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Kristifigure TOP 10 favs?

Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
I was asked by a few on the GWM site who my favorites were on the site and to choose a top 10.  Which I'm finding very difficult to do.  At least the question of top 10 photo's was not addressed yet.  I would go crazy!!  LOL.

Anyway, I'm still working on the top 10 favorites here.  But I might have to work on this by starting out with a group and studying them a little to determine just who really should be in that top 10.   OMG do I have to put them in order??  I might also go crazy doing that too, LOL.  The question can also come up as to ALL TIME FAVS, should it just  be a top 10 from THIS site or MY PERSONAL top 10, that could include others not on this site.  It's already getting difficult...

In no particular order this is my first thoughts.  A top 32 until further notice, lol.

Jodi Miller **
Amy Fadhli **
Timea Majorova **
Monica Brandt **
Monica Mollica **
Eva Andressa Viera **                                          My ALL TIME Top 10
Mavi Gioia **                                                           1.   Amy Fadhli
Larissa Reis **                                                         2.   Jodi Miller *
Oksana Grishina *                                                     3.   Monica Brandt                      
Jamie Eason                                                            4.    Mavi Gioia *
Juliana Malacarne **                                                 5.   Monica "Wowi" Mollica *
Erica Cordie                                                             6.   Timea Majorova
Cindy Landolt **                                                      7.   Cindy Landolt *
Tanya Merryman *                                                    8.   Larissa Reis *
Michelle Bellini *                                                       9.   Juliana Malacarne *
Moorea Wolfe *                                                       10.  Eva Andresssa Viera *
Marla Duncan *                                                      
Debbie Kruck
Denise Rutkowski  *                            (The top 10 that have '*' next to them are still
Michelle Ralabate **                             very active so it would cause a change occasionally)
Alphie Newman *
Sharon Bruneau
Tonya Knight
Lisa Lorio
Diana Dennis
Denise Rodriguez
Victoria Larvie
Denise Hosher *
Marja Lehtonen
Zuzana Korinkova *
Tazzie Colomb
Dora Trikoupis  (not that long but one pic on GWM has a ORC of 62!!!)
Cory Everson
Tina Nyugen *

Ok now, yall help me out!!!  I get a little sidetracked when I look at them so it's hard to be objective at times.  Do I need to add anyone else that you remember I've commented a lot on or can I start whittling them down a bit?

This will be fun....


A reminder of why....

Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Michelle Bellini comes to mind..Marla Duncan...Rachel McLish...Tonya Knight. Tanya Hyde should be a favorite. I think I'd have to call her my current favorite. She is AWESOME. Oh back to you...Sharon Bruneau, Mia Finnegan.... it goes on...
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
DARN IT!!!!!  ok yea.. had to add her.
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
I modified my list.. :-P
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Debbie Kruck
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Shoot..... yea Debbie and Marla!!!!  You showed me  both of them and if they aren't high up no one is.  Goodness...  how did I survive college with you around?!   lol
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
More like how did you survive WITHOUT me around ?  >:D 
Alphie Newman, Tina Lockwood...
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
I added Denise Rutkowski and Michelle Ralabate too, I was huge fans of theirs.  Alphie.. ok yes.  Tina yes,  but not enough to be in a top 10. 

Maybe I can make a top 10 figure and a top 10 BB and top 10 gymnast????  LOL...   sigh.
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
How about Nicole Bass ?  ;D

Oh wait, that is the other end of the spectrum.  :P
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
uuggg.. that was the how to stop Kristi picture.  I'll never forget it.  Horrible.

Hmmm.. Nicole Ball though... argh.  Ok have to focus.. top 10.
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Nikki Warner.... maybe not Top 10... Top 25 ?
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Jenny Worth, Jennifer Broomfield....
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Oh I had forgotten about Jenny Worth, think I still have that autographed photo though.  Hmmm, yea might be getting into a top 25 now.  Kristi Oakley ..  some others come to mind, but I will try to stream line with the list I have.  Already have some ideas of who is going to be struck but waiting until others have checked it and I'll go from there.
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Liso Lorio, Diana Dennis, Anja Langer, Sharon Marvel, Debi Muggli ,Athena...

You know it would be much easier to make a Top 10 of your non-favorites !
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
I think you're right.  I took away the current ones .. trying to concentrate.  Yes all those were definitely admired a lot, but I'm try to focus on the ones I admired A LOT!!!
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Oh and then there is Tazzie Colomb.....

 Never mind how you made through college with me around, I'm wondering how I was able to go to work the next day as late as YOU kept me up !  >:(  
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Danielle Morlanne, Zuzana Korinkova, Anne Marie Crooks, Erica Kern, Laura Bass...ok I am taking a break !

This COULD go on all afternoon !  o.0
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
For now there is Alicia Coates, Alina Popa, Denise Hoshor, Marja Lehtonen, Karen Konya, Sharon Marvel, Zuzana Korinkova, Joanne McCartney and Gina Farnsworth.

But that's just off the top of my head.
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Also Myrissa Joy and Julia Vins.
Feb 10, 2014 - permalink
Holy Moly guys..  lol.  I'm waiting for a few others to chime in but I think I might have to keep the TOP 10 to a GWM top 10 maybe.  My all time top 10 may be impossible.
Feb 11, 2014 - permalink
Speaking of gymnasts...  Jamie Dantzscher, Dominique Dawes, Dominique Moceanu, Shawn Johnson, Alicia Sacramone.  >:D
Feb 11, 2014 - permalink
K, at this rate the kids will be out of college and you'll be sitting on a veranda someplace sipping your lemonade and still be undecided about your top ten... ;D
You may be right though, maybe a Top ten of GWM Favs first..then after that you could do a top ten from the 80s and then the 90s, then gymnasts, and the beat goes on   o.0...
as for me I'd settle for a GWMTT  8)
Feb 11, 2014 - permalink
Ah, another one for the Pughster...Moorea Wolfe !
Feb 11, 2014 - permalink
Firstly Kristi, knowing how you are how did you survive college anyway?(and that's with or without Will's help)

Will, Nicole Bass might not be on my list but she is more towards my end of the spectrum than Kristi's. The more recent "how to stop Kristi" photo is one of the selfies of me when I was sick with a cold and hadn't had a shower for a day or two.

I'd assume that Jodi and Amy would have to be top 2 for you. Well you do remember your first and you've shown me that picture of Ms Fadhli.

I know you can be modest at times but would it be too much for you to include yourself on your list? Oh, I know she's not GWM but how about Ms Britney? Also how about cheerleader Anna Watson?

Ummm.....finally there is one name you've missed(that's all I'll say about that but you can ask me privately if you don't know who I'm talking about and now I'm blushing ;) ).

Now if it was me I don't know who would be in my top ten but near the top would have to be the late Ms Katherine Illingworth(RIP Kathy).
Feb 12, 2014 - permalink
Oh man, where do I start? Well, I guess these days, I'd have to go with:
Mavi Gioia - she's just Mavilous!
Jodi Miller - So petite, but so beautiful. And she can turn Kristi into a bunch of jello with a glance.  ;D
Denise Rodriguez - what a body!
Juliana Malacarne - Oh my god! And I first met Kristi on one of her pics, lol
Zsuzsanna Toldi - Golden goddess

Well, those are just a few for now. I'll have more...  ;D


P.S. - Oh and then there's that Kristifigure chick. Always love her. Big hugses!
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