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Rating Suggestion...

Oct 11, 2009 - permalink
Awesome job on the site - this is merely a minor suggestion for your consideration.

I noticed that the rating system goes from 0-10 when you vote (which is perfect) - but then the actual scores of the ladies max out at about 8.8 and that's only a couple pictures.  I believe this is the result of using an arithmetic average.  I think it would work better to convert it to a ranking scale or "percentile x 10" in other words so that we get a better distribution.  Then we'd see ladies getting 9.9's down to low scores instead of everything being stuck in the 5-8 range.  Just a thought.
Oct 13, 2009 - permalink
multiplying the scores by 10 would just mean they average 80 something to 50 something instead, it would look the same.  The reason they get averaged out to be about the same is because there are so many guys on here thaqt have different tastes, just look at some of the polls and comments on some of the pics and you will see what I mean.
Oct 13, 2009 - permalink
Perhaps in my attempt to be somewhat concise I didn't explain what I was saying clearly enough, because what you said did not accurately reflect my suggestion.  I have no desire for the scale to go up to 100 - that would serve no purpose.  What I was saying is more akin to curving a test or creating a distribution (and I'm guessing a roughly bell-shaped curve will naturally result).

So here goes a second shot at explaining:

I was saying that you take percentile and multiply that times 10 to get a score between 0 and 10.  Percentile is more like a ranking system, so the image with the highest "raw" score - the arithmetic average currently used - would be in the 99th percentile (turned into a value this would be 0.99) and thus earn a 9.9 score after being multiplied by ten, and so forth.  For example, being in the 97th percentile would mean that there are about 3% of images with higher scores, and 97% below; being in the 5th percentile would place 5% below and 95% above..  This would allow the scale to reach to 9.9, instead of "stalling" out at 8.8 or so due to the perpetual lack of absolute unanimity.  At the bottom it might be desirable to make an adjustment - so perhaps the "floor" can be set to avoid otherwise decent pictures from receiving a score of 1 or lower (as would be the case for the bottom 10 percentile).
Oct 13, 2009 - permalink
that would separate the ones at the top and the bottom but would lump average pics all together in the middle.  Doesn't matter to me since I do not rate them.
Oct 20, 2009 - permalink
This is an interesting idea, though I bet if I implemented it lots of people would start complaining about how the ratings don't make intuitive sense (unlike the current arithmetic mean system, which does make sense).

I'll think about it.
Thread locked by cgsweat.
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