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Fitness blogger killed by an exploding whipped cream dispenser

Jun 22, 2017 - permalink

Of all the absurd and tragic things that could happen to people, this one must be the worst.

What a sad ending for such a beautiful person.

Jun 27, 2017 - permalink
When I originally read that headline I was thinking a can of whipped cream, like you buy from the grocery store, and I thought that's impossible unless you had your throat slit by a flying shard of tin.  You had to be really unlucky.  Then I saw the picture of that thing.  A cheap piece of plastic Chinese crap with a CO2 canister in it.  That's a disaster waiting to happen and it just did. 

I had a pellet gun when I was a kid that took those things.  I could shoot 80 or 90 pellets through a soup can with one of those.  There is an incredible amount of pressure in one of those little bottles.   Put that kind of pressure into some shitty piece of garbage like that thing, and you've just made a hand grenade.

That's too bad.  Somebody is going to get sued over that one, and well they should.   
Jun 27, 2017 - permalink
Makes one really wonder: why couldn't they just use a simple spray bottle like typical ones used for shaving cream?
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