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Real-Life Encounters

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Aug 19, 2021 - permalink

I might meet Paige Sandgren soon. Angie Yeo is also a potential in the next few months, as is Brooke Walker.

Aug 19, 2021 - permalink

I might meet Paige Sandgren soon. Angie Yeo is also a potential in the next few months, as is Brooke Walker.

That's cheating, lol. Sounds like these are planned rather than "chance" encounters.

Aug 19, 2021 - permalink

There's a higher chance to meet a FBB at the Gold's Venice in Los Angeles. You can speak to the employee or people working out in that gym.

Aug 19, 2021 - permalink

That's cheating, lol. Sounds like these are planned rather than "chance" encounters.

I haven’t planned it yet so it’s still chance as in chance it doesn’t happen lmao

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

Just saw physique competitor at a concert, happened a few times actually, I think the most surprising thing is always how wide thier backs are, and how round their houlders are, and how big her calves were.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

for the first time in 15 years here I saw a jacked woman at the beach--kind of a crossfit build but I just happened to be looking up from my phone as i walked past her and she had pretty brawny arms and noticeable delts and calves. unfortunately she was walking with a guy ugh

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

I had 2 dates with Renee Marven. She was downsizing at the time though.

I saw many bodybuilding girls in Las Vegas, if you're lucky and visit there in the summer you may be lucky, and odds are even higher during Olympia weekend.

I see every few months a bb level woman in Venice beach broadwalk.

If you wanna see them you must go to touristic places.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

I always thought Laura Bass was one of the most beautiful FBBs ever. Never saw her in person, just from photos. But she was awesome. You were a lucky person, Scythian. Thanks for sharing that. Take care.


She was beautiful woman period, absolutely gorgeous. Shame that she passed early, but I hear y’a. Cheers boys.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

One could only be so lucky. Keep us updated. All three are awesome

I might meet Paige Sandgren soon. Angie Yeo is also a potential in the next few months, as is Brooke Walker.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

Just saw physique competitor at a concert, happened a few times actually, I think the most surprising thing is always how wide thier backs are, and how round their houlders are, and how big her calves were.

Was it at Douglas Park in Chicago? Cuz I follow Alexis Sullivan on Instagram since she’s from NJ And saw she was just there.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

Yeah it was

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

One could only be so lucky. Keep us updated. All three are awesome

I might meet Paige Sandgren soon. Angie Yeo is also a potential in the next few months, as is Brooke Walker.

Paige is now in doubt lol she goes through some pretty heavy emotional swings and I haven’t heard from her in a week. Angie is traveling in 3 weeks tho

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

She seems like a friggin’ awesome girl. I don’t know her, but so far as I can tell, her ex got her into lifting, which turned into a passion and art for her. At some point, he broke her heart and that tore her up. It’s been a long road back. But again, she seems f’in awesome.

Paige is now in doubt lol she goes through some pretty heavy emotional swings and I haven’t heard from her in a week. Angie is traveling in 3 weeks tho

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

She very recently broke up with someone and he had come back in the midst of our talks to meet up. Prob the same thing (among other private stuff she hasn’t shared). She seems great though, I agree.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

Some friends took me out to lunch at the beautiful Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, WV yesterday, and as we were being seated at a table, in from the patio walked a pair of attractive blondes — but wait! — one of them was a total bodybuilder — showing off awesome quads in a short skirt and breathtaking bulging biceps in a tank top. I mean her bis were popping out. The two headed over to the bar. But by the time I could casually excuse myself from my friends at the table (“umm, need to go to the bathroom”) and head over to the bar, the bodybuilder and her friend had left. Merde! Maybe someone else saw her there?? Sheperdstown WV Fine Dining Luxury Bavarian Inn https://www.bavarianinnwv.com/

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

A IFBB pro is a regular at my local gym, I see her every saturdays. She competes in fitness division and won some competitions.

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

I remember one time when I was around 18 or 19, I was standing in line at the supermarket and I noticed the woman in front of me who was probably mid to late 40s, had incredibly developed arms. She noticed me looking at them, and started slowly flexing, she put her hands over her head, Brushed her hair back,I was transfixed, she then looked me in the eyes, and began to slowly flex again, I’ll be honest I came in my pants! I have many more stories through the years

Sep 19, 2021 - permalink

I'm stating the obvious but the easiest way to meet them is to go to contests. Stay at the host hotel. If you want to show your appreciation that is the place to do it.

Sep 20, 2021 - permalink

Just don't be standing between the door and the nearest restaurant when the contest ends. You could get trampled by a stampede of famished women who haven't had a decent meal in the last few months. :/

Sep 20, 2021 - permalink

Yesterday at a gas station I was pumping next to a woman probably in her late 40s. It was Sunday about the time people would be getting out of church and she was in a very nice dress with heels and showing off LOTS. Arms and shoulders large and absolutely shredded with veins fully visible, calves bulging from the heels, the dress only coming to mid-thigh leaving incredibly defined quads in plain sight. Could even see the outline of her abs through the dress if you looked close enough. I didn't recognize her, but DAMN I'd be surprised if she wasn't someone notable.

Sep 21, 2021 - permalink

I had 2 dates with Renee Marven. She was downsizing at the time though.

I saw many bodybuilding girls in Las Vegas, if you're lucky and visit there in the summer you may be lucky, and odds are even higher during Olympia weekend.

I see every few months a bb level woman in Venice beach broadwalk.

If you wanna see them you must go to touristic places.

No way! THE Rene Marven??? This musclebound cutie???

Sep 21, 2021 - edited Sep 21, 2021 - permalink

I had the best air travel ever going home from Seville after visiting the Arnold classic Europe. I was going from Seville to Copenhagen but had transit in Munich and it seemed like everyone going from Seville had transit in Munich with a final destination somewhere in Europe.

Therefore a lot of competitors where with same fligt as me. Holy crap the Plane was pack with ripped muscle girls, not wearing very much because of the very warm weather. Imagine the waiting area before boarding. Never has there been so much to look at.

On the plane a girl with ripped biceps flexed just a few inches from my eyes when I was sitting down as she was going by while lifting her heavy bag. That is a flight I will never forget

Sep 21, 2021 - permalink

I had the best air travel ever going home from Seville after visiting the Arnold classic Europe. I was going from Seville to Copenhagen but had transit in Munich and it seemed like everyone going from Seville had transit in Munich with a final destination somewhere in Europe.

Therefore a lot of competitors where with same fligt as me. Holy crap the Plane was pack with ripped muscle girls, not wearing very much because of the very warm weather. Imagine the waiting area before boarding. Never has there been so much to look at.

On the plane a girl with ripped biceps flexed just a few inches from my eyes when I was sitting down and she was going by while lifting her heavy bag. That is a flight I will never forget

Wow, you were lucky! You should write about this flight telling all the details!

Sep 21, 2021 - permalink
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