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Real-Life Encounters

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Sep 21, 2021 - permalink

Well, not my first but ran into Isabelle Turell on a hotel van about 4 months ago. Van driver picks us up and says "Hey, I gotta swing past another terminal to pick up another passenger at Southwest". We (coworkers) didn't have a problem with it. When we pulled to the curb, I noticed all of this blondish hair flowing all over and a black tracksuit on a warm day. She had a mask on and I didn't really notice her until I saw a hand reach into the seat to pull herself in. She had talons for nails and the hands were kinda mannish.....big and veiny. When we piled out of the van, I realized it was her and took note of the track suit hiding an offseason butt and if you looked close, you could see some delts but overall, she was all covered up. In line next to us to check in, she clears her throat to make her voice not so deep and asked "when is the gym open until?" One item of note was how short she was. The photos and videos are very misleading.

I went and worked out right after getting in, but didn't see her.

Sep 22, 2021 - permalink

Many FBBs wear sweater or jacket during the competition even in summer.

Sep 22, 2021 - permalink

You guys tell some good stories. I have been working out since college and that was 3+ decades ago. I still go the gym 4-5 days/week. I almost never see women who look in shape, let alone look like bodybuilders in the gym. Its weird. And I live in a real big city. In all my years I can remember very few instances where I saw a woman who looked like a female bodybuilder. My ex wife could have been a female bodybuilder if she had wanted to. She could bench 155 for 3 reps. And she never took PED's. Just had good genetics. But she wasn't into the bodybuilding thing. Just liked to work out. My girlfriend is strong. Is an ex world class gymnast from the 80's. Just a great athlete. She likes to lift. But just to stay tone and in shape. Not overly serious about it either.

I am probably older then a lot of you who post on this site. So I remember what the bodybuilding women looked like from the 80's and 90's versus the modern era. Very different. Even on this site over the past 10 years, the women have so changed. Female bodybuilders used to be something else. Like goddesses. Not so much today. Just a lot of gals who look like they may go to the gym 2-3x's per week and do a few sets on some machines. Abs and asses seem to be the thing for the most part today. (At least based on the pictures posted on here) A lot of the women look like they don't ever eat. Not a lot of real buff looking women that really grab a guys attention. I am sure there are exceptions. But it doesn't seem like the women of today go for the real pumped up look.

Sep 22, 2021 - permalink

I met Gladys Portuguese in the late 80’s at an event at out local BJ’s. She was so sexy and sweet. I was in heaven in her presence. She hit a bicep pose I wanted to kiss it so bad.She even flirted a bit with all of us when she posed.

Sep 22, 2021 - permalink

That’s because there are a few really popular women on here that only take photos of their boobs and asses and post nearly identical photos 5x a week lol

Sep 22, 2021 - permalink

I used to work out a gym that had Dani Reardon, Kelly Diffendirfer and Nekole Hamrick. Dani and Nekole were always so nice and friendly to everybody. Kelly sorta walked around with her boyfriend like you were in their way. Never really talked much to them so I could be wrong....just an impression.

Sep 23, 2021 - permalink

@end85 she’s a legend. She’s also one of the women that someone not into muscular women can be attracted to. She doesn’t have super masculine feature and stuff so Muscle lovers and non muscle lovers can be all about her. I mean I woulda loved to see her with 40 more pounds of muscle but that was a different time.

Sep 23, 2021 - permalink

I've run into lots of muscular and strong girls over the years and I never miss an opportunity to ask for a flex or even armwrestle or other things, as long as it's not creepy or weird and we've established good rapport first. I got very good at it in fact. As long as you're not a freak and you act nonchalant about it, you'd be amazed what you can get.

Too many stories to tell them all, but as far as actual bodybuilders, the first one I ever saw in real life was the beautiful Finnish bodybuilder, Marjo Selin. I was 13 years old (this would've been 1986 maybe?) hanging out in an indoor mall the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington DC. I was on my way to meet up with my parents and I walked onto an elevator alone and there she was. She was wearing a very fashionable sort of business power dress but I recognized her immediately and her chisled quads and calves confirmed if there was any doubt. I was 13 and I had just discovered Womens Physique World and Strong and Shapely magazines. The Gen X guys here will remember what it was like when you had to go to the newsstand to get your fix before the Internet was a thing LOL.

Anyway, I was taken aback, just about had the wind knocked out of me so I didn't have the nerve to talk to her, what would I have said anyway? But it was awesome just the same.

Marjo Selin:

Ran into a few amateur female bodybuilders over the years here and there and got them to flex and chat with me, but that was the first. I had some sessions later on too, I definitely recommend that experience to any of you guys who haven't tried it yet. I met Karla Nelsen in her prime in a hotel room for a session and a 21 yr old powerlifter and high school wrestler named Megan McBride who was wonderful. She wasn't a bodybuilder type, but her strength was astonishing. I'm not a huge dude (5-8 165 lbs) but I'm in reasonable shape and she is tiny, like 5-2 and maybe 125 lbs, but holy crap boys she was kinda scary. No lie LOL.

Her head scissors genuinely frightened me. I'm not kidding. Remember, I've had Karla Nelsen head scissor me and a lot of other strong girls. But I think this little girl was the best of them all. It makes NO sense how she can squeeze that hard. Seemed to defy the laws of physics hahaha. I can't even describe it except to say I had to tap out because I legitimately thought I might get a concussion or something. It makes almost zero sense. To look at her, you'd notice she's athletic, but you would never guess in a million years than her head scissors felt like a hydraulic vise about to make your head pop like a balloon. She laughed at me and told me she was going to turn my head purple and she just about did.

She was really sweet and great fun. She couldn't beat me at armwrestling but gave me a hell of a fight and like I said her scissors and wrestling holds were crazy. I tried with all my strength to escape her scissors just to see and she practically laughed me off. It was ridiculous. I also brought some steel and iron bars with me from Home Depot for her to bend and she was great about it. Just adorable and man, she twisted one into a heart and another into an "M" for Megan and it was impressive and hot as hell. It was hard not to catch a bit of a crush on her. She's really sweet and funny and just charming.

Not a clock watcher at all either. She probably gave me 2 hours easy. I don't think she does sessions anymore, but she does have some videos out under her name or "Iron Baby" which was a nickname her high school wrestling coach gave her. Yeah she can wrestle for real. Wrestled boys in high school and won quite a bit evidently. Anyway... if that is a bucket list item for any of you guys like it was for me, please do it. You won't regret it. I plan on getting out there again when this COVID shit settles down hopefully. Just read the reviews and find a girl with a good personality and be cool and casual with them and you'll have a GREAT time. Pop a Xanax first if you're nervous. Hope you liked my stories guys. Megan McBride:

(this first link is actually a screen grab from a video I took during the session. She let me video it for an extra $100 with the agreement that I'd never sell it since she had a contract with a company for that stuff)

Here are some others of her from this site:

Sep 23, 2021 - permalink

@hedgeborn great stories. Living the life to satisfy the attraction. Awesome 👍🏻

Sep 24, 2021 - permalink

@hedgeborn great stories. Living the life to satisfy the attraction. Awesome 👍🏻

Thank you sir, glad you enjoyed them. I have plenty more. I really just want to see as many of us as possible get out there and have some fun. It helps to realize it's not a one-sided thing. Plenty of girls enjoy showing us what they can do. Megan was having fun with it for sure. I also hope guys know that paying for a session isn't the only way to enjoy these experiences. It's an uncomplicated, efficient and easy way for sure though.

Sep 27, 2021 - permalink

I have to say Karla is my all-time favorite, I wish I would’ve got to session with her. She had it all, The Voice, the height, the hair, and the big huge beautiful body! The scene in family Reunion two, where she wrapped little Billy around her like a stole,OMG!

Sep 27, 2021 - permalink

Second sighting in nine days!! This was in a second-hand store in Purcellville, Virginia. I looked up from whatever merchandise, dinner plates or something, I was holding and saw a stunning perfectly tanned brunette wearing work-out shorts and a tank-top — an outfit that was all about showing off her huge quads and amazing upper body development. My feet tingled, my stomach flipped, and my head got kinda dizzy. So I took a minute to, you know, catch my breath. I then walked to the other side of the store so I could casually approach her. “Excuse me,” I said. “Do you compete? You look incredible!” She replied — in a calm, feminine voice — that, no, she didn’t compete, that she was a firefighter into jiu jitsu, swimming, and, oh yeah, bodybuilding. I next asked her if she wanted to be on a website (thinking this website of course): she said she was flattered (and it seemed she really was), but no. I looked at all the muscles just cascading from down her shoulders and all over her spectacular arms and asked her to flex, and she showed me an awesome left rear bicep + tricep. Hip hip hooray!! I intended to ask her if I could photograph her when I saw her walking out of the store, but she was already in her car pulling away by the time a could casually walk through the parking lot. But she was STUNNING!

Dec 05, 2021 - edited Dec 05, 2021 - permalink

I was stationed at Ft. Knox from like 89-92. It was in the Army I got serious into lifting. I was about 19-20 at the time. We would go to the Gannon Field house to lift. I remember this woman that would go in there to lift. I believe she was a civilian that worked on post. The best way to describe her facially would be the St.Pauli girl but probably in her mid 30's. She had long hair and always wore her hair up like that. Blond hair, blue eyes and tan. I think she might have been German because she just had a different look and demeanor to her and there were lots of German dependents on post that married U.S. servicemen.

Anyhow, she was probably anywhere from 5'7" to 5'10". I would guess give or take a relatively solid 200 pounds. She was big boned but definitely carried very sizable muscle. She had THE broadest shoulders I have ever seen on a woman in real life. She had big arms, big legs and was very feminine. She wasn't cut but you could still discern the muscle on her (IE calves). She worked out in a lycra tank top and yoga pants that stopped at the knee so it was easy to tell how she was built. I remember one day in particular she was upstairs from where was I at using the shoulder press machine. A guy that worked there and obviously was acquainted with her yelled up to her jokingly and made a comment something in regards in how the machine did not have enough weight on there for her. She just laughed. When she left, I went up there to see what she was using. I can't remember what it was set on but I could not do one rep. I played football in HS and even though I am much stronger now than when I was then I wasn't exactly weak. This woman was strong AF, and looked it.

I saw her one time in the PX. She was wearing a skirt about mid-calf length, with black heels. She wasn't wearing any stockings and the combination of those tan legs, calves and added height etched a memory in my mind forever.

100% true story btw.

Dec 05, 2021 - permalink
Deleted by musclebox77
Mar 11, 2022 - permalink

Hope this is the right forum to post… otherwise move it. Thought about the fiction section but it’s not really fiction so here goes:

Back in 2002 I played in a band and we toured a lot. Different times.

One night we played this semi big university town and a girl whom I went to high school with came her friends. She is/was two years older and was somewhat of a mirage during high school. Super cute, curly hair and beautiful eyes. Out of my league in other words. That night, after the show we kissed though. It was amazing and I was a bit star struck. I drove through a blizzard to spend a weekend with her and we became a “couple”… whatever that means when you’re 20.

Ok, on to the muscle already

When we met she was leaning down for a body fitness show. I didn’t know about the whole diet thing back then. After a few months she moved in with me in my small apartment. I found a few syringes in our small bathroom but she was really open about it. It was necessary and I even helped her with it. She moved in with me and we lived together for about a year. It was a crazy time. We fought all the time. She increased her ped intake quite heavily. Trem, test and other shit that I don’t even want to know about. Broccoli and chicken breast without the skin every day. Her side of the bathroom was a pharmacy. We had a really good, fucked up time though. We ended it with “I don’t love you, you don’t love me” and moved on. Her body was a dream. Sex was great. Dm me for more nsfw info.

There was no physique division back then. Although that was probably her place. She leaned down and competed in a bodybuilding contest, placed 4th. She had an amazing physique but like I said it was nuts. She told me she had an eating disorder in high school and the diet/mood swings/ ped-outlashes made it impossible. She placed high in European Physique contests, got implants and did a lot of commercials after we split. She runs a CrossFit gym in the city now and i walk by it from time to time and say hello. She’s still in great shape. Still a low sexy voice. I like her better now than back then. We mostly talk about how I should quit my stupid yoga and come to her gym, what our kids are doing (hockey!) cars breaking down and shit like that whenever see each other now.

Ps After we split she had a real fucking melt down. She was suicidal and we talked almost every day. Scary shit! Pushing yourself to that point often comes with an extreme personality. Peace!

Mar 11, 2022 - permalink

Nice topic

Mar 11, 2022 - permalink

In mid 80’s I was like 24 years old and at her height of fame I met Gladys Portugues at a local home gym promotion. She was a real sweetheart. She posed her biceps and took photos with me. We spoke briefly she was gorgeous and very nice to everyone! ❤️

Mar 11, 2022 - permalink

She placed high in European Physique contests, got implants and did a lot of commercials after we split. She runs a CrossFit gym in the city now and i walk by it from time to time and say hello.

Great story and thank you for sharing! Seems most of us would think that you were "living the dream" with her, but I often think that to build crazy bodies like those we like to see might require a "special" character that's not always likeable.

Is she here on GWM? ;)

Mar 11, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by brasileiro25ano
Mar 11, 2022 - edited Mar 11, 2022 - permalink

about 4 years ago I started dating my ex, she was very skinny and did not like physical activity, in a few months dating she decided to start going to the gym with me but made it clear that she did not like it, she only started training hard when she realized that I love that body change, but I was very naughty and ended up cheating on her with a friend, it really messed with her psychology, she didn't like weight training but enrolled in an artistic gym, as she didn't work she spent the day there exercising (her parents supported her because she was 16 at the time) after a 11 months I found her in the supermarket, I only didn't faint because I was together with my current girlfriend who is also training hard, she was wearing a gray top and pink laycra shorts, a 6 pack abs with vascularization, shoulders the size of an apple and well marked, she was not super muscular but super defined, those legs all defined and vascularized looked like she was preparing for a competition, I had a very large erection, I think my current girlfriend noticed and I was very uncomfortable with it, the betrayal really moved her and the girl who did not like the gym became an athlete who was really dedicating herself entirely to getting a spectacular body

When she saw me she was tying her hair and flexing her biceps, she had gained a lot of volume and definition, I never imagined that she would get a body like that, some time later I talked to my ex brother-in-law who is already a long time friend of mine, he told me that she was obsessed and taking anabolics and diuretics but not to compete and yes because she wanted it, I believe that she wanted it to recover from the betrayal, but then after we left the supermarket she started to send me pictures showing off her muscles with captions like:

Look what you missed, look what you missed, look what you missed, until today I see the pictures and feel like shit because she had very good genetics. today she is not so muscular because her boyfriend does not like muscles, but mano I am sure that if she was with me she would have all the support to get even stronger. so today I am with my current girlfriend who became my wife and is dedicating herself to bodybuilding with me and taking care not to repeat the same mistake, you should never betray anyone because there are many emotional consequences, I shared this story with some people on the site and met several similar stories, this brought me some relief, if you want to know more or tell me your story call me privately

sorry for my English, my native language is Portuguese

Mar 16, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by opo
Mar 16, 2022 - permalink

Great story and thank you for sharing! Seems most of us would think that you were "living the dream" with her, but I often think that to build crazy bodies like those we like to see might require a "special" character that's not always likeable.

Is she here on GWM? ;)

Yep, but I don’t want to “out” her here. I’ll post a pic that’s not on here thought. It’s a promo from the bb show she did. Had to render it a bit to make it non googleable. I have some private photos as well in a box somewhere but I don’t think there’s any flexing in them.

Also realize I was wrong about her placing high in physique contests after that. It was figure.

Mar 16, 2022 - permalink

Thank you opo - she was in amazing shape in that pic!

Mar 18, 2022 - edited Mar 18, 2022 - permalink

Aside from sessions, the only IRL encounters were really mundane "I wish I approached her" moments.

  1. An older lady with very muscular arms. Clearly some sort of bodybuilder or ex-bodybuilder. Saw her while on vacation in New England ages ago by the beach. She looked 60+ years old. She was shopping in a beachside store with me. I was young and with my family so I would never have been able to break away and approach a stranger.

  2. Just a couple of years ago, I walked by 3 women in their 50s/60s or so. They walked out of a clothing store together, except one of them was really muscular. Very similar to the previous encounter. Although I was older at this point, I just decided to leave her be. She's having fun with her friends so I don't want to pry and interrupt her conversation she was having with her lady friends.

  3. A really famous female crossfitter lives in my town and I randomly run into her probably once a year. Went to pick up a Pizza and she was walking out of the same pizza shop. I held the door for her and that was about it. Another time I walked past a nail salon and saw her with a bunch of other big crossfit girls. I imagine they were having a spa day together. The most notable encounter was when I saw her at the mall once, we were checking out clothing in the same line, and the cashier lady said "Wooow look at you. You must workout!" and she just said "Haha, yea, ya got me." and that's about it.

Mar 19, 2022 - permalink
Deleted by HereForTheGuns
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