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Dec 08, 2023 - context

Man do I agree! I love seeing those veins pumped with blood as they flex.


I’m a huge fan of the pump til failure then flex

Dec 08, 2023 - context

The roll is unbelievable. Such energy.

Dec 08, 2023 - context
Dec 08, 2023 - context

Sarah Hayes

Dec 08, 2023 - edited Dec 08, 2023 - context

Talk about overdeveloped... The control on her is wild.

Makayla has some of the best pecs I've ever seen. She can also do 60+ pushups.

Dec 08, 2023 - context

she looks like she’s enjoying this

Dec 08, 2023 - edited Dec 08, 2023 - context

So exactly how strong is Jackie?

Probably not as strong as you’d think. There’s been some speculation that she’s on the drug Synthol which bodybuilders use to quickly make their muscles appear enormous. It also can look cartoonish & unnatural. I think this is very likely in Jackie’s case cuz I came across some photos of her from a few years ago and she was way smaller than she is today. She seemed to gain 200+ pounds seemingly overnight. And the pictures I included were taken within just a couple years. You can actually see these pix on her Instagram if you wanna check them out.

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Lisa Bell

Dec 08, 2023 - context


Dec 08, 2023 - context

I don't know if I was the only one who noticed it. The girl's forearm muscles look very large and strong.

Dec 08, 2023 - context

I really think she 100% let him win. She knew those guys were going to harass him forever, and she saved him from total humiliation. How nice of her.

At minute 1:11 she brings his arm back to the center pretty easily threatens to lay it down, then take a look in his eyes as if saying "now" and just stop resisting.

At 1:05 you can see his left hand shaking with the effort, while she was tapping her feet. So emasculated

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Another new discovery for me

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Hei, veldig bra!

Alltid kul att diskutera med likasinnade! Hur länge har du varit ett fan av fbbs?

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Hei, veldig bra!

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Hej! Jag tänkte det vore kul med en tråd för skandinaver

Dec 08, 2023 - context

if you're into the femdom side of muscles :warrior women;amazons;valkyries;matriarchy;powerful women/helpless men;(amazonias,diana the valkyrie) ect... then my discord is: tigernightk

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Am I the only one that appreciates this look?

By "overdeveloped" I mean compared to the rest of their physique. So it's a relative thing.

I also realize that "less muscular" is a subjective quality. But maybe a few examples can make it clearer:

I think she's the best example:

I find it such a beautiful look.

Women with a physique like that are not easy to find, do you have any other examples that are dear to you?

Dec 08, 2023 - context

I greatly respect how hard these women work to build their BICEPS….. Truly appreciated…..💪🏻💪🏻

Dec 08, 2023 - context
Dec 08, 2023 - context
Dec 08, 2023 - context
Dec 08, 2023 - context

The second one is Katie Salerni.

Dec 08, 2023 - context

Did she let him win in the end?

This is one of my favorite mixed armwrestling this site because the guy looks clearly embarrassed in front of the crowd for not being able to overpower the girl. While the boy fights with everything using his full body to bring her hand down to the table, the girl is only using her arm's strenght, keeping her body relaxed and erect. Her face shows she is just controliling - I don't know how much she wanted be on offensive

This is not a match between a gym rat girl x an sedentary guy. He claims in his comments he lifts weights for almost one year and have well decent lifts (210 in bench press and 35 in dumbbell curls). He is heavier than her too (172 lbs x 160lbs). There are many aspects that woudl makes any one to think he would beat her with no problems

I really think she 100% let him win. She knew those guys were going to harass him forever, and she saved him from total humiliation. How nice of her.

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