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Galleries download

May 31, 2010 - permalink
Hello guys! somebody know how to download all galleries at once?
Jun 01, 2010 - permalink
This is not possible (on this site at least), and no, BitTorrent can't do that.
Jun 28, 2010 - permalink
It should be possible.
First of all, i've generated downlist.txt file using .bat file
@echo off
set A=0
set /a A=A+1
echo http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/imgpage.html?imgid=%A% >>downlist.txt
if a==61997 goto end
goto x
Change 61997 to max avaible value.

2)Then, i gave this .txt file to wget.
wget -i "downlist.txt" -q -b Until
images have been restricted to members only
wget downloaded html files, containing link to a picture.
But now every file contains only "You must be registered and logged in to access this page. Register Here"
I suppose, that i use more parametrs in wget, for example cookies, or POST-method, or smth else.

Please, help me solving this broblem  :'(

So, you shold get the folder, containing lots of html files.

3)You should copy from all html files the string,begining from img src="full and ending with " width to some .txt file.
For examle src="full/445284413.jpg" width
Some mounth ago i wrote the program, using c++, but now i've lost it. And i wouldn't write it, until the problem, written in number 2, will be solved. And... i have an idea, how to write program, that would copy links to the images with the correct tags. For example if you don't like ripped legs, this program will not copy link to a picture, if it contains tag "legs".

so, we have a txt file, containing lots of string like src="full/445284413.jpg" width
Then. We would'n write the program, or the script. We'll simple use Microsoft Word, or Notepad, or OpenOffice.org and its "find and replace" function.
So you should relpace src=" with http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/
and " width with nothing (leave field "replace with" blank)
After that, we shold see that our file containing links like http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/full/445284413.jpg
and 4)use wget again (see number 2) with file, generated in number 3.

but the way, i have a lots of pictures from the gallery, downloaded this way some month ago.
But now i wanted to download pictures with certain tags.
em...  Dear Chainer, maybe you'll add function "remember ip-addres", please :-[
Or you doesn't want anybody dumping galleries from your cite?
Jun 29, 2010 - permalink
You should investigate Firefox's Cookie Exporter add-on combined with wget's --load-cookies option, which should help you overcome the login problem.
Jun 29, 2010 - permalink
It works. Thanks.
I'll copy sorce of my program here as soon, as it will be finished.
BTW. Who is interested in this program and wants to help me writing it?
I want to make all-in-one program, so you don't need to create batch-file.
You will only need to select max value of link, tags you want to see, tags you don't want to see.
Maybe you'll be able to select either you want to save links in the text file, or you want to download images to specicify folder.
This program, of course, would work using wget. But as wget is open sorce, maybe somebody'll try to build w-get in this program?
Also, the last time, when i wrote a program on real c++ (with classes, pointers, and etc...) was 3 years ago, when i used to study this language. And i don't know Visual C++, so all my programs works in console.

Huh... By the way, are there any Russian here?

Hm... as far,as i remember, i have a textbook "Learning Visual C++" or smth like that... it's time to reed it... if i haven't lost it...
Find it. Visual C++ 6. Suppose, Visual Studio 6 will not work in Windows 7x64. Does i need a new book? ^_^
Jul 04, 2010 - permalink
Poor Alpha version (v0.000000001) is ready

Packed with http://fileimg.ru/en/fi.html
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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