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Real-Life Encounters

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Jul 05, 2023 - permalink

Then I complimented her on her amazing biceps vein. She was clearly into my open admiration.

Jul 05, 2023 - permalink
Deleted by jakesnake
Jul 05, 2023 - permalink

you know you can edit your comments right

Jul 05, 2023 - edited Jul 06, 2023 - permalink

Went to Chick-fil-A today and it was this CrossFit sized woman with huge legs, Military type tattoo woman. She was around 5’5 ordering with another female friend. This woman was gymnast type thickness with big legs and a t-shirt stretched. Huge forearms and shoulders. The t-shirt was short and showed the bottom midriff with clearly a six pack abs.

While waiting for our orders to go, it wasnt crowded, so I struck up a conversation. She said she did CrossFit and other lifting regularly. She joked she is stronger than she looks. She says she still owns her brothers and that if we were to armwrestle it wouldn’t be a contest. Her friend advised me not to test her and that she has witnessed insane power. Shared a story where her friend shoulder pressed a guy after a squat. (I believed it too, this woman looked like one that could kill someone. She then flexed and it popped to be 14 inches easy and HARD.

Jul 05, 2023 - permalink

Can we please stop with the bullshit…

I second that emotion. These tryouts to be a fiction writer are bombing!

Jul 05, 2023 - permalink

Shared a story where her friend shoulder pressed a full grown guy from a deadlift position. (I believed it too, this woman looked like one that could kill someone. She then flexed and it popped to be 14 inches easy and HARD.

What in the fuck does "shoulder pressed a full grown guy from a deadlift position" mean? That's not an actual term. Do you mean "ground to overhead"? Or did she snatch him?

Either way, I call BS. If you're going to write about a fictional encounter, at least act like you know how to lift and not make up terms.

Jul 07, 2023 - permalink

I was parking my car and parking next to me was a brand new Mustang with 2 young very fit and somewhat musccular ladies, maybe late 20's. So I said nice car and the driver said thanks as we were walking towards a Starbucks. We entered together and I asked how she liked the car etc and the other girl quipped I think he's flirting with you. So I answered by saying if I were flirting I would compliment her on her arms. So the driver immediately does a flex of this big round bicep and the other girl feels it and says, it's real hard, very hard. I knew she was screwing around with me so I said I bet it is. They then placed their order and sat way in the back probably not interested in furthering the muscle talk so I just waited for my order and left. But the bicep did look great and didn't really dent went she squeezed it.

Jul 07, 2023 - permalink

What in the fuck does "shoulder pressed a full grown guy from a deadlift position" mean? That's not an actual term. Do you mean "ground to overhead"? Or did she snatch him?

Either way, I call BS. If you're going to write about a fictional encounter, at least act like you know how to lift and not make up terms.

I think there used to be a site that allowed aspiring schmoe writers to share and test the quality of their work. Not sure if it exists anymore so maybe they are posting here as an outlet for their creative energies. Energies that totally suck as writers but energies nevertheless! Just wish they stopped calling them RL encounters.

Jul 07, 2023 - permalink

What in the fuck does "shoulder pressed a full grown guy from a deadlift position" mean? That's not an actual term. Do you mean "ground to overhead"? Or did she snatch him?

Either way, I call BS. If you're going to write about a fictional encounter, at least act like you know how to lift and not make up terms.

So this schmoe did a dirty edit where he took out “deadlift positon,” and now says she shoulder pressed him after a squat. So dude is now claiming something else entirely, and also shows that he still has no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to lifting (shoulder pressing from a squat is called a thruster.)

Come on dude, if you’re going to post made up BS, at least show that you know a little something about lifting. Maybe should actually go the gym and lift.

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

What's wrong with you Gatsby? English isn't his first language - so he chose the wrong term to describe what he heard and edited it, so what?

If you don't believe his story, don't comment and carry on, but I'd rather encourage people to share stories instead of berating them and calling them liars.

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

Funny enough I saw a remarkable muscular woman at Costco of all places. The closest comparison I can make is that she looked like Louise Rogers, she was wearing a matching crimson sports bra and leggings and she looked amazing. I followed her as much as I could, hoping I’d see her in the parking lot to give her a compliment, but didn’t see her.

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

A few days ago I saw a superbly fit woman at Trader Joe's, which is a go-to place for fit women to load up on their groceries. As with many women who put that much time into their physique (especially those over fifty, as she was), this woman was wearing a sleeveless workout top and skin-tight capri pants.

Though not tall, you could see her every muscle. She'd clearly been a serious bodybuilder for decades (think the quality of muscle you see in a woman like Shiela Bleck, where the definition and density are right out front, and every movement brings a delightful display of veins).

Sexiest of all was her incredible confidence. She knew that her body was something she and only she had worked for, and that she was hotter and sexier than anyone in that place. Yes, her hair was dyed and she had a lot of wrinkles on her face, but you could count her abs through her top.

Was I not happily married I would have definitely approached her. As it was I contented myself with creepily stalking her through the aisles and memorizing as much of that colossal body as I could. I did not take pictures because that's a line I won't cross, but man what a memory.

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

What's wrong with you Gatsby? English isn't his first language - so he chose the wrong term to describe what he heard and edited it, so what?

If you don't believe his story, don't comment and carry on, but I'd rather encourage people to share stories instead of berating them and calling them liars.

Didn't note anything about a language barrier in his post history. And there is a HUGE difference between a deadlift and a squat. You can usually tell if a post is inaccurate because of a language barrier or if it's BS, and with my experience as a CrossFitter and being around other CrossFitters, his post falls into the latter. And encounters on this thread should be REAL. There is a section for fictional stories.

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

A few days ago I saw a superbly fit woman at Trader Joe's, which is a go-to place for fit women to load up on their groceries. As with many women who put that much time into their physique (especially those over fifty, as she was), this woman was wearing a sleeveless workout top and skin-tight capri pants.

Though not tall, you could see her every muscle. She'd clearly been a serious bodybuilder for decades (think the quality of muscle you see in a woman like Shiela Bleck, where the definition and density are right out front, and every movement brings a delightful display of veins).

Sexiest of all was her incredible confidence. She knew that her body was something she and only she had worked for, and that she was hotter and sexier than anyone in that place. Yes, her hair was dyed and she had a lot of wrinkles on her face, but you could count her abs through her top.

Was I not happily married I would have definitely approached her. As it was I contented myself with creepily stalking her through the aisles and memorizing as much of that colossal body as I could. I did not take pictures because that's a line I won't cross, but man what a memory.

Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are both good spots to see some fit chicks, love it!

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are both good spots to see some fit chicks, love it!

Wish I could say the same about my local Whole Foods

Jul 08, 2023 - permalink

A few days ago I saw a superbly fit woman at Trader Joe's, which is a go-to place for fit women to load up on their groceries. As with many women who put that much time into their physique (especially those over fifty, as she was), this woman was wearing a sleeveless workout top and skin-tight capri pants.

Though not tall, you could see her every muscle. She'd clearly been a serious bodybuilder for decades (think the quality of muscle you see in a woman like Shiela Bleck, where the definition and density are right out front, and every movement brings a delightful display of veins).

Sexiest of all was her incredible confidence. She knew that her body was something she and only she had worked for, and that she was hotter and sexier than anyone in that place. Yes, her hair was dyed and she had a lot of wrinkles on her face, but you could count her abs through her top.

Was I not happily married I would have definitely approached her. As it was I contented myself with creepily stalking her through the aisles and memorizing as much of that colossal body as I could. I did not take pictures because that's a line I won't cross, but man what a memory.

A suggestion to help your “story”: you could write that when she caught you looking, she smiled, winked and blew you a kiss at you. You couldn’t help walking right up to her where she pulled off her top and started doing most musculars in front of you. Created a crowd around you but people didn’t think such a thing couldn’t occur in front of them considering you’re the spitting image of Tom Cruise.

Like another person has said, there a section for fictional stories but some post their stories here to get their jollies. Like heard others say unless there are photos, it didn’t happen.

Jul 09, 2023 - permalink

To be fair though, "saw a muscular woman in public; didn't talk to her" is one of the more believable kinds of stories in this thread...

The confidence part of that seems like an "eye of the beholder" sort of thing.

Jul 09, 2023 - permalink

a couple of weeks ago i talked to a girl at my gym--hadn't seen her before, complimented her legit calves/quads, got her IG and went about my business. I messaged her the other day and we got a little lift in thoday, chest/tris. she was wearing shorts (bless) and her calves and quads looked wild. she's a big girl, 21, probably 5'8? Her calves were definitely 17"+.

she's only in town for the summer, so i'll try and get a few more lifts in with her before she goes back home. had a great time, real nice woman.

Jul 09, 2023 - permalink

a couple of weeks ago i talked to a girl at my gym--hadn't seen her before, complimented her legit calves/quads, got her IG and went about my business. I messaged her the other day and we got a little lift in thoday, chest/tris. she was wearing shorts (bless) and her calves and quads looked wild. she's a big girl, 21, probably 5'8? Her calves were definitely 17"+.

she's only in town for the summer, so i'll try and get a few more lifts in with her before she goes back home. had a great time, real nice woman.

She must really like you. Women hate doing chest and triceps. ;)

Set up another lift date for legs to return the favor and towards the end ask her out to dinner.

Jul 09, 2023 - permalink

saw a girl with an immense lower body two days ago. tamara dawn level glutes, maybe not that noticeable quads though. short stature, probably 5'3 tops, small waist, slight v-taper.

and yeah i didn't talk to her. caught me kinda off guard and soon she was in another store. barely registered what had happened, didn't even have time to think about starting to build courage to compliment her.

Jul 09, 2023 - permalink

To be fair though, "saw a muscular woman in public; didn't talk to her" is one of the more believable kinds of stories in this thread...

The confidence part of that seems like an "eye of the beholder" sort of thing.

Not really asking for snide literary criticism here, and as far as photos ho I don't really care if you believe me or not. It's guys like you who make this place feel like a music store where anything you post is derided for the sake of being "cool." Also taking photos without permission for the purpose of future masturbation is creeeeepy.

Jul 09, 2023 - permalink

She must really like you. Women hate doing chest and triceps. ;)

Set up another lift date for legs to return the favor and towards the end ask her out to dinner.

Well prob meet up a few times but she’s way to young for me for dating. After watching my parents marriage blow up I am incredible averse to this big of an age gap, even if it was something super casual :/ for hangs tho, ez deal

Jul 10, 2023 - permalink

Saw a few in London in the span of a month. Summer time, right? No interaction with any of them. Just caught my eye.

1. Sunny and warm morning. Spotted her at GAIL's outside Paddington (Little Venice exit) having coffee(?) with someone at around 10:15 AM one day. Looked big. Maybe crossfit? Sweaty biceps and traps caught my eye.

2. Another sunny and warm morning. Around 9:45 AM. Spotted a different lady on Sutherland Avenue carrying groceries(?). Saw the bicep on one arm and a section of her core. Could see abs. Looked to be a bodybuilder. She might have been monikija (Instagram).

3. Cloudy morning. 10:45 AM. Went to a flat viewing in Hampstead and the girl living there had big biceps and calves. Upperbody looked built but not like a bodybuilder. Looked like she just lifts to be fit. She was wearing a tight black t-shirt. There were heavy looking dumbells and a big green kettlebell under a table in her flat.

Jul 10, 2023 - permalink

Saw a few in London in the span of a month. Summer time, right? No interaction with any of them. Just caught my eye.

1. Sunny and warm morning. Spotted her at GAIL's outside Paddington (Little Venice exit) having coffee(?) with someone at around 10:15 AM one day. Looked big. Maybe crossfit? Sweaty biceps and traps caught my eye.

2. Another sunny and warm morning. Around 9:45 AM. Spotted a different lady on Sutherland Avenue carrying groceries(?). Saw the bicep on one arm and a section of her core. Could see abs. Looked to be a bodybuilder. She might have been monikija (Instagram).

3. Cloudy morning. 10:45 AM. Went to a flat viewing in Hampstead and the girl living there had big biceps and calves. Upperbody looked built but not like a bodybuilder. Looked like she just lifts to be fit. She was wearing a tight black t-shirt. There were heavy looking dumbells and a big green kettlebell under a table in her flat.

Tis' the season as you hinted at, best time to catch some sightings in London, I think I need to look around more attentively myself !

Just realised that many of the confidential IG influencers/competitors who used to stick around in my gym have seemingly walked their way to other venues, probably. Not that the number of tripods and upright phones have fallen though.

But, yeah, I remember crossing paths with some built physiques even in a hispter-ish area like Shoreditch.

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