen again to any other.
Aug 17, 2017 - permalink
Very sad, and seemingly unavoidable. Her family (perhaps understandably) wants to take the manufacturers to task. But it sounds like this is a rare disease that she didn't even know she had. Not sure how they could expect the manufacturers to have dealt with it. More illegible tiny text?
Aug 20, 2017 - permalink
People die for all kinds of reasons - there is no escape from that. However, this hopefully is the first instance, and will serve as a warning to prevent other deaths. God knows the world can never have enough female bodybuilders, especially young, fine-looking ones.
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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