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Danielle Reardon 'Roid-Rage Explosion???

Sep 16, 2014 - permalink
Sep 17, 2014 - permalink
Yikes. That's a pretty frightening story.  

I've never had a relationship with a super-muscular woman, but I have to admit that the thought does scare me a little.  Although there's considerable erotic appeal to the idea of shacking up with a woman who's a lot bigger and stronger than me, I'd sure hate to wind up in a position where my girlfriend decides, one day, to just beat the living shit out of me.

All the women I've ever had relationships with were weaker than I am, so in my case it has never been an actual concern, but (of course) this is an issue that women deal with all the time.  I guess that (regardless if you're male or female) if your love interest is bigger and stronger than you are, you had better make darn sure that they possess good self-control.  

As an aside ... time after time, I keep hearing experts in the field insisting that "roid rage" is a myth ... and yet, we continue to get stories like this now and then.  Of course, alcohol could have been a contributing factor, too.  So, it's hard to say, for sure, what might have led to this.

It'll be interesting to get follow-ups on this story, and see how it pans out.
Sep 17, 2014 - permalink
She's got quite a bit of maturing to do o.0
Sep 18, 2014 - permalink
Honestly... I'd be turned on as fuck. Life and limb be damned, kick my ass!!
Dec 21, 2014 - permalink
The best thing about this incident is the supportive attitude of her boyfriend. As far as I know he's a huge guy too, so he shouldn't have been much hurt.

What would have been watch-worthy is a full-scale beat-up of a deserving guy by her. Yum! >:D
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