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Do you think that IFBB sucks?

Jun 21, 2014 - permalink
Is it not the time to establish a new female bodybuilding federation? Seems that IFBB finally decided to totally destroy the sport and replace it by beauty contests. I personally think that new federation, which would really support female bodybuilding as a sport, is the only solution to save it.
Jun 24, 2014 - permalink
I personally think the days of bodybuilding as we once knew it is over and I don't see anything but a cult following for the time when female bodybuilders with huge muscles was popular. I think they "the people with the big money behind these contests/shows" have swayed the compeitors towards a totally different look entirely.    IMHO ofc.
Jul 26, 2014 - permalink
From what I gather they want to move towards smaller women in hopes of drawing bigger attendance figures. Fact is, female bodybuilding shows were much more popular and mainstream when the women looked more like Cory Everson circa late 1980s than Iris Kyle circa 2010.

Simply put, the huge IFBB ladies don't have the draw that the fitness models have.
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