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Why so serious/sensitive people?

Dec 05, 2009 - permalink
This doesn't apply to 99% of you out there - but food for thought anyway because disagreements are inevitably bound to occur.  That said...

The fundamental purpose of a FORUM is to spark discussions - preferably of somewhat intelligent caliber (though that latter part is debatable).  Discussing a topic, especially when values and opinion come into play, is bound to elicit conflicting points of view.  On this site, for example, it may revolve around an individual, drug use, or perhaps the level of muscularity one prefers to see on a female.  I feel pretty safe in adding that, yes, a little playfulness and sarcasm is welcome to bring some levity to the discussion.  But what is not necessary or called for is taking things extremely personally and spouting off curses and derogatory statements about other forum participants just because they do not agree with your opinion on one particular miniscule matter.  Considering you both are on this forum, you probably have more commonalities than differences.  And even if you don't, you should keep your posts mature.  I know on other boards people get into asinine "flame wars" but this board is too intimate and tightly knit to get into that immature nonsense.  So yeah, keep it real, keep it clean, keep it fun, but also keep it respectful.

Dec 25, 2009 - permalink
not sure what exactly you are getting at
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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