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Jul 31, 2017 - permalink
I'm new to these forums (though not the site in general), and I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but it's about the closest section I could find.

I'm trying to find out whether there's any place to find out which FBBs do and don't do "sessions." I know it's a question a lot of the FBBs themselves don't like to answer outside of their sites (and maybe some of them even ON their sites), and it might even be a tricky question to ask on these forums, but is there a place to find this out about a whole lot of them at once?
Aug 01, 2017 - permalink
Here:  http://www.sessiongirls.com/wrestlers/type/US 

And here:  http://www.wb270.com/ndx.htm

Some at the second page may be out of date, Diana is notoriously bad for keeping info up to date, but you might recognize a few names there and might be able to find them elsewhere. 

Just remember, those girls are not going on those things because they think it's fun, or they're looking for a new boyfriend.  They do these things to make money.  Most of them only do it because they have to, and the truth be known, their view of the guys who ask for sessions ranges mostly from contempt to utter disgust.  Just like the janitor who has to clean puke off the floor.  He does it for the money, because that's his job.  He doesn't do it because he likes cleaning up puke.    Only the odd one actually likes sessions, and likes the guys she session with.  As long as you have no illusions in that regard, have at it.

And if you ever do, be courteous, be respectful, try not to be a total perv douchebag.  You can ask for certain things, but you don't make demands.  And if the answer is no, don't ask again, or nag, or act all disappointed and claim you're getting ripped off.  You get what you get and be happy you got that.  At the end, shake her hand and tell her you had a good time and you were glad to meet her.  The girls like to think of themselves as professionals (athletes).   If you treat them as such, you're far more likely to get the best experience possible, rather than treating them as your hooker.  Keep the conversation light.  If she want's to know whether she's making you horny or not, or whether you like her boobs, she'll ask you.  Otherwise, keep that sort of thing to yourself.  She probably already thinks you're a douchebag, don't make it any worse.  Act like a civilized human and she might change her mind by the time it's all over, or at least not want to spit in your face and lay down tracks as fast as is humanly possible.           
Aug 01, 2017 - permalink
Thank you for that name.

I realize what you mean. I actually have been to sessions with one single FBB, and I showed the kind of courtesy you mention, and she was extremely nice. I'm sure the FBB can't always expect that kind of pleasant situation from the client, and vice-versa, but I'm hoping to try to repeat it. Thank you again for the name.
Aug 01, 2017 - permalink
When I went to that second site you suggested, I was surprised to find that one of them (one I've always liked) is supposed to be located in Houston. I live right outside Houston, so it was a little embarrassing just now finding it out. I hope that isn't dated.
Aug 02, 2017 - permalink
The second one is probably up to date.   If you do email her, ask her if she's still in Houston, and let her know you did a session once with that other girl.  That tells her you at least probably didn't get arrested for murdering the other girl or something like that.  You've done it before, never had any problems.  Put her mind at ease a little bit.    And mention the kind of things you're interested in for a session.  Keep it short, she'll probably want to talk on the phone first just to make sure you don't sound like a raving lunatic mental patient, you can talk more about it then if she's interested.   

Good luck.     
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