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Curious about a theme in old FBB videos

Nov 29, 2012 - permalink
I wasn't around for that early 1990s VHS scene of Ray Martin or the WPW stuff, so I've been playing catch up nearly 20 years later.  One video that I really liked from that era featured Claudia Mountford/Wagner.  I'm sure some of you have seen it.  There's a taller and less muscular woman applying makeup on Claudia and asking her about her workout routines.  Later on in the video, ten minutes are devoted to the woman giving Claudia a very thorough back/arm massage.  I've seen a few videos where it's usually some guy doing the massaging.  I really liked the contrast of a non-muscular woman being in the role of the masseuse.  Have there been any videos similar to that in the past or possibly present?  I sort of like the play on mild lesbian sexual tension in moments like that.
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