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Help me design a new tags system

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Oct 17, 2021 - permalink

My proposition is to add tag "flexible", and and remove "gymnast". Cuz every gymnast is flexible, but not every flexible is gymnast.

Oct 17, 2021 - permalink

Whatever solution gets implemented, it would be great to be able to filter through workouts. For example, if I want to see specific forearm workouts, the best I can do is choose "forearms" and "working out" and hope for the better. I think the best solution would be specifics sets/categories of tags that have influence on others (such as the "muscles on display" idea). Either this or let users add tags danbooru style (i would link what im referring to but i cant post links lol).

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

site needs a "natural chest" tag

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

Add tag “off-season”

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

LIMIT USER TO ADD ONLY ONE TAG PER PHOTO! That way, photos won't have 16 different tags, which makes the tagging system pointless.

From reading https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/... it is clear that there is a demand for more tags. However, I don't think that continuing to add new tags manually upon request is a great solution.

I'm more interested in creating some kind of free-form tagging system. However, it needs to be resistant to the case where a small number of users try to tag pictures with something that only they care about, essentially cluttering the system with tags that are useless for everyone else.

One solution that seems promising (which I think was mentioned in the other thread) would be that a tag only becomes visible to all users after X different users have tagged Y different images with it, insert some reasonable values for X and Y.

One solution I want to avoid is one where site staff need to manually curate tags and occasionally remove the most egregious ones. Not only does this create extra work for us, it also causes conflicts as it makes us the bad guys when we try to remove "your" tag.

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

LIMIT USER TO ADD ONLY ONE TAG PER PHOTO! That way, photos won't have 16 different tags, which makes the tagging system pointless.

The current limit for a single image is 5 tags, regardless of how many people try to tag it. The only way for it to have more tags (currently) is when two or more images are merged.

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

Hi, you could consider a tagging system similar to https://danbooru.donmai.us

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

I am not familiar with that site, could you explain how the tagging works?

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

It's an art repository. I haven't used it too much, but was very impressed with their tagging system when browsing. You can create any tag, and they have a search system that brings up tag suggestions as you type, which saves the trouble of showing all tags. Users can add these tags and there are some guidelines for when to use what tag.

Honestly the best way is to see for yourself. Head over to the 'Muscular_Female' tag- https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=muscula...

Open any image that catches your eye and the tags will be on the left side.

Nov 23, 2021 - permalink

Github page for danbooru software: https://github.com/danbooru/danbooru/ I successfully installed a version on my laptop (only localhost). You can specify tags for characters (in this case muscle girls) and for artists (in this photographs). There are other good features (like pools for similar themed images or the function of parent and child images for closely related images like

and https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/6811/). I think it's worth a try.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Hope it's not off topic, and being honest I've not been reading the whole posts, but it would be great if we could "fine tune" the suggested pictures and the hidden gems. Somehow like "teaching" the system when stop suggesting some pictures or more easily avoid showing again some girls. Nothing against anyone indeed, but some girls I'm not interested at all are regularly and constantly appearing on my suggested and hidden gems.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Can you start a new thread for that? I don't want to pollute this thread with that discussion.

Nov 30, 2021 - permalink

Muscle control tag

Dec 01, 2021 - permalink

A bit more specific tags for the athletes: CrossFit, sprinter, swimmer, etc.

Dec 01, 2021 - permalink

Can you start a new thread for that? I don't want to pollute this thread with that discussion.

Legit, all right

Dec 01, 2021 - permalink

add tag for "ripped" or "shredded"

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

site needs a "natural chest" tag


Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

hi mods, can we have some way of flagging or identiftying images that have been posted into forums , so they don't get double and treble posted into the forum ?

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

The more tags the better, in my opinion. I wouldn't mind seeing a "jeans" tag. I also like seeing women sitting across the dinner table. How 'bout a "dinner table" tag. lol. "belly button" would also be a good one.

Also: Maybe tags for specific gym lifts: "bench press" "squats" "bicep curls" I like bench press videos. Requires a lot of digging though. The more tags, the better.

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

I still say you should have an affordance that allows a user to create a tag with a type-ahead to make sure you don't have too many (#sleeve vs #sleeves). One word tags would be good. You could also leverage the database to have typeahead for the names as well.

Dec 06, 2021 - edited Dec 06, 2021 - permalink

If the rude comments I got from one of the powers that be over a couple of suggestions I made earlier this year are any indication, about 99% if the suggestions being made here will likely be summarily dismissed.

Dec 06, 2021 - permalink

about 99% if the suggestions being made here will likely be summarily dismissed.

Correct. Because most of the suggestions are just suggestions for tags and this is not the goal of this thread, but people keep continuing adding new ones...

First comment by Chainer:

From reading https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/... it is clear that there is a demand for more tags. However, I don't think that continuing to add new tags manually upon request is a great solution.

I'm more interested in creating some kind of free-form tagging system. However, it needs to be resistant to the case where a small number of users try to tag pictures with something that only they care about, essentially cluttering the system with tags that are useless for everyone else.

One solution that seems promising (which I think was mentioned in the other thread) would be that a tag only becomes visible to all users after X different users have tagged Y different images with it, insert some reasonable values for X and Y.

One solution I want to avoid is one where site staff need to manually curate tags and occasionally remove the most egregious ones. Not only does this create extra work for us, it also causes conflicts as it makes us the bad guys when we try to remove "your" tag.

Dec 06, 2021 - permalink

It has kind of gone like this:

Chainer: “Everyone, even though my new pizza making machine is quite popular, it’s clear there is a demand for new toppings. I’m open to suggestions on how to redesign the machine to allow for new toppings and flavor combinations.”

Chris: “Yes! Pineapple please!”

Dec 07, 2021 - permalink

Idk if this has been said already, but there should be an option for a custom tag that people can search for like when you search for comment text

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