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Real-Life Encounters

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Dec 11, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by Oki
Dec 11, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by Oki
Dec 12, 2022 - edited Dec 12, 2022 - permalink

I hooked up with a Guyanese girl via Tinder while I was living in London. She was tiny but absolutely ripped. I asked her how she got so fit and her answer was that she went on the eliptical every day and ate crossaints for breakfast. Probably genetics then. Eight pack, hard veiny arms, delightful bubble butt. When we did doggy style I still vivdly remember all the rippling creases of her back muscles as she stretched out her arms. Had a real problem lasting longer hahaha. A happy memory for me.

Dec 13, 2022 - permalink

I haven't had any. I have hit on a few muscle pritty kitties but, none of it amounted to anything.

Dec 19, 2022 - permalink

Dated a few since I moved to the DMV

Dec 28, 2022 - permalink

Got to meet Chelsea Dion at my gym a few days ago, Fantastic Physique, very tall, the craziest arms I’ve ever seen in person on a woman, face was even prettier than expected too. She and her bodybuilder boyfriend were very nice to talk to. Said they are going for top 3 at the Olympia next year. Also it was real funny to see them walk around the gym filled with normie gym goers haha. Was such a treat cause Chelsea is actually my favorite fbb competing today.

Dec 28, 2022 - permalink


Dec 28, 2022 - permalink

I think on her current trajectory she has a great shot at the top 5 next year for sure, too 3 definitely in reach.

Jan 02, 2023 - permalink

So still trying to shake this one off…there is a decent amount of fit girls in my apartment complex. I think it has to do with it being a higher income neighborhood. Anyways, I was walking my dog at the park near my apartments when I noticed a girl with an incredibly dense upper body walking her dog too. Immediately, I pick up the pace to try to catch up to them with my dog. I have to admit trying to catch up to her was the most exhilarating experience in a long time. She had such a broad back and her arms were so ripped. As I got closer, I began to realize that I have seen her puppy and her on a daily basis. Normally, I take my dog out in the morning for a small walk and as I head back I bump into them. She has always been friendly and smiles to us as I pass by and smile back. What has got me so shook is the fact that my muscle radar has never gone off because every time I have seen them, she has worn an oversized athletic sweater. This time I was determined to start a conversation so I caught up to her and asked her about her puppy. She politely smiled and responded to my small talk. I was definitely nervous since I was up close to her athletic body. While she was talking, I couldn’t but notice her six pack. I tried to keep the conversation quick since her dog was not reacting too well to my own. So I politely excused myself and continued walking my dog while she walked towards her apartment building. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I am definitely looking forward to taking my dog out in the morning from now on.

Jan 02, 2023 - permalink

So still trying to shake this one off…there is a decent amount of fit girls in my apartment complex. I think it has to do with it being a higher income neighborhood. Anyways, I was walking my dog at the park near my apartments when I noticed a girl with an incredibly dense upper body walking her dog too. Immediately, I pick up the pace to try to catch up to them with my dog. I have to admit trying to catch up to her was the most exhilarating experience in a long time. She had such a broad back and her arms were so ripped. As I got closer, I began to realize that I have seen her puppy and her on a daily basis. Normally, I take my dog out in the morning for a small walk and as I head back I bump into them. She has always been friendly and smiles to us as I pass by and smile back. What has got me so shook is the fact that my muscle radar has never gone off because every time I have seen them, she has worn an oversized athletic sweater. This time I was determined to start a conversation so I caught up to her and asked her about her puppy. She politely smiled and responded to my small talk. I was definitely nervous since I was up close to her athletic body. While she was talking, I couldn’t but notice her six pack. I tried to keep the conversation quick since her dog was not reacting too well to my own. So I politely excused myself and continued walking my dog while she walked towards her apartment building. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I am definitely looking forward to taking my dog out in the morning from now on.

Get a name next time!

Jan 02, 2023 - permalink

I cant count how many times i tried to talk to people. and their dog started barking at me.

Jan 02, 2023 - permalink

I’ve been lucky enough to have a couple. I ran into a woman that is now blacklisted on the site so I won’t mention her name, but I saw her while entering my college gym. She had an incredible butt and I made small talk while walking to the gym floor but couldn’t muster any courage to take it farther than that.

I also had a Gold’s gym I would go to that was just absolutely filled to the brim with muscular milfs. It’s an affluent area that’s very superficial and these moms would come in, drop their kids off at the day care area and then start working out in their sports bras and yoga pants. Almost all of them had visible 6 packs and ripped veiny arms. Most of them came in with husbands either on gear themselves or on TRT.

I met Ashlee Frausto at the gym as well. Just the most incredible ass in person. We would flirt and text but she was always super shy and we never did go on a date. I did get a chance to feel her arms while she was flexing though and they were rock hard with a nice vein running right down the middle. I wish I had taken the opportunity to feels her abs while I was at it but that felt too bold.

I briefly dated a former D1 gymnast who had started getting into CrossFit. She had incredibly huge calves that made it hard to remove her pants. Her body was so tight and fit but I found her personality tether dry so it wasn’t didn’t last.

I also once saw Christina Thome at the gym. Holy shit was she huge, her ass stuck out so far behind her it was absurd. She was doing some back movements and her last would flare out.

Jan 09, 2023 - permalink

So still trying to shake this one off…there is a decent amount of fit girls in my apartment complex. I think it has to do with it being a higher income neighborhood. Anyways, I was walking my dog at the park near my apartments when I noticed a girl with an incredibly dense upper body walking her dog too. Immediately, I pick up the pace to try to catch up to them with my dog. I have to admit trying to catch up to her was the most exhilarating experience in a long time. She had such a broad back and her arms were so ripped. As I got closer, I began to realize that I have seen her puppy and her on a daily basis. Normally, I take my dog out in the morning for a small walk and as I head back I bump into them. She has always been friendly and smiles to us as I pass by and smile back. What has got me so shook is the fact that my muscle radar has never gone off because every time I have seen them, she has worn an oversized athletic sweater. This time I was determined to start a conversation so I caught up to her and asked her about her puppy. She politely smiled and responded to my small talk. I was definitely nervous since I was up close to her athletic body. While she was talking, I couldn’t but notice her six pack. I tried to keep the conversation quick since her dog was not reacting too well to my own. So I politely excused myself and continued walking my dog while she walked towards her apartment building. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I am definitely looking forward to taking my dog out in the morning from now on.

How she looks like? 😱

Feb 04, 2023 - permalink

> > Why didn’t you try talking to her?

Man, I was too shy because it was close to my workplace and no one knows I like muscular women. So I didn't had the courage.

Smh 😐

Apr 03, 2023 - permalink

This happened today at university. As I was walking, I noticed a girl who was wearing a top that exposed her back which allowed me to see that she had lats. She wore short pants which showed her quads and hamstrings. We were both walking into this university store, where I would later get a glimpse of her biceps flexig as she was holding on to something. They were the smallest of her muscles, but still bigger than the average guy's.

She wasn't big by the standards of this site, but her muscles were certainly bigger than the average person's.

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Sometimes those are the best encounters. :)

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Fun story. On the bus today and there was a girl in front of me that was almost a dead-ringer for Serena Abweh. Not as cut, maybe a little thicker, but otherwise perfect match. She was standing holding the handle and of course I was admiring her arms. Every time we hit a bump or made a turn, her biceps ERUPTED. They went from thick but fit to downright muscular.

Anyway, there's a guy in front of her holding a baby, also standing. He trips over someone's foot and it looks like he's going down, baby and all. But buff girl, easy as can be, reaches out one arm and catches him under the shoulder. Almost in a dip. Didn't even take her earbuds out, just nodded to him and went back to being hot.

Apr 04, 2023 - permalink

Great encounters Calex and bigGuns! Thank you for sharing!

Apr 05, 2023 - permalink

I remember when i went to the mall I went to sat down and out of nowhere and she got mad and started yelling because the girl had like this boy she was probably 17 and her veins and arms was bulging and she was wearing a tank top and she said what you looking at and look at my biceps and there was so huge

Apr 05, 2023 - permalink

I remember when i went to the mall I went to sat down and out of nowhere and she got mad and started yelling because the girl had like this boy she was probably 17 and her veins and arms was bulging and she was wearing a tank top and she said what you looking at and look at my biceps and there was so huge

"I remember when I went to the mall." "I went to sit down."

You went to sit down out of nowhere? Or she got mad and started yelling out of nowhere?

The girl had a boy. She was probably 17. Not the boy was 17 but the girl? Or do you mean body?

"Her veins and arms were bulging and she was wearing a tank top."

Then she said "what (are) you looking at" and "look at my biceps".

And there was so huge... what? Or "they were so huge."

At first I thought you were with a girl who started yelling out of nowhere because you saw a girl with a boy. But I think there was no boy and you were not with a girl but simply were alone and sat down while staring at a girl who got mad and showed you her biceps.

Apr 05, 2023 - permalink

"I remember when I went to the mall." "I went to sit down."

You went to sit down out of nowhere? Or she got mad and started yelling out of nowhere?

The girl had a boy. She was probably 17. Not the boy was 17 but the girl? Or do you mean body?

"Her veins and arms were bulging and she was wearing a tank top."

Then she said "what (are) you looking at" and "look at my biceps".

And there was so huge... what? Or "they were so huge."

At first I thought you were with a girl who started yelling out of nowhere because you saw a girl with a boy. But I think there was no boy and you were not with a girl but simply were alone and sat down while staring at a girl who got mad and showed you her biceps.


Apr 05, 2023 - permalink

So last week on my lunch break I had to go to the supermarket, was like 1 o’clock and I basically had to get in and out to get a couple things, as I’m walking through and looking down the isles, I briefly see a flash of a very tall woman with spandex workout shorts on and a leather jacket. I immediately go down the aisle look to the right and I don’t see her, I looked to the left and she is almost right in front of me, taller than I thought, like 6”1 or 6’2. I’m 510 so her butt was like literally at my stomach level. I hang back for a bit and I watched her open up the refrigerator case and bend down, glutes like bowling balls! I walked down the aisle to get what I needed to get, and there she was right in front of me. I couldn’t believe how facially gorgeous she was, she had a nice winter tan and streaked hair. I said to her it’s kind of cold for sure she must be freezing, and she said I just got back from the gym, and I’m very hot. I said well you must know what you’re doing you look incredible shape. She smiled and said thank you so I reached out my hand and introduced myself, she was likely taking her back but she took my hand and introduced herself.She told me she was a CrossFit competitor, anyway I was rushed for time and I didn’t think any type of sexual or romantic attraction was on the airport so I said nice talking to you and went on my way. She was freaking gorgeous. I have lots of stories like that. I always make sure I say hello and just be pleasant, most girls are receptive

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

So last week on my lunch break I had to go to the supermarket, was like 1 o’clock and I basically had to get in and out to get a couple things, as I’m walking through and looking down the isles, I briefly see a flash of a very tall woman with spandex workout shorts on and a leather jacket. I immediately go down the aisle look to the right and I don’t see her, I looked to the left and she is almost right in front of me, taller than I thought, like 6”1 or 6’2. I’m 510 so her butt was like literally at my stomach level. I hang back for a bit and I watched her open up the refrigerator case and bend down, glutes like bowling balls! I walked down the aisle to get what I needed to get, and there she was right in front of me. I couldn’t believe how facially gorgeous she was, she had a nice winter tan and streaked hair. I said to her it’s kind of cold for sure she must be freezing, and she said I just got back from the gym, and I’m very hot. I said well you must know what you’re doing you look incredible shape. She smiled and said thank you so I reached out my hand and introduced myself, she was likely taking her back but she took my hand and introduced herself.She told me she was a CrossFit competitor, anyway I was rushed for time and I didn’t think any type of sexual or romantic attraction was on the airport so I said nice talking to you and went on my way. She was freaking gorgeous. I have lots of stories like that. I always make sure I say hello and just be pleasant, most girls are receptive

It's always really great to hear the actual success stories people tell where they saw the girl and actually approached her or even better, establish a relationship with her. If you have any more like that please tell them because it can definitely give inspiration to the guys in here that freeze up or don't seize the opportunity to approach a muscular lady in public regardless of whether they'll get rejected or not.

Apr 06, 2023 - permalink

So last week on my lunch break I had to go to the supermarket, was like 1 o’clock and I basically had to get in and out to get a couple things, as I’m walking through and looking down the isles, I briefly see a flash of a very tall woman with spandex workout shorts on and a leather jacket. I immediately go down the aisle look to the right and I don’t see her, I looked to the left and she is almost right in front of me, taller than I thought, like 6”1 or 6’2. I’m 510 so her butt was like literally at my stomach level. I hang back for a bit and I watched her open up the refrigerator case and bend down, glutes like bowling balls! I walked down the aisle to get what I needed to get, and there she was right in front of me. I couldn’t believe how facially gorgeous she was, she had a nice winter tan and streaked hair. I said to her it’s kind of cold for sure she must be freezing, and she said I just got back from the gym, and I’m very hot. I said well you must know what you’re doing you look incredible shape. She smiled and said thank you so I reached out my hand and introduced myself, she was likely taking her back but she took my hand and introduced herself.She told me she was a CrossFit competitor, anyway I was rushed for time and I didn’t think any type of sexual or romantic attraction was on the airport so I said nice talking to you and went on my way. She was freaking gorgeous. I have lots of stories like that. I always make sure I say hello and just be pleasant, most girls are receptive

Sure 🤣

Apr 08, 2023 - permalink

True story. I have met lots of female bodybuilders over the years, some famous,Some not. But I have found as long as you’re friendly and confident you can talk to anybody. Most of them have been very nice

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