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Nov 22, 2021 - context

beh..che dire. se a te piace quella cosa li (che ti comandi a bacchetta)sei molto fortunato allora! spronala sempre a migliorare, e non farla sentire in "difetto" perchè fisicamente diventa "diversa" dalle altre.... e divertitevi tanto

Nov 22, 2021 - context

urca!! cioè, lei così piccolina, ti prende in spalla senza problemi?? complimenti!! cosa intendi quando dici che giocate con la forza? braccio di ferro? e lei cosa dice di questa sua "trasformazione"? si piace? vuole crescere di più?

Nov 22, 2021 - context

quindi ragazzi? che si dice di bello? qualcuno ha fatto qualche incontro degno di nota recentemente (e non)?

Nov 22, 2021 - context

Yes they are very sexy on both genders !

I’m seriously into massive muscles. The only kind of guy I like are hulking pro bodybuilding men. With women I prefer huge bodybuilders, but also like average to fit. So I guess that makes me somewhat bi?

Ah well big muscles are sexy.

Nov 21, 2021 - context

If there were to be a guysiwitmuscle dot com I would certainly join that site in a heartbeat as well.


Nov 21, 2021 - context

I'm a bit different from most people on this thread so far in that I'm outright bisexual and will call myself that every day of the week. But of course, I'm a huge fan of muscle! If there were to be a guysiwitmuscle dot com I would certainly join that site in a heartbeat as well.

Very happy this thread exists now, thought of doing something similar before but I wasn't really sure where to post it.

Nov 21, 2021 - context

Personally, I’m attracted so almost every female body type and shape (excepting unhealthily skinny and/or grossly obese), but I’m most attracted to very fit or muscular women.

On the Kinsey Scale of sexuality I’m about a 0.1. Almost exclusively attracted to women, with the exception of hugely muscled and attractive male bodybuilders or “muscle gods”.

Hell yeah bros! Lots of like-minded muscle fanatics here. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/fd/ce/22fdc...

Nov 21, 2021 - context

Personally, I’m attracted so almost every female body type and shape (excepting unhealthily skinny and/or grossly obese), but I’m most attracted to very fit or muscular women.

On the Kinsey Scale of sexuality I’m about a 0.1. Almost exclusively attracted to women, with the exception of hugely muscled and attractive male bodybuilders or “muscle gods”.

Nov 21, 2021 - context

Hello, en France, avez-vous un site pour passer les annonces pour les rencontres ? En Suisse il y a anibis.

Nov 21, 2021 - context

I’m seriously into massive muscles. The only kind of guy I like are hulking pro bodybuilding men. With women I prefer huge bodybuilders, but also like average to fit. So I guess that makes me somewhat bi?

Ah well big muscles are sexy.

This exactly.

Nov 21, 2021 - context

I’m seriously into massive muscles. The only kind of guy I like are hulking pro bodybuilding men. With women I prefer huge bodybuilders, but also like average to fit. So I guess that makes me somewhat bi?

Ah well big muscles are sexy.

Nov 20, 2021 - context

Montréalais ici aussi

Il y a Lucie Bergeron dans le grand Montréal



Nov 19, 2021 - context

J'ai un paquet d'histoire du même tonneau ici:


N'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire !

Petitskinny, je vous encourage à continuer d'écrire. Ce fut un plaisir de vous lire en plus dans un français impeccable.

Nov 19, 2021 - context

Hallo zusammen, Grüsse aus NRW

Nov 19, 2021 - context

Hallo zusammen, Grüsse aus NRW

Nov 19, 2021 - context

Vero hahaha E' più naturale e i discorsi sembrano più reale nella madrelingua :D

Nov 19, 2021 - context

Petitskinny, je vous encourage à continuer d'écrire. Ce fut un plaisir de vous lire en plus dans un français impeccable.

Nov 19, 2021 - context

Ada gak nih temen" dari Indo?

Video sebagai pemanis wkwkwk

Nov 19, 2021 - context

Anyone here use Instagram to check out muscular babes?

Actually, I think I do quite a bit. I mix it up, but always end up back there eventually.

Nov 18, 2021 - context

Anyone here use Instagram to check out muscular babes?

This is a great resource on IG. This page shouts out a lot of the girl's profiles that you can follow.


Nov 18, 2021 - context

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai écrit ici les détails de ma rencontre avec Bunny Glamazon en 2004 à Paris, en espérant que ça vous plaise...

Ma session avec Bunny Glamazon

Très content de pouvoir échanger plus librement ici qu'avec le KGB de Saradas !

Nov 18, 2021 - context
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